
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
ONE MONTH. 20 1. 20. 60 The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN SATURDADY, July 5, 1930.
SUBMARINE NEGROES Unemployed in Great Panama Wesleyan Society It is a regrettable fact that slavery and the conditions Britain arising therefrom in this country have developed a certain type of Negro who lacks character and all of the The weekly programme of the fine qualities of manhood and womanhood. Honor and Fast Approaching Two ciety was convened in Geddes Panaama Wesleyan Sogroup loyalty are foreign to this type. Such Negroes will without any qualms of conscience stoop to the Million Mark Hall on Wednesday last with most despicable practices to curry favor with Negrothe Rev. Wright presiding phobic white folks or to earn an extra dime. These are as Chairman.
the Negroes who tattle everything they know to white LONDON, June 24. The meeting was almost in people, who clown and show their teeth when a white The number of persons unem formal, in view of the fact that man kicks them or buries his claws in their wool, who ployed in Great Britain showed it was scheduled to be a pledge jest about their women to white men, who boast about thousand yesterday, bringing the Society, who is not quite in faan increase of another hundred night. but the president of the autheir white folks and who take immense delight in actual total of persons out telling them that such and such a Negro is passing for of vor of the members making white (as if it were possible for a person with a white work up to 1, 885, 300.
pledges, omitted this feature of skin to pass for anything else. The Government Coal Mines the program, and substituted a So, although we are depressed, we are not at all surBill threatens to be indefinitely very interesting talk, explaining prised by the news from Washington, that a shuttlecocked between the House his experiences with regard to wumber of these submarine Negroes who (as a Negro of Lords and the House of Com his attitude in laying aside the wit once said) are so low they could walk under a rug mons in consequence of the adop; pledge.
with, a beaver hat on, are finding employment spot tion by the House of Lords of The Rev. emphasized the neting Negroes who pass for white for Nordic owners two motions which were opposed cessity for a grand rally of the of theaters, stores and hotels.
to the Government.
Paraiso and La Boca SoWe can hardly imagine a punishment The first motion which was cieties in the Panama Wesleyan enough for such people unless they could be sentenced carried by 208 votes to 13 deleted Church about the early part of to live the rest of their days in Honey Grove, or Sher. the clause which provided for a the coming year. new enrollman, Texas, where, perhaps, their Uncle Tom tactics levy for the purpose of subsiding ment of members is also among might be rewarded in a proper manner.
exports. The House of Lords had the scheme of improvement. Chicago Defender. previously deleted the clause but Hymns from the Sankey were the House of Commons had put used and the singing of the it back in the bill again. Mizpah brought the meeting to FOR THOSE WHO FAIL Secondly, by 162 votes to 16 a close.
the House of Lords subsituted a All honour to him who shall win the prize.
BRITISH CONSULATE clause for a 90 hour fortnight for The world has cried for a thousand years; NOTICE the mines instead of a forty five But to him who tries and who fails and dies, hour week, which proposal had give great honour and glory and tears.
The British Vice Consulat also been previously put in by the House but which had been Panama would like to know of O, great is the hero who wins a name, the whereabouts of SIMON subsequently rejected by the But greater many and many a time, EUSTACE MENDS of Jamaica, House of Commons.
Some pale faced fellow who dies in shame, who will learn something to his And lets GOD finish the thought sublime.
interest ASSOCIATION OF And great is the man with a sword undrawn, COMMERCE FIX DATE CHURCH SERVICES And good is the man who refrains from wine; FOR CLOSING But the man who fails and yet fights on, Wesleyan Methodist Lo, he is the twin born brother of mine!
The Association of Commerce Panama 11 a. and 30 of Panama has now definitely Rev. Wright.
JOAQUIN MILLER. fixed nine days of the year for Colon 11 and 30 Rev.
the closing of shops and other Cousins.
COD GJVE US, MEN business places in the terminal La Boca 11 Mr. Walters.
cities of Panama and Colon. 30 Mr. Moulton.
Following are the dates Jan New Providence 11 a. Mr.
God give us men. The time demands uary 1st, the first Tuesday of Peart.
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing Carnival, Good Friday, Colombus Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Theo hands; Day, Independence Day and De Fuller. 30 Mr. WalMen whom the lust of office does not kill; cember 25th. On the 1st of Octo ters.
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; ber every four years, the stores Men who possess opinions and a will; will close for the inauguration of the President of the Republic. The Greatest Thrill Men who have honour; men who will not lie; and on July 4th the stores will Men who can stand before a demagog in the World be given half holiday.
And dam his treacherous flatteries without winking; copy of the list containing Tall men, sun crowned, who live above the fog these dates will be sent to each In public duty and in private thinking!
merchant in Panama City with the recommendation made by HOLLAND. the Chamber of Commerce. There is hardly any who is not acquainted with this monster. Our society is full of them. Wherever one goes he comes into contact with him either in his own clotnes or in borrowed ones to make him look exactly the opposite of what he is; but he is present and busy in every place seeking to injure another by maliciously uttering false reports to defame and caluminate respectable persons. The perpetual desire of this beast in human form is to bring discredit upon others by slandtrous utterances, tales and reports, or all of them together, with malice and design to injure the reputation of another. In other words, the sole purpose of the slanderer is to detame. It is an effort to deprive one of something which he possesses, and of which he (the sianderer) is pauperized.
It has been our experience, and no doubt that of others that although the slanderer is not absolutely confined in the element of the gutter, the great majority of them are persons of ill repute. They suffer from loneliness, and so they try to defame and vilify others with the hope that they too will join the ranks of the unwashed, and take up their abode with them. And it must be observed that persons of ill repute cannot be affected by slander for the reason that what is said of them is generally true. Nothing lost to them, or damaged, by a statement of that of which they stand guilty, therefore, they are not slandered; but the honorable man, the chaste woman, the child of good conduct and behavior are those who become the victims of slaughter in the abattoir of jealousy, malice, and ill will. It is into these that the venom of a lying tongue is injected with intent to paralize and deaden them; to swerve them from their paths of rectitude and honor, and place them in the spit of social depravity wherein they (the slanderers) love to dwell, there to make a holocaust of them.
But the slandered, although driven to the disquietude of protecting his good name at times, seldom loses that which the slanderer seeks to deprive him of, for whereas one character and honor are of positive import, the desire to deprive one thereof is negative by their genuineness. Further, the desire to slander is always instigated by enmity due to malice. It is the offspring of iniquitous con ception shaped in malevolence. It is the rancourous disciple of mischief and spite. It is the evidence of hate intensified. It is the manifestation of a feeling of grudge and hostility. It is an urge motivated by evil intent to turn the mind and feeling away. It is continued aversion with the disposition to injure, which is lingering and enduring, through sometimes impotent. Slander is all this and more. it is an abomination and the enemy of love and friendship.
Now, since slander is what it is, and since the slanderer is the progenitor of a doctrine that is false in fact, the same must be treated as being merely injurious and not pernicious because while slander is very capable of doing harm, it is not destructive to anybody save the slanderer himself, who in addition, has his reward. In reference to him, holy writ has this to say. his tongue is a fire. world of iniquity. it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of Nature. Every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind; but the tongue can no mantame.
It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
If we might be pardoned, we want to say that the slanderer is another of our social enemies in this community. He is here and very active, both male and female. They scatter their seeds of envy, hatred, and malice far and wide, and they seek to destroy in others that which themselves should have but have not. They hunger and thirst after the destruction of other peoples integrity and honor; but these two are formidable possessions, and it will take something more substantial than slander to deprive one of these sterling qualities. And verily, the tongue of the slandered and maligner will son be converted into a rope which he will tie around his own neck, and the life shall be choked from his body. Then, a useless life shall be gone, and as the tongue was his only companion in life, so also shall his dead body find companionship with the rope that was plaitted by his own hands, and interred with his bones. 3: LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure happiness than making someone else happy.
Is there?
When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the Eentiment, affection and good There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no wefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart boat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks its quality every time it is soon.
that never wears out. that re tains its value. that arousas the admiration of all who see it?
Yor it fine jewelry Such me we will be glad to show you if you will pay us a visit soon.
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