
PAGE PIVA OGT 100 100 10000 1050 00 2002 700 (ΟΕΟΕ 1000 AT THE TO CECILIA THEATRE To morrow Sunday Monday Tuesday 10505 10 FOC ΟΟ JULY JULY JULY LU M X MO 0F0 OL 1005 Herbert 100 Brenon Production The 100 per cent Talking Talking Picture of all time You ll thrill to the touching drama of this simple hearted slavey who, friendless herself, befriended others;fand denied her child, became guardian angel to a motherless brood. Its pathos and laughter will live with you forever. ΟΞΟ 100 100 ΟΞΟΞΟΞΟΣ 10 OO INTERESTING JOTTUNGS Dr. Fairweather along (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
And at that spot there was no space, went somewhere the other day, For tongues that had no twirls.
It was a splendid place. 8)
The girls were all dressed up and had one disadvantage, ray, Because sat behind; In satin, silk, and lace.
They placed me there in bondage. 8)
Of crude and cruel kind.
It was a mosaic function. 9)
Sponsored by monale men; But had one advantage, Full to the brim with unction, Which compensated me; And verllo acumen.
It multiplied my courage, As much as it should be.
The stage was set and seated. 10)
With chairs of ancient kind; These fat and lusty women, And things became quite hested, In front and from behind.
Quite captivated me. 6)
They made me say my Amen, One of these chairs was taken Each time they sang in By a venerable man. 11)
Who never was mistaken; But all the time thirsted, Whene er he read the plan.
Just for a face to see. 5)
They had my side all twisted, In the next, sat creature, With grave anxiety.
Of of wide fraternal fame. 12)
Who was the evening feature, Brim full of comely graces, With words and subject game, They all had seemed to me. 6)
But couldn see their faces, And there was yet another chair, In spite of all my plen.
All screwed down to the floor; On which one set up like a deer. 18)
Possessed of thoughts galore, Yet, didn get disgusted. 1) felt that they were kind; There was an organ in the place, So made myself contented, Surrounded by some girls; With what saw behind. HARDWARE :away to the rapid growth of New he has been making a study of the there is nothing to stop the gradual Mortgage money, said Mr. GothYork. Mr. Gothard told a reporteer trend of the business development of passing of Harlem from a great ard, is becoming more and more diffor The Courler in an interview that Harlem for many year, and said that residential center to one of the comficult to obtain and gradually most mercical centers of New York. Mr.
Gothard believes that New York will small equities will mo wiped out by require all of the space possible to foreclosures, if the property cannot meet its great expansion program.
be secured in any other way.
This program of expansion will Mr. Gothard prophecy will be eventually doom Harlem, in the opi watched with great deal of interPHYSICIAN nion of this young real estate man.
est by sociologists and other inter Race prejudice is not the basie HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO cause underlying this change, said ested in the social progress of the No. K STREET Mr. Gothard, but the direct cause is Negro in America. Harlem in the last economic. Land values eventually quarter of a century has become one PANAMA CITY effect the character of the neighbor of the most remarkable Negro com00000000000000000000 hood, and we are effected by a grad munities in the world. It was a popual increase in land values in New ulation of over 250, 000 Negroes, who 0001 OP0 1001 York City, whether we realize it or are making vast progress not.
business, professional and religious FOR THE BEST IN Continuing, Mr. Gothard pointed lines.
out that as the result of Harlem being one of the most important outleta and highways of the city mhich requires excessive traffic, it does not TONGUE take much to see he thinks that HarTWISTER lem will not exist long purely as a residential center. New bridges, subVISIT THE ways, tunnels, said Gothard, add duel was fought by Alex millions to the value of land. This is Shott and John Nott. Nott was colored Harlem fortune or misfor. shot and Shott was not. In this tune, according to the point of view. case tis better to be Shott than The land is becoming too valua Nott. There was a rumour that ble for the type of building now situ case it is better to be Shott than ated thereon. Apartment houses will avows that he shot Nott, which gradually make way for immense of proves either that the shot Shott a fine Selection of fice buildings and hotels. In other shot at Nott was not shot, or words, our group status is too low that Nott was shot, notwithto support the land, and it would not standing. Circumstantial evid.
matter what our color happened to ence is not always reliable. It be, the final result would be the may be made to appear on trial ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN same.
that the Shott shot shot Nott, or, as accidents with fire. The immediate of this PAINTS ENAMELS change, said Mr. Gothard, is the sible that the shot Shott shot arms are frequent, it may be poscompletion of the Tri Borough bridge shot himself, when the whole afGive us a call before purchasing connecting Harlem and Qutens at fair would resolve itself into its elsewhere 125th street, and the Hudson River original elements, and Shott Bridge at 18thereth Plots are al would be shot and Nott would be ready being assembled here and not. We think, however, that the PANAMA HARDWARE there by operators, in anticipation of shot Shott ghot shot not Shott, the rise in value wwhich always fol but Nott. Anyway, it is hard to CATHEDRAL PLAZA low the completion of subways, brid tell was shot. Montreal ges, and tunnels.
OPOE 2000 ODOC of every description Panama Hardware ARTIZAN TOOLS cause HARLEM WILL BE BUT MEMORY NEXT 15 YEARS Says Young Real Estate Dealer In Interview with Newspaper Reporters NEW YORK, June 12. Ac will be but a memory. He sees as the cording to the prophecy of Ralph result of the increasing value of land, Gothard, a young real estate man, and the economic pressure, Negroes in the next fifteen years Harlem, the of Harlem being forced to move Jergeet Negro community in the world way to the suburban centers, to give who 9201


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