
White Actress Doesn Mind Kissing Robeson Art Knows no Nation, Says Peggy Ashcroft Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good couple. Mrs. Robeson (or Essie. United States Judge Ivan Browning Tells of Struggles of Paul Robeson in Othello WE BUY ANY For Seventy Five cents each if you Othello.
a deaf ear to the harshest criti which has made him enormously is Paul Robeson. Negro. and Maurice Browne, producer, as cism possible and gave Robeson wealthy.
already hundreds of copies are fine an Englishman as you would his big chance, a thing no other had the pleasure of talking being sold all over Europe and want to meet, deserves much producer in England or America with Mr. Browne and never have will be a great seller in America credit in making it possible for would do. In Maurice Browne been more impressed with a shortly.
Robeson to achieve his ambition case, it certainly wasn a matter man whose very countenance, Not since the appearance of Mr. Browne has done something of money, for it so happens that immediately you look at him, the late and beloved Florence which all righthinking Negroes he is the producer of the ever shows that he is simply differ Mills have rea dsuch marvelous will highly appreciate. He turned popular play, Journey End. ent. In talking with him, found comments about any American LONDON, Eng, June 12. it is positively absurd that they out that race prejudice and color person, and it is most gratifying see no difference in being kissed should even come into considerameans absolutely nothing to Mills have read such marvelous by Paul Robeson and being kiss. tion where acting is concerned, him. He was broad minded things and even more, are being FOR ed by any other man. This state said Miss Ashcroft.
enough in every way to give published in most of the London ment, direct from the lips of pret Then she was asked if love Paul a chance, so he did it. dailies about Paul Robeson the ty Peggy Ashcroft, talented and scenes should be permitted on will not at this time attempt great acttor, singer and gentle brilliant actress, who plays op the stage between players of two man and about Mrs. Eslanda to comment at length on Mrs.
posite Paul Robeson in Maurice different races?
and All America Eslanda Goode Robeson, as they Goode Robeson.
Browne Othello. now playing Ever so many people have often say over here, the fright should be jolly well proud of at the Savoy Theater here, has asked me whether mind being fully charming and loving wife them, for they easily represent Bet at rest, once and for all time kissed in some of the scenes by of the great Paul. However, the finest type of Americans, rethe attitude of that little stage a colored man, and it seems so see having known them for many gardless of race, or color.
celebrity silly, she continued.
years, can appreciate everyMiss Ashcroft was interview Of course do not mind. see unusual REID thing about his most ed recently by a reporter of the no difference in being kissed by London Daily Sketch. She has Paul Robeson and being kissed as love to call her) is and has leaped to fame by her wondreful by any other man. It is just ne: always been unusually clever performance as Desdemona, a look on it as a real privilege No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. Continued from page 3)
and am sure we are all in for role in which she is one of the cessary to the play. Merciful Thing principals in one of the most im to act with a great artist like Panama, a rare treat when we read her recently published book about The Daily Mail commenting passioned love scenes in the his Paul Robeson. have known both her talented husband. The title editorially on the matter says: tory of the spoken drama. him and his wife for some time The remarkable evidence given Racial prejudices are foolish and like and admire them im at the bst of times, but think mensely.
FESTSTELLILLLLL yesterday before the Special Committee on Capital Punishment by Judge Kavanagh of Chicago should put the stopper on those misguided sentimentalists here who are trying to abolish the death penalty and thus to able our criminals to murder with safety to their own skins.
If has been alleged that capital punishment does not act as Famous Tenor With Four Harmony OLD OR BROKEN IRONS a deterrent. This connection is most effectively answered by Kings Gives Inside Story On Star Judge Kavanagh statement Struggle To Succeed yesterday. Every time the death sentence is not carried By IVAN BROWNING out, the murder rate goes up; LONDON, England, June 12. race artist at this time has done.
buy a New THERMAX Iron from us.
and every time there is an execution the murder rate. There are hundreds of Ameri of the many press clippings, goes down, he said, speaking from cans, and perhaps thousands, perhaps Hannen Swaffer of the his own large experience. In both white and colored, who are London Daily Express has coverfact, one reason why Chicago is waiting the news from England ed everything in his personal about the appearance in Othello aviewpoint about Robeson playso preeminently a city of brutal murder is that the death penalty of the popular actor, singer and ing the part of the Moor in Othel there is gentleman, Paul Robeson. How lo. After all the passionate love OF THERMAX IRONS 75 practically abolished.
ever, shan attempt to write scenes and kissing scenes, The murderer can snap his fing bein detail about his marvellous tween Othello and pretty Desdeers at justice.
debut which took place a few mona, Swaffer says It is exactThat the death penalty is realnights ago at the beautiful Sa ly as the part calls for, and ly a merciful thing is another imvoy Theater. On the other hand, that that.
portant point which Judge Kav.
it is far more interesting to read Other than white man anagh made. It is merciful bein the English papers about this propaganda and prejudice, a cocause it protects the lives of in most unusual American Negro. lored person kissing a white perPrice Only nocent men and women. And if F! there is anything in the contenEvery paper, with perhaps one son really desn amount tions of those who would abolish or two exceptions, have spoken anything. As Miss Peggy Ashcapital punishment, it is merciful in glorious terms and carried croft, the pretty and brilliant even to the criminal. For the opfine pictures of Robeson. To me, young actress who plays the role ponents of the death penalty as have often said, Robeson is of Desdemona, says it seems Broken Iron. any sort of contend that imprisonment for indeed a wonder of the age, and so silly for so much fuss to be long terms or for life is really a as Maurice and sat Sunday made or for people to even ask me if mind being kissed by a Iron Accepted)
evening looking and listening to much more terrible penalty and one more dreaded by the murthe finest private dress rehear colored man.
derer than death upon the scafsal we have ever seen, knew Since she has given out her fold.
Paul would be a tremendous suc statement about race prejudice Those who have cess. In fact, am not at all surº and her playing opposite Robeany deep This sale. Positively ends July 1st or knowledge of the criminal mind prised at the remarkable ovation son, m sure she won be anhe is receiving everywhere. He noyed any longer with a lot of Before if all our irons are sold out.
are agreed that this assertion is pure nonsense. The wrong doer deserves it. He is truly capable, silly, dumb questions. know of intelligent, and wonderfully sincases in America and Europe in actual life does not gretly cere.
11 where white men kiss colored Aread imprisonment; as with it he women with all the feeling imhas always a chance of escape or FACED HARD PROBLEMS aginable and love it. The same paidon or a reduction of senRobeson has been up against thing is hapening all the time You can iron electrically in comfort for only tence.
many difficult propositions dur where white women and colored ing his lifetime, but of them all, ten cents for four hours if you use the men are concerned, but Robe.
just the thought of his playing son case in Othello is merely the role of Othello was one a part, necessarily in order to Small which gave him much concern. make the part artistic and real It was one of his gravest prob Personally, Paul doesn fancy lems. With race prejudice shap kissing any MASONIC TEMPLE woman other than ened to razor edged keenness at Essie. his wife, whom he Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm the very thought of him playing adores, and am sure that par. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment opposite a white actress in a ticular part of the play doesn Masonic Temple lith St, play which called for such pas in the least excite him nor give sionate love making and unre him a thrill. Perhaps, if these 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL tengo PHONE: 1664 OFFICE strained kissing, his knowledge facts were known to all Ofays. El of the situation made his deci they might not be so excited sion doubly hard. However, with over his love and kissing scenes Mrs. Paul Robeson to depend with Ashcroft. However, RobeFOR BEST CLOTHING on, giving him real encourageson is certainly covering himself ment, Paul tackled this job as with glory and he has now prache never done before, and to tically reached the height of his AT YOUR SERVICE AND such an extent that he has suc ambition, which in the beginning ceeded in a way which no other was to appear in Shakespeare INTERWOVEN HOSE Regular Price SPECIAL SALE a to 300 CASH and Your Old or AGT NOW. RESIDENCE COMBINATION RATE IDENTIT FOR LIGHTING IRONING EM CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama Colon

    Death SentenceEngland

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