
FILTRAR PARALLELLISESTA Barbados TODO BRITISH GUIANA Legislature Adopts Resolution Co op, rativé Association Pressing for Financial Help to Relieve Sugar Crisis GOOD JOB PRINTING GODIO ODOC AHOGA ATATGEHT 10 TON YACSOTAZYASV3 (OHC1809 plays a very important part in the success of your business (Continued from Page 2)
guarantees its quality. have an aversión to putting shackles cn trade, but it may be neces sary in the public interest to in troduce legislation for compelling all shipments of fruits and vegetables to be inspected and graded by a Government inspector Indiscriminate shipments of inferior articles can ruin a market and should be made impossible or should at least be properly safeguarded by law The third task is, perhaps, the most difficult of all, for produc.
tion and planting depend to a large etxent upon weather con ditions, and this is one of the variables over which we have little control. Nevertheless, it should not be impossible to do by voluntary effort what was done by compulsion during the war. If farmers in the siland could come together and decide how much should be planted and when, and also fix the seas son for reaping, we should at least obtain a measure of stab ility. But will the planters cooperate in this matter? Time alone will show.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESSTO GET GOOD WORK DONE Jamaica Plans Being Formulated We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at GEORGETOWN, May 30. Indications of relief for the sugar industry of British Guiana were given yesterday by the passing of a motion on the subject at a special meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday.
The motion was moved by Mr. Woolford (senior member for New Amsterdam) and is as follows: Whereas it is desirable that some steps should be taken to aver the disatrous consequenc es to the entire community that would ensue on the closing down of operations on the sugar estates of the colony.
And Whereas it is imperative that some means should be de vised where by the sugar industry may be continued until the steps recommended by the West Indian Sugar Commisssion for promoting the rationalization of world conditions and policy in regard to sugar production and trading can be taken: Be it Resolved That this Council respectfully recommends to His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government that he immediately represents to the Secretary of State the seriousness of the present situation of the industry and that he presses for financial assistance being granted to this colony as will enable. a) Conditional Money Grants during the years 1930 (to be retrospective) and 1931 in respect of all sugar exported from this colony; and (b) Loans not exceeding 500, 000 in the aggregate against crops to defray the costs of improvements or equipment on an sugar plantation or group of plantations requiring them on the following terms and conditions: AS TO CONDITIONAL GRANTS (1) Advances to be made from the Colonial Treasury on all sugar exported from the colonywhen at the date of sale the netting price of 96 degrees refining crystals be below 13 per ton ob. Demerara. or such sums which when added to the netting price of such sales, shall bring the total to 13 per ton ob provided that the total sum added shall not exceed per ton. 2) Where the o. price is above 13 a ton no advance shall be payable from the Treasury, and should the ob. price be in excess of 15 the difference between the selling price and 15 shall be refunded to the Treasury in reduction or extinction of any advances made during 1930 and 1931. 3) No interest shall be payable on any amounts advanced from the Treasury under this arrangenient.
AND AS TO LOANS Loans to be made on such terms and conditions and under such assurances of urgency, practicability, or usefulness as His Excellency may direct. Continued from Page 2)
racing organizations, viz: the Jockey Club and the Turf Club, in opposing each other on racing days should not continue.
Those persons interested in the new movement desire that theer should be a reciprocial arrangement of all the principles and government in racing be tween the Jockey Club and the Turf Club, and there is a strong movement on foot by the latter to bring this about.
It is learnt on very reliable authority that a large number of well known businessmen and other prominent citizens in Kingston, St. Andrew and other parts of the island are interest ed in the formation of the com pany and have already subscribed an appreciable amount towards the capital.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO Jamaica Cricket Clubs To Try Larger Wickets RUBBER STAMPS AUTA Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE GMT The Mail of the 26th ulto.
states that at a meeting of the Jamaica Cricket Board of Contrel held recently, it was decided to request all Clubs and Schools competing in the various Cricket Cup Competitions in Kingston, to give the larger wickets a trial this season in Friendly Matches. with a view to obtaining the opinions of captains and individual players and umpires.
It will be remembered that the made a request that larger wickets should be tried in the West Indies, as wel as the experimental changes of the Laws of cricket It is understood that circulars are being sent to the various Cricket Clubs and Schools in con nection with the matter.
These larger wickets can be had from Messrs. Harrison Co. at Water Lane; and Mr.
Robert Marley, at Barry Street.
wist. BH inity 00 MOTION PASSED GEORGETOWN, May 31. Discussion on the motion moved by Hon. Humphreys a week ago (a) that the import duty on refined sugar be increased to cents per Ib. British preferential tariff, and cents per lb. general pleaimba Isisne GIVE US TRIAL bus stb. AND BE CONVINCED on IDOL: AMAVAT a 10 TU ar To se ர aiy: Dhe 91 mo!
tail BE Gulno ATTIS ONOODOS 00: OOI DE PE US sugars be admitted free of any duty, and (c) that the Governor fix a maximum retail price of sugar as follows: dark crystals 1 cents per 1b. yellow 1 cents per lb. and colony white, cents per Ib. was resumed at yesterday sitting of the Legislative Council, held in the Coun cil Hall, Public Buildings, The motion was passed.
uhrefined sugar, one cent per lb.
British preferential tarif and two cents per tb. general tariff. b)
that all chemicals used in the manufacture of white and yellow TODOS IODO: 100


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