p. 8


Colored The Graduation of Students The betting at the pari mutuel fighting records, consequently, it he had not replied.
HORSE RACING Horse Recing Resumed To Run Excursion Tragic Death of Sensational Case Train At Juan Frango (Continued from page Continued on Page 8)
FOR THE ORTEGA WALCOT Litude, drew his gun and shot the ed, was alleged to have stolen in After a Suspension of one FIGHT Jamaican dead. Continued from Page 1)
Cuba a large quantity of jewels week horse racing Juan FranThe other soldiers feel a great and requests was made for his year class has been the largest. The pleasing fact that co opened up again yesterday af An excursion train will be run deal of sympathy for the unfor extradition for trial to the nigh afll grades have been promoted, as announced by the ternoon, 4th July, with a bril. from Colon to Panama on Suntunate man, and the wife and boring Republic. On various ocPrincipal, makes it evident that next year, there will liant race program in which there day, July 13th, to facilitate fight children of the lieutenant grievºcions the Hon. Mr. Smith appli be a still larger class to graduate.
was the largest number of len fans who intend to take in the ed over his death, remembering ed to His Honour Mr. Agar It is pleasing to note that the usual air of excitetries figuring in each event, 15 round fistic bout which is how willing and honest a man for bail, which was refused and ment and hilarity was this year superceded by one of ever witnessed for a long time billed to take place between Al he was. The lieutenant was not on the last occasion when the seriousness and becoming dignity on the part of graat the local race track.
Ortega Cuban welter weight at home at the time of the inc. accused man came before the duates and parents, which shows an improvement in The day was ideal for racing Champion of the Isthmus and dent.
Court, Mr. Smith was not able disposition to appreciate a proper fitness of things.
There was no rain which was Young Joe Walcott, the tiger of Immediately the Secretary to be present and an adjourn May God bless the Government of the United States for most remarkable for a fourth of Colon, at the Panama Bull Ring. Immigration, Mr. ment was applied for. This was, their provision of the blessing of educational facilities, July and was commended on by The train is scheduled to leave Ewen, was written to, and was however, refused, whereupon the good men and women who are engaged in the onereverybody Colon at 12. 15 noon, will make asked to come and investigate Mr. Ross Linvingston, solicitor ous task of training the young, that their renown might The crowd of race goers was stops at Gatun and Balboa the death of the Jamaican and who had been instructing Mr. fill the earth in after ages, the parents and guardians Smith disassociated himself unusually large and the program Heights, turning at midnight the manner of it. The secretary that they might foster the proper spirit of co operation and the children that they might properly respond to on a whole was carried out to Tickets wil be on sale at Hotel replied by telegram saying he with the enquiry.
their training to the end that the memory of all this the general satisfaction.
Español, Corner of 11th and was unable to come, and that he As stated above Mr. Smith might be bequeathed to generations yet unborn!
The Jockey Club cup and the Cash streets, Cyrug drug store, had sent a telegram to the AdThe function was brought to a close by a lusty Cup for the fourth of July clas. and at Coleman residence, ministrator of the estate, asking has forwarded a letter to the sic were captured by the Santa 6073 Silver City.
him to investigate the matter. Hon. Jelf, Acting Gover singing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Ana Stud entry La Dalia, and There is much speculation at The Secretary of Immigration nor, and it is understood that the Espinosa crack horse Copi, present with regard to these two was again written to, but up to Counsel is preparing an elabor enquiry was held at a time when ed and the case being one where Counsel could not be present. it is being asked not that a Curespectively.
fighters who now hold good the time of writing (June 1st) ate communication setting out ban, but a Jamaican should be the position fully, which will Mr. Smith intends, in case of turned over to the Cuban AuLOOKS LIKE MURDER also be sent ot the Acting Gover failure to get a stay of the ex thorities, it is considered that bootth was somewhat brisk and is expected there wil be a big correspondent writes from nor. In this document, mention tradition order, to refer the the matter should be taken to backers of favourite were amply crowd in attendance to take in Sagua de Tanama, Cuba, on June will be made of al the circum whole matter to the Secretary of the highest quarter, if necessary.
rewarded with fair returns. the fight 20th, as follows: Another good program is ofstances as it is claimed that alin which the Choir led and lenfered for tomorrow afternoon It was with regret that heard though copies of documents State for the Colonies, as the livened the occasion.
Sport, and the handicaper has so of the apparent murder of Mr. were promised to Graham matter involve an important the The President, Mr. Miller, who hails from St. Counsel when they arrived from principle to the colony. Graham, PALAIS ROYAL that fans will have no easy task Jeffers, conducted the meeting Elizabeth, Jamaica, and father Cuba, no notice was given of the the protest claims, was not given FOR BEST CLOTHING and also acted in the capacity of of Mr. Miller of Hampden arrival of the papers, and the an opportunity of being defendin picking the winners.
INTERWOVEN HOSE Chaplain. The President Gen School, Trelawny, formerly eral weekly message from the St. John College, Kingston.
DIVISION 186 Negro World and an article from The deceased was a travelling PLEASES the Workman, dealing with the salesman of Cuban National LotA very enthusiastic meeting of conditions of West Indians in tery Tickets. few days ago he Division 186 of the Cuba, were then read by Secret was missing and this morning of 1929 of the world, was held at ary Greely, he made reference to his body was discovered floating their Hall 25th Street, Guacha the Black Star Line Co. which if in the Miraflores Great River, pali, on Sunday last.
it had not been a failure, would about fiv miles away from the The meeting was, opened with ble able to send a boat to Cuba town of Sagua. AT. the singing of the Hymn From immediately to help the situaCircumstances point to Mr.
Greenland Icy Mountains and tion.
Miller having been murdered was followed by another hymn Mr. Williams, President of the and his body thrown into the river, as when it was discovered the head and arms were found to have been broken.
Mr. Miller was greatly respecto ed around the Tanama division of the Atlantic Fruit Co. His NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM mortal remains were laid to rest at the church ecemetery at La HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Gloria.
KILLED BY TRAIN Get a copy of the week ago Claudius Willis, a native of Praiwerd, in St. Mary, Jamaica, met a most tragic death when he was killed by a labour trian.
FEATURING. who a tailor and read the records of past Cricket Veterans to his customers, and on passing one of the railways sections, bet on the TRACK AND threw a pair of pants to a HaiEL ttian customer on the train, missed his steps, and fell ble POST TIME 15P.
tween the cars, being crushed to Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages instantaneous death.
Summary of Contents: Gamboa Division, gave a very History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years inspiring address on the intelFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, lectuals of the Negro Race. His Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, The other speakers were Mr.
PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Mrs. who Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players meeting then Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and brought to a close with the sing ing of the National Anthem.
Interesting Members of thą organization Price 50cts.
were here informed of the Dra.
matic entertainment to be held in the Hall on the 10th inst.
Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN The arrangements are being HART. Manager Panama made by a special committee, te and an admission of 25 cts, will be charged TODO 0 CRICKET! CRICKET. JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday July 6th Attractive as Races West Indies Cricket History trade, went out to deliver work Some of the Best HORSES Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 General Admission::50c.
emphasised the first speakers (Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB


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