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JUN 10 1930 No.
THE HYPOCRITE 1912 Tac ESTABLISHED The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 47 TIIE WORKMAN, SATUURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 PRICE CENTS Hon. Knox Gets Into Trouble With Caught. Redhanded Seven Distressed oludian Seaman Former Engineer Stealing West indians in Forcelui Letter of Black Star Records Line court ot under 01 Lion.
01 the are REPATRIATED FROM EMPHASISES UNITY BEUNITED KINGDOM TWEEN WHITE AND DURING LAST YEAR COLORED SEAMEN Heidi. on 1, 000 Bond for The Executive of the West The Daily Worker of May Sues United States Government Carrying Gun Without License India Commitiee in London, in Says: Seeking Wages its annual report, published in We draw our readers attenlu its issue of May Jist, the Tailed in that also. And fmally the headline. Distressed Westion to the following letter from WASHINGTON, May 29. brought suit in the count of Negru World Says:in mere desperation Mr. Knox indians. states that on behalf an Indian seaman. The question the United States claims on this judgment. Anox, the first assist resorted to other less gentle and of the Colonial Office, the Comwhich he raises of the need for claims has advisement Counsel for Garrett contends au Tesident General the gentlemanly means of intimiuit mittee continued to investigate unity between coloured and the case of John Garrett, that the sum of 22, 500 paid into Universal Negro Improvement cases of distressed West in white seamen in Britain is time who seeks to recover from the the treasury by the shipping Association, 01 1929 He broke in on Saturday, May dians stranded in the United dy in view of the incidents at guvernment the sum of 5, 830 board on account of the purworld, arrived in New York un 24, 1950, into the headquarters Kingdom, and arranged for the North Shields and Sunderland, on a judgment obtained in the chase by the Black Star line of Saturday, May th, and canic of The Garvey Club, Inc. and repatriation of seven British when fighting took place be supreme court of New York the steamship Orion was a deto the offices of The Garvey attempted to rifle the records subjects to the West Indies durtween coloured and white seastate against the Biack Star posit and not a part payment, Lud, Inc. at 355 Lenox Aven. and subscribers list o1 The ing the year.
men over jobs at the docks. Lie, incorporated.
and was not forfeited upon failwhere The Negro World also has Negro World, the mouthpiece of The claim came before the The shipowners agents uihice space the Mr Knox odious EXPIRATION ure of the Black Star line to FOR ALIEN act of take the vessel for which it was hard at work trying to persuade contato ciaims by an REGISTRATION DRAWS It appears that Mr. Knox and and disloyal and unpatriotic adthe British congress, approved March 1, negotiating and that the money that venture was foiled by Mr. Marseamen the NEAR Mr. Garvey, the President Gen1944, providing for the relief of belongs to the Black Starline cellus Strong, one of the cause of their unemployment is eral of the of 1929 of seamen and other persons enmost sincere followers and supand judgment creditors. are the world, had some serious misThe time for alien registra the employment of coloured titled to receive a part or all of clearly entitled to be paid.
understandings before Mr. Knox porters of Hon. Marcus Garvey tion is fast drawing to a close. seamen on the British ships.
the money now held by the gov The government is resisting came to New York. And on ac Garvey Warns Divisions Those persons who have not One can see that such pro ernment on a purchase, contract the claim on the ground that if the count of these misunderstandings Mr. Garvey had sent a warn registered during the past few paganda is meant to keep of the steamship Orion, who are the money belongs to the Black Mr. Garvey had sent a cable. ing to Divisions and Garvey months, have but a few weeks white seamen and coloured men judgment creditors of the Black Star line it is not within the left to do so. It is anticipat(Continued on page 5)
gram to the Business Manager, cubs regarding Mr. Anox and Star bile for wages earned.
power of congress to legislate Mr. Saltus of the Negro the Chicago Conference to be ed that they will do so before There is on deposit in the for its disposal to the plaintifi Worid, May 12th, which reads published in The Negro World. the expiration of time allowed either to themselves or the com treasury of the United States or anyone else.
as follows: But this matter was supress and save any inconvenience petent authorities.
tiie sum of 21625. 66, which was In addition to Garrett claim, Pubilsh nothing knox Chi ed by Mr. Brown, the paid by the United States ship there is also the claim of Joseph cago conference not authorized tormer editor of The Negro ping board on account of a pur Nolan and the claims of Take no instructions from knox. World, who bertayed his trust diase by the Black Star line of certain seamen of the Black Signed and neutrality of an editor of a the steamship Orion. The con Star line, who obtained judgeGARVEY.
gressional great organ and worked hand act that recites ments against it in the district in glove with the disloyal Mr.
Mr. Saltus, wen interviewed, and money in equity good court of the United States for said that he carried out the Knox. Mr. Brown was conscience does not belong to the Southern district of New out and dismissed by Mr.
the United States government York, totaling 30, 958.
President General instructions as cabled. Mr. Knox was shown Saltus, the loyal and able That King George will be last King Garreit was employed by the On March 21, 1923, the Black the cablegram, but he was not manager of The Negro World Black Star line as marine Star line was dissolved for the of Great Britain vessel willing to accept its authentiengineer in charge of a Jimmying Foreseen non payment of taxes and no recity. Thereupon he attempted to The officers known as the Kana wha, from ceiver has been appointed of The Negro for dismiss the Business Manager. World had an inkling into what will be the last King of England. men of the Labour Party. prophesy that George say MacDonald and all the great July 1, 1921, to June 12, 1922. the dissolved corporation. It Upon failure to accomplish that Mr. Knox was up to, and preallowance for is therefore apparent, govern The Prince of Wales would end he brought in a policeman cautions had been taken. Sev make an admirable first Presi TREND OF HISTORY subsistence was paid him durment counsel contends, that if into the Negro World office to eral loyalist Garvey men Here are some extracts from ing this tinfe. He entered suit the court should render a judgeject the Business Manager. He (Continued on page 5)
Lady Warwick extraordinary against the Black Star line in ment in favor of the plaintiff it Frances Countess of Warwick, article: the supreme court of New York would be giving a preference to and enthusiastic Socialist, has the When say that the monarchy state for the amount of the the plantiff over the other cretal as it were and confide her will soon come to an end in Eng wages and subsistence due him. dittors.
The Black Star line was findings on the prospects of a land am not influenced because On June 28, 1925, he was given British Republic to a susceptible happen to be one who is con a judgment in the sum of 5, ganized under the laws of the (Continued on page 8)
American public through the me vinced of the justice and wisdom 836, and on April 5, 1929, he dium of an article in a recent of the policy of the present Bodies Discovered Sitting on Couch Cosmopolitan Magazine.
a as in Conversation The qualifications of Frances Socialist should like a RepubliCountess of Warwick to declare can constitution better than BLACKPOOL, May 12. Two the men were in the room sob that King George will be the last monarchial one.
The St. Vincent Sentry expressed his willingnes to do men were found dead in mys bing bitterly, and trying to King on England are carefully set My prophecy that Great states: Arrangements are being so, Mr. Edwards is a steady, and terious circumstances in a flat awaken their father whom they cut by the editor of the magazine Britain may soon follow the Re made for a team of West Indian one of the best all round cricketin Lord street Blackpool this thought was asleep.
as follows: publican example is based on the cricketers to tour the United ers of this colony, and we are afternoon.
The men were William AtherDescended on one side from whole trend of human history. States early in June, the sure he will do creditt to the ton Parkes, aged fifty eight, a Nell Gwynn and on the other from Our recent They were sitting on a couch debt collector, who lodged monarchs have the tour to extend over a period of West Indian team in the United at Oliver Cromwell, Lady War been the mo st scruplously ten weeks. Three of the team are States and to St. Vincent, if he in the attitude which suggested Hawthorn road and James Bec wick has always been one of the constitutional sovereigns in his to be picked, one from each of is selected.
that they had been carrying on consall, aged thirty one an un Fascinating contradictions in tory and the present King is the the Windward Islands, and a conversation. There no employed most rigid constitutionalist of understand that Mr. Percy Ed ISTHMIAN LEAGUE OF wards of this colony, who has rea favourite of good Queen Vic them all.
The discovery was made by toria; as a young woman an in King George has always been ceived official communication There was no indication that Arthur Herbert, Parkes land timate friend of the late King raedy to offer his advice as from Barbados asking him The next meeting of the Panthe men had taken poison. lord. He found the men sitting Edward, and as a woman of ma man of the world, but equally he whether he would be willing to ama Branch of the. Isthmian The two children of one of (Continued on page 8)
ture years a confidante of Ram. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
make the trip if selected, has Countess of Warwick Prophesies found a No wages or were dent.
Two Men Found Dead temerity to look into the crysUnder Mysterious Circumstances number of Mr. Randolph Heart Labour Government. There is West Indies Cricket Team to Tour United States a tour we develser med ned all the gas taps the loved clerk, who lives Wat English lite. As a child she was a


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