
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1980 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA Many Unprepared For Call To Go To names be pears in the capital account TRINIDAD of his books, and the ST. LUCIA THREE QUARTERS OF MULLION DOLLARS CITY COUNCIL TO PURCHASE which as we stated, it is reCrushing Miil ported Mr. Parry has roughy valued the concern IOR Manufactured ELECTRIC LIGHTING ANU purposes of statutory purchase by the Municipality. It by St. Lucians TRAM SYSTEMS is, of course all noonsense to suggest, that by this depreNew Applications Will Be Persons whose ciating the purchase value Entertained Until New have had to be removed Shipped Abroad to be Three Quarters of a Million Dollars of a sucas conceru in which so much Canadian capital Quota Years Begins from the list will have their Patented Price Advised has been invested, we (or July applications for re regisrather Mr. Parry) will in tration accepted if at some The Gleaner of the 24th future date they are able to Among the packages re The Port of Spain Gazette cern in strictly commercial, any way injure the chances ulto. States that during satisfy the Consulate that cently snipped from here in its issue of the 21st April as distinct from political of Trinidad securing the inImes, entrusting the working vestment of Canadian capital past few was one containing a Lime says: erican Consulate in Kings.
they entertain a bona fide Crushing Mill manufactured For some months past it to a Board of Directors po in her commercial ventures ton has been issuing a num intention of emigrating, and by. cusrs. Paul and Leon has been known that the ssesser of just the same pow in future. That betrays a ber of calls to persons whose that they will be prepared Chaum uf Stonefield Estate, question of the future of the ers as any Board appointed hopelessly mistaken way of electric ligthing and tram by the shareholders of the regarding a simple matter.
names were in the waiting to emigrate when called.
Souince. This miil, for the ways systems in Port of ordinary commercial com Assuming that two millions list for visas to proceed to America. In a large number Those intending to have principle of which Mr. Leon Spain after the termination pany. If this be so and represent the unwatered Chalon is applying for a pa. next March of the present we assume that His Wor share value of the company of cases these applicants their names placed on the tent, is guaranteed to extract concession held by the Trini ship did no speak unadvised in the books, we suggest that have been called fully a register and have not yet the maximum quantity of dad Electric Company has ly, or without full know there is no inconsistency in year or more earlier than done so may understand juice from any given quanti been engaging the attention ledge of his subject. then it three quarters of a million the time they calculated that before same can be re ty of juice from any given both of the Government and seems to us that the least representing the special they would have been called corded it is necessary that quantity of ripe limes. They of the Municipality; and possible ground of doubt as price at which the city is by in view of the fact that up they state the country of are being made from ma that in this connection, the to the desirability of our em statute entitled to buy out cants given visa headed appen birth, nationality, whether terial that will not rust or advice of Mr. Parry, an ex barking upon this form of the company after 30 years wear out readily. So satis pert electrical engineer, had Municipal trading has disap enjoyment of an exclusive on the list for a year to 18 either parents are residents factory has this make of mill been secured. It was not, peared.
franchise which the commonths, and in view of the of the United States. It may proved that already there however, until the announce What price will have to be pany has not committed to earlier permission to procealso be found necessary are several installed on difed North they find them that they supply the names ferent lime estates in the ment in these columns some paid by the Municipality is of work to its own best finanselves unprepared.
and the addresses of the de Colony all of which are co report of Mr. Parry, strong. we find that by the terms couple of weeks ago, that the course not yet disclosed; but cial advantage.
In fact the difference an can pendents if any, who pro ming up to expectation. The ly advocating purchase by of the Ordinance governing would represent merely the given that they will be rese pose to emigrate with them, fact that there is a growing the Municipality, had been the matter the arbitrator accumulated value of the 30 30 year premium which the dy to sail within or as well as the name and re demand for them is a proof received, and was in the who is to decide that ques company ought to have been lationship, if any of the of their efficiency. We un hands of the Government tion in the event of a dismonths a visa is granted to persons they propose to join derstand that as soon as the Committee, that it became agreement between the par streets and for the right to be exercised within that pe in the United States.
paying for the use of the city riod, otherwise the names Chalon Brothers have secur definitely realised that the ties, is forbidden to make ed a patent an active adver City Council had reached the any allowance for goodwill has from the sale of electrireap the golden harvests it have perforce to be dropped from the waiting list and in the necessity of the proper ried on throughout the West. sion to purchase the concern. the machinery, For reasons arising from tising campaign will be car: eminently satisfactory deci. only the market value of city and the car fares on its this respect what would administration of the Brit Indies.
And the public followed our and other materials is to be we trust that the recent relling stock otherwise have been expect ish, quota, no new applicatramways. Be that as it may ed to take four years to be tions will be entertained announcement of the report paid, after due consideration marks of the Mayor may be cleared will under present until after the opening of arrival indicated further of their depreciated value accepted as definitely clearcircumstances be cleared. the new quota year beginn Boy Baby Burat To that with a business instinct through usage. That prob ing the atmosphere as an inBy The End Of This Year. ing the 1st July.
did Death With House City Council, so far as the discrepancy between the two cision of the city to exerMayor was aware, intended, millions at which the Gen cise its clearly laid down in the event of their purchas eral Manager says the value right to purchase at the end NEURALGINA GRANGE HILL, May 17. ing it, to manage the con of the company assets ap. Continued on page 7) fatal case of burning, a child being the victim, occurred in the Black River Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any district on Wednesday.
neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
Joseph Clarke left his house at a. on a short NEURALGINA errand leaving his two children, boys, the elder. being Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches about six years and the INCORPORATED 1869 and reduce the fever of children younger 242 years old. The latter was sleeping in bed.
NEURALGINA The bigger boy found some Head Office: Montreal, Canada matches and began to play with these and somehow set Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart the house on fire. No grow up person being near to give Santa Ana Plaza the alarm in time, the sleepCorner 11th and Bolivar Streets For sale both Wholesale and Retail ing child was burnt to death and all the furniture desAT THE troyed with the building.
Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Nothing was saved alAMERICAN PHARMACY though the house was only a half chain from the main JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor road. The elder child ran With 900 Branches throughout the world, including out and escaped death.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Panama.
Dr. Harvey perform ed the post mortem examiis in a position to render the best possible service.
nation yesterday and ordered burial.
OPO Antigua Dominica Monterrat Dr. Leo Pink Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts ORDER BOOKS Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia British Honduras Trinidad (2. Surgeon Dentist Martinique SECRETARY Guadeloupe (2)
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1923 Central Avenue Panama City.
AND Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, TREASURE?
HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works PAID ON DEPOSITS Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment At the Workman General Banking Business Transacted.
2010 SORO Printery The Royal Bank of Canada PANAMA COLON. ON SALE 2007


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