
FOR THE BEST IN. HARDWARE :Race Haters Fail To Stop Paul Robeson Panama Hardware ARTIZAN TOOLS de Lucu KLOK woni noا توليد با عودة قادمة عهدة علياء بها القوقا une 11, ale WEIL We.
How what IL 18 caress, IKUW hua los uweil 111 can 10 PO Lis ask Friends and neighbors, this is me, Handsome Chap as you will see; If you say it is not so, will tell you where to go.
of every description Every week, talk to you, VISIT THE LONDON, May 23. For enacted by Mr. Aldridge.
Gaving you a short review; weeks the Engusn press has There was no protest at Of some things come across, been carrying articles of Drury Lane when Paul RoIn the places where pass.
controversy concerning the beson kept that show going Some of you saw me before, cung or rau Robesonin month after month, nor the principal role of Othel when he crowded the AlOthers heard of me galore; wwwwww lo, one of Snakespeare bert hall with his spirituals.
Now, there is no need to trace, masterpieces, which opened The race problem is one of Cause you see me face to face!
a fine Selection of monday at the Savoy the our own making. For reaAmen!
ater. rersons harboring pre sons of personal profit our. hd coumen. young Lu. erung anong ulus, IEL juulceu thoughts attempted ancestors put thousand of Lunedaulat wy we ark anu lucu to run the chances or the Negroes into slavery. We are wohy He was kuus an Bittu on Dec. ALSOJTHEJ VERY BEST BRAND IN presentation by making a now reaping the harvest of u du LUL. least ada aluung each other in luv. ug cu woud outcry against wr. Ro our forefathers misdoings.
LU you lellows wiace, Loru, lellunny wys.
beson playing opposite a PAINTS ENAMELS The American Negro has ner, Sloty white woman.
made more strides in the last y tu leu lor si viners aluer cannot stomach the idea 40 years than any race ever 4à. liả Vigla la là Give us a call before purchasing HUW IL LUIS when sometid you a of a Colored man playing op made before. We must guide Lukus aures, made bus inanu u. site put her arms around you elsewhere posite to a woman of my this newly born culture and Uuctuu. ay bune u Kulus, be to o le sue bereby to uwn race, and feel sure there nurture it. Grave things LILL that sells tbe Irieu the blissrul solicitude oi luvare many who will share my may depend upon our prelauanu uragauap unuer the dig treu og embrace! And not me alone.
PANAMA HARDWARE views, tnough bow to the sent attitude.
Ja my aunt. She has money lace inat Paul Robeson is a is with all of you, and 16 15 ww uune, and any time am broke, whe CATHEDRAL PLAZA Robeson is more entitled with everybody else, only the hypogreat artist, writes a Mrs.
Luas me.
DUL what was a that crits and those who are too respect vewton in the London Dauy to consideration than those Luwu Wilu. aku kosu, lor luat ODO OB01 people were who caused ONOE Lxpress.
able to say it in the open will deny hulle nume. Nouing much. saiu as they deny every other truth. One Mrs. Thurburn states trouble years ago when they were brought from America Asuus, but know that all you ladies ili mne same newspaper as Leilow was so captivated with OPO TODO 10010 TODOS la 10 uw about the pocket, 301 to play in The Rainbow 10110WS: why do you say embrace, and he was so satiated that Luu you mauvance. You have made DEVINE HAIR DRESSING and in Dover Street to that you expect Robeson Dixie. He is a man of culhe had obtained the best thing there vuu mpression on my mind in a was in lue that it was possible for play ochello wich distincbuty, and am a raid you have told Used to prevent Dandruff and to assist hum to But that under a spell of the 41011! saouid think Ropesun ture and a man of ideals, and The must be treated as such, me about your aunt pocket instead in the growth and culture of the Hair modest enougn to be waomly and as the gentleman that he kind, he said with all the terror in you. But auss Rosa, don you surprised at being asked. is, never mind what may be his soul. Lord, let me die now hear the old people say that what PRICE 50 CENTS Uthello was a Moor, a prince the color of his skin, conYes, and Peter was discomtorted tumus ou irom the huad tails on the or blacks. Robeson is an cludes the publication.
by the sight of the girl on whom he Louluk. Ko. Yes, but unless had centered his affection being in the KEEPS THE HAIR SOFT AND GLOSSY Ethiopian. Although Robeyou are carrying your aunt on top son will be England moPRAISES ROBSON arrection of another Rulus by name, ut your head, so that when she talis, FOR SALE AT dern errort, the soul of the The Drifter, writing in and now, he must go to the lord, and bu wa Qiup on your shoulder, Moor aristocrat cannot be the Nation magazine, says find out what the matter. This is No. 2, 28th. November Street uulat suwe connection. Rufus put into a man of Robeson regard to Mr. Robeson enhow he did it. he went home a SAN MIGUEL Un, miss osa, mut just yet, you voyhood. come from Bos acting the role of the Moor great hurry, and closed his door, ali COL be a thug belore it happens, SAMPLE BOX WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER ton. We are not against Ne in New York: Paui Roing upon his knees and saying, Lord 50, must ask you to hold on, and be OF THE FIRST 50c. BOX FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY groes, but we do not like beson pays Othello in New it is me Peter Wagnall, the me vue patient. Kusa, Say, mister, you them near us. Mrs. Thuburn York, as it is announced he who always pray to you and ODO TODO!
ODOS BOE doubtlessly does not know has contracted to do; u Luseem to be one of those a latie to mind towards smart for your own good, so you had you to incline Rosas that Mr. Robeson, regard nan Gish, who has been sugme. don know what happened beter keep to the point and not be so less of his race, is one of the gested for the part, plays Lord, but see Rurus got up Rosa an smart just yet. Rutus, Then, before outstanding products of the Desdemona, we shall count the park, and when pass, Roa don pra pra bring fight, as Rosa mekAmerican educational sys it a step forward. It will be notice me, Lord, what the matter?
tem and of its arts.
a great dramatic spectacle.
rain come. will not be too smart PHYSICIAN just yet, and will obey you by keep. Don you say at ask you, you The London Daily Express and it will be, in addition, a wne point well.
will give it unto me? Don you say in commenting on letters re milestone in the struggle of that if knock you will open unto me?
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO ceived expressing sentiments a race.
Well, point or no point, Rufus and then what matter lord? ask, and against the acting of Mr. Othello is one of the finest Rosa commenced to walk about, slingNo. K STREET you don give unto me. knock, and Robeson opposite a white acting parts in the ineater, ing each o her, and everything looked you don open unto me. Lord, what PANAMA CILY woman states: No such and Paul Robeson is one of as they had failen for each other.
have done unto you that you are feelings seem to have been the most moving, dramatic very evening, they would go for a 09944999000000000000000OCESSO vexed with me? Lord, have you aroused when, 65 years ago, and powerful of modern walk out on suburb of the forgotten how from me and Rosa Dame Madge Kendal played actors, with a magnificent 00 they they had O10 1000 city, and after were at school, used to always o Desdemona to the Othello voice and physique. Moreso walked, they would sit on ask you for her? Lord, have you of Ira Aldridge, a Negro over, he is blackskinned.
bench in the park and talk about made a mistake between me and Shakespearean tragedian. The Moor of Venice was prowings past and things to come. This Ruius? Then Lord, if it is a Dame Madge survived it and bably lighter in color, but to they continued to do until everybody take, please correct it now. It is will witness the first appear. have the part played by a in the place had noticed the sweetnes between them. Among this everybody you to turn Rosa mind from Rufus better late than never. Lord, ber. NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM ance of Mr. Robeson in the Negro is eminently right starring role once so nobly and just.
was a youngster whose name to me, and make her hate Rufus HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Peter Wignall. This Peter was and love me. Lord, remember that schoolmate of Ros, and although he first come, first served. was the Get a copy of the had never told Rosa anything, he had first that come to you and asked Randum his eyes on her, and he had made you for Rosa, so please do this one up in his mind that when he became little favor for me, and if you do it, a man, he would select her for his Captain the Hon. Cipriani to them will be guaranteed. promise that will never bother lifetime companion. Being religiously you any more. Good bye, lord, am sails for England on the 1st July to Mr. McCowan who WAS disposed and being brought up in gone to give you a chance to consider and read the records of past attend the British Commonwealth educated at Queen College. British the fear and admonition of the Lord, your mind, and beg you in all your Labour Conference as a delegate of Guiana, and was a Guiana scholar in Cricket Veterans he was always at the throne of grace consideration, consider me first, and the Trinidad Workingmen Associa 1905, has been appointed Assistant asking that Rosa mind be turned to Rufus not at all. My mother tells me AND tion. It is likely that the Hon. Ti Director of Education in Southern wards him. that she should love him lord, that must wait on the lord mothy Roodal, Vice President of the Provinces, Nigeria. Mr. MeCowan as he did her. and that love should for everything that want, so, am Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Association, will also attend. The was head of the Grenada boy school continue until they take each other waiting on you for Rosa, and please Conference opens on the 21st of that from 1917 to 1928 when he Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages as man and wife, to live togther for lord, don let me month.
13 transferred to Nigeria, wait in vain, bude better or for worse till death them Amen. Friends and countrymen, if Summary of Contents: The Voice of St. Lucia extends It is stated that before the war do part. Merey! what sweet and comewere to say anything about Peter As man and wife, to live together for prayer, would certainly say that it History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years heartiest congratulation to His Ex the King and Queen of England were another towards whom his affection was fervent. Whether it was effectual Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, cellency Cornibert DuBoulay, the most assidious readers. Every was evidently drawn, and on whom on his being appointed Acting Gov. afternoon for two hours, they read or not, am unable to say because Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, his whole heart was set. Imagine ernor of the Gold Coast Colony. aloud to each other, first he, and had never heard the final end of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Toui, the pleasure that was in store for his affair. Wow!
correspondent writing from Trinidad then she. Came the war, and both Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual such a one if his dreams should says: believe this is the highest were so constantly engaged that they Players official position that a St. Lucian has fell out of the habit for the time come truet Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and get to. We hope it is the highest so being. Of late, it is said their Majes.
But friends and countrymen, somefar, Interesting ties have resumed their readings with thing went backwards according to all the old pleasure. When the King Peter. The wind had blown away SUITS Price 50cts.
It is stated that the Cuban Gov. is reading the Queen will do crom from him, and while he prayed Ruernment is anxious to see a rice in stitch.
fus got right on the job and made it PALAIS ROYAL dustry developed in that country and very plain that his (Peter s) prayers Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN is prepared to give it full protec Not so much is heard about their were not answered. and if they were, FOR Panama ன. Insteist tion. Rice growing lands are to be Majesties two grandson as about the perts iniy not in the way he expectoffered at low rate and land titles. Continued on page 5)
ODIO 191 Dr. Fairweather the CRICKET!
CRICKET. misWAS Notes West Indies Cricket History WAS OXATTOLI


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