
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATU RDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 20 events 100 10 DO Book Binding!
also true that the hypocrite shall come upon his day THE SEMIQUAVER CORNER when all. THE WORKMAN all the beasts that roam the forests, shall gather them Gentle reader here am again a hearty reception and an enjoy selves together unto a great supper and the said fowls this week in my little corner, able evening in case show up, of the air and beasts of the field shall make merry and doing my bit, and must con consequently am giving the be glad upon the meat of his carcass. Like as Babylon fess, that had many surprises, matter due consideration. One Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 has fallen, so shall the hypocrite overthrow himself, and when made it known how the thing know, if happen to CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, with him all those upon whom he had placed the mark introduction of my corner in this make it possible, to go, will Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon CZ of the beast. Nature is jealous of her charge. She will paper came about.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION meet many able local debaters protect and preserve it, whether she sows with a whirlONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
wind, or reaps with a sickle!
As my mission is chiefly to and will also have the opportunithe cause music, there are many ty of hearing some new music SLX MONTHS from beautiful voices.
devotees to the art who told me THREE. 60 they like to see their WHO TO BLAME names the If anyone should doubt ONE MONTA. 20 mentioned in the column. mysteriousness of my existence, The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS The Chicago Defender in its editorial column of the After all, am not a very sel let them go to the Church, they 31st ulto writes pathetically of the sensational occurrence fish individual, having engaged will find me there; if they go to this the theatre am there, and if they THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 of a white woman who killed her seven children and then the assistance of help to commits suicide, the story of which appears on page corner. My friends of whom happen to attend any of their THE HYPOCRITE of this issue of the Workman.
have requested help, told me that friends birthnights, they ll find The Defender says: they will assist, provided they me there also, thus can always mother, destitute, and tired of trying to earn a liv have something very interesting have something interesting to This animal is like unto a beast of prey. In the forest and say about Social te contribute, and for that reaor wherever elese he may be found, his whole desire is to ing for herself and 10 children, kills of them and her son, they ll wait a little longer other happenings.
seize and devour, to take booty and to victimize. All his selt. Her act was based upon her knowledge of the Amer before sending me any contribuacts are injurious. His only pleasure is to pundler, pillage, ican race problem and its bearing upon young people of tions.
and depredate. He an has unquenchable thirst for the dark blood who must face the American bar of prejudice. just couldn go on, she said. know what ColorI have been invited on Thursblood or other animals, and his belly yearns unceasingly PALAIS ROYAL to the Panama for flesh. The owner of the flock is as much in danger of ed people have to suffer because of the bars of oppression day 12th ins. ConFOR this beast as the flock itself, for he flesh. The desire aguust them, and couldn bear to see my children run Private School Teachers of the beast being the eating of flesh, it does not matter up against these bars which they could not overcome, and cert and debate. have not yet SUITS decided to go, but, am promised to him what flesh he eats. Be it man or other beast, the so shot them.
blood quenches his thirst, and the flesh is food very much This should serve as a sermon from a thousand desired, and blood is blood, and flesh is flesh, saith the American pulpits, but it will not. The answer will be that beast!
suicide and murder are no answer to the problem; they is danger of driftin, and drifting means striking the The description of the beast of prey in the forest only intensify it. Still, from a sentimental point of view, rocks of discouragement and defeat.
symbolizes the propensities and disposition of the hypo one can see why this harassed mother took this ghastly, To stand still for long is to stagnate. To go backward crite among human beings. As persons, our collective but to her mind, the only sure way out of the situation. is always dangerous. It is silly to get an idea that we do body which composes the community is called our 80 The American race problem is bad enough, heaven not matter, that we do not count, for we all have a place ciety, among whom and in which we find this human knows, but it is not one that can be solved by self exterbeast of prey, the hypocrite in galore. His profession is mination. While those dead children may give ideas to fill. We only know our place and power as we get the that of feigning to be what he is not. His insincerity is to other mothers who feel that they are rearing their sense of our relationship and responsibility to all the extreme, and he glories in dissimulation. He holds forchildren only to have them beat out their brains against other wheels of the great machine called Life.
ward at all times, something as having certain rights or a wall of hopelessness, the great majority of others will claims without the slightest scruple as to whether it be decide that a fight is better than a weak surrender. We 20DOC true or false. Something must be offered as long as it is should know that suicide solves no problem a monstrous offered as being what it is not. The hypocrite is garbed thing entirely devoid of conscience!
in a blanket of Talse pretense of excellence only for the sake of the credit advantage attaching to virtue. He is presumptuous enough to even assume a saintly manner DON STAND STILL Why throw away your old, but no without the corresponding saintly character. For candor he gives you anfectation. For frankness he serves you To no one is life absolutely favourable. There are many doubt interesting books, when you with cant. For genuines he substitutes dissimulation. For vicissitudes. Faults are everywhere, and errors are alhonesty of purpose he hands you deception. For open ways taking place. The perfect person has not yet been can have them neatly bound at ness, he is like the Pharisee, and for him there is no dif born. Great kings, emperors, warriors and statesmen ference between truthfulness and sanctimony have made mistakes, and are still making them. It is folly. THE WORKMAN As the phyysician practices medicine, so does the therefore, to expect that we are to get through without hypocrite hypocriey. The hypocrite acts many parts and effort. If in our projects we do not succeed, we may be Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET plays many roles, and is consistent in so doing. He acts defeated, but we are not conquered, we still have our the hypocrite by playing a false part, and assuming a ambition. Little is gained by resting on our oars. There JAVILLO FILL OPO character which is not real. He deceives by seeking reΙΟΕΟΕ OPO ligiously to give contrary impressions concerning every EDITH CAVELL SOCIETY TO. matter in which he has an end to gain, and he dissembles CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY by wilfully arfecting to be the exact opposite of what he knows himself to be.
Elaborate preparations The hypocrite practices his profession without let or being made by the members of hindrance, not even being bothered by a conscience which the Edith Cavell Benevolent every living being is supposed to have. Some persons go Friendly Society for the celebrathe length of saying that a hypocrite has no conscience; tion of their eleventh Anniversary but be that as it may, he goes merrily on, until he becomes some time during next month.
Just Received a Large Assortment of a cheat and imposter, endeavoring constantly to make Among the Friendly Societies something of exclusive personal benefit out of his of Panama, this organization is at victims. He cheats then for what is inferior mercenary, present leading in numbers and a and at the end of his game, he is without character, real hearty and jolly time is antiprinciple, and honor.
cipated in this celebration.
In every society in which this blood sueking octopus Another announcement in this operates, he is like a rotten appel in a barrel of good connection will be made at a later In the very Latest Designs ones. He exemplifies the dead frog in the garden. He date.
poisons the social atmosphere and drives terror into the ALSO nostrils of those having the misfortune to encounter ADMITTED TO GORGAS him. He intoxicates human society with the wine of his HOSPITAL deceit like the bad woman referred to in the book of Reyelations, the inhabitants of the earth have been made Henry Eealy, popular shoemaker drunk with the wine of her fornication. And those who (and member of the Barbados Soare deceived by his deception are carried away into the ciety) of No. 22nd street, GuaCream Flannels wilderness of his deceit because he destroyed his identity chapali, was admitted the as a wolf, and appared to be a sheep, being clothed in Gorgas Hospital on Wednesday sheep skin; but like the woman in the revela last. He can be found in Ward LEST YOU FORGET tions, he is like into a scarlet beast, full of 13, bed 26, and may be visited by blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. his friends on the regular visiting He is arrayed in purple and scarlet. He is bedecked days.
with the gold of chicanery, and his precious stones of deceit and falsehood dangle about his breast with the brilliance of a sun in meridian. In both of his hands are Church Notices IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL golden cups, but they are full to the brim with the venom of abomination and the filthiness of duplicity. He is Panama 11 a. Mr. Theo like a titled Monarch sitting upon his throne, surroundFuller ed by courtiers, who are at his service to beguile, betray, 30 Rev.
cheat and circumvent. To ensnare the unsuspecting, misWright. MULLER Prop lead the innocent, and deceive the guileless.
Colon 11 a. mm. Mr.
But woe be unto this beast! He has always been found Millington.
H37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 to be worthy of condemnation. The only perfect man 30 Rev.
who ever trod this planet condemned him when he found Cousins.
his like among the Scribes and Pharisees, and in modern La Boca 11 a. mm. Mr.
times, even to this day, he is still here preying upon the Walters.
finer feelings of conscientious men, destroying candor, 30 Mr.
Phone 453 frankness, and honesty, and substituting therefor false Markham.
DRY CLEANING hood, deceit, and guile.
New Providence 11 a. mm. Rev.
PANAMA STEAM PRESSING le Verily, if what is recorded in history for our edific Cousins.
16 STREET tion is reliable if it is true that history repeats itself if Paraiso 11 a. mm. Rev.
DYEING worthless things are like dross from metal then, it is 7p. Mr. Payne.
We Dye To Live Wright.
PANAMA TODO are LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS شده دارد. له او Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and to Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA TROTT The Cleaner


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