
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 PAGE TIVI ΟΣ 10 100 2001 10000 UTJYSK AT THE OJO CECILIA THEATRE Today Saturday Tomorrow Sunday Monday June 7th June 8th June 9th HARRY RICHMAN INO PUTTIN ON THE RITZ 5858558 THE LAST WORD IN SONG AND DANCE ENTERTAINMENT IT WILL ELECTRIFY YOU 00 OLO OPO TOE Prospective Division Indian Seaman In Oven owners.
on that a called away, Mr. Strong called the police.
Hon. Knox Gets Randum Notes When the officers came in and Look away the gun from Mr. Continued from page 1) caseful of papers that apparently knox he tried to put over (Continued from page 3)
the Continued on Page 8)
little trincess Elizabeth. The on the vigil in The Negro World belonged to The Negro World. blame on Mr. Strong. After from uniting to fight the ship year old Lord Lascelles and his brothway and night all last week She had scared looks and was being grilled he admitted that The spirit of Garveyism was er Gerald are great favouritus with Mr. Marcellus Strong, who trembling. The door was left the gun was his, and that he had again manifested by the mem What is the difference that is whe Local Circulation Man open.
the king and Queen, ani her Ma10 license to carry it.
bers and friends of the Prospec. here in Britain there are colour jesty writes a letter to them once a ager of The Negro World, was Mr. Knox, left all alone, was, In the police station Mr. tive Division of the ed seamen and in Africa, India week when they are not staying with the most constant vigilant it seems. also scared. He ran Strong made a formal complaint August 1929 of the world, at and West Indies there are white her. The little boys, it is said have no the premises.
after Miss Parker, entreating against Mr.
Knox and Miss their local Liberty hall 25th men? The difference is Finding Parker. The police let shyness and will shake hands and On Sautrday, May 24, the of her to stay with him.
Miss street Calidonia, at the regular there the white man is a little talk away happily to visitors whom fices were closed as usual at its opportunity, Mr.
Strong Parker go chivalrously.
mass meeting which was held god, and here the coloured man they have not seen before. Lord Las2:30 Shortly afterward, rushed inside and closed the door Mr. Knox was bragging about and latched it.
on Sunday last. The religious is only a damned nigger.
celles already rides to the meet of Mr. Strong was his doings and travellings all part of the service was perform Yet the boss class made no the York and Ainsty and looks very with his truck on a job.
Knox Rushes Door Again over the world. Finally the ed by President Jeffers, who difference when Negroes and smart in his regulation hunting kit.
Knox Sneaks In Having persuaded Miss Parker, police invited Mr. Knox by saygave a very interesting address white workers fought side by Everyone who has met him remarks Knox tried to open the door, ing, Would you have any ob for the occasion.
sice during the war for the ca on the similarity of his voice and manMr. Strong returned with his and when he found that there jection to stay with us over The meeting began with the pitalists. They must fight side ner to that of the Prince of Wales.
truck at five o clock. He noticwas also a latch in his way he night?
ed to his surprise that the front rushed the door and broke the singing of the hymn God of by side now against the capitalwindows of the offices, had jim latch and made at Mr. Strong.
Knox Fingerprinted Right our Battle fight. follow ists.
CHAPTER 14 Mr. Knox was closely ques ed with the reading of the Pres Although the agitators tell mied and broken. Miss Gladys He immediately threatened him tioned. The police were surpris ident General weekly with you that if you get the coloured Parker, the private secretary to with: What the hell are you men out of the country the ship The regular mass meeting of Mr. Knox was rifling the desk doing here? ll knock the brainsed to learn that he was educat Secretary Greely in the chair.
ed and still ignorant of the law The next item was the sing owners will employ all whites, Chappter 14 of the of Mr. Saltus, the Manager of out of you! Get outagainst gun toting. He was ing of the Hymn Father of all yet you remember they said this will take place tomorrow at The Negro World. As soon as Dramatic Due fingerprinted and taken into Creation God bless our Pres about the Chinese during the in the Hall when the Choir she saw Mr. Strong she ducked and other members of the orident.
war, and to day there are still Thereupon Mr. Strong, who custody.
under a table and tried to hide is what his name suggests, the herself.
Among some of other British boats carrying Chinese ganization will furnish the pro 1, 500 Bail gramme.
seamen cepted the challenge quietly, and Knox Changed Lock a dramatic duel followed. Up Knox was brought before On Sunday, May 25, Mr. speakers that were on the evening program were Friends are cordially invited You must remember that the Secretary the in Mr. Strong rushed upstairs setting furniture and the bund Fifth District Magistrate Court. Greely, Mr. Robert, and Mr. shipowner can sign on men and tried the door with his les of records Mr. Knox had Williams, all spoke on the West Indies, India and Africa TO RENDER SACRED his made ready to steal away with Mr. Knox he held him on 000 round the West Indian When the judge saw the gun of official key, and found to economic condition that sur when they are unorganised and CANTATA.
astonishment that the lock had the pair fought for nearly half bail on the charge of carrying munity in Panama and renewed low wages. This would spell cam unable to put up a fight against been changed. Apparently Mr. an hour. Mr. Knox, who had a The Panama Wesleyan Choir the gun without a license and their pledge to serve the more distress to the white sea will render the Cantata entitled Knox, who had no key to the gun with him drew it, to blow 500 on the charge of assault.
ganization so as to bring about a men than at the moment because The Galilean on Sunday 22nd offices, had jimmed and broken Mr. Strong. The latter kept Mr. Knox is now out on bail.
the Knox gun away from him and The case will be called on Wedin and afterward changed better condition of the race.
here there is some organisation inst.
The officers and members of and the white Seamen have the lock, so that no one would dis even managed to grip it.
nesday, May 28, in the same The music for this is very atturb him in his sacred mission Miss Parker Movie Heroine this Division also take this me chance to fight with the colourtractive and a ed seamen in common.
most enjoyable of stealing the records of The When Mr. Knox found his dium to notify the many friends evening is promised all those who If Arabs are allowed to buy and well wishers of this world Negro World. Mr. Strong, un gun slipping away from him, he IN HOSPITAL wide movement that the their jobs here the fault lies with make it possible to attend. The dismayed, rushed to the back to began to beseech Miss Parker to enter the offices through the come to help. The Movie Chart has arrived, the number the National Union of Seamen, proceeds of this entertainment is back windows. They were also Heroine made a move to help Moulton well known stenographer cesary plan have been made to the job so long as The many friends of Chas. is 186 and as soon as the nec. which does not care who gets to assist the annual Sunday Schoof they Picnic.
get her Hero. but one gesture the from Mr. Strong settled her and to know that he is a patient in the will be extended to the public, men and typist of this city will regret unveil same, hearty invitation Union contributions from Miss Parker Runs Away DENTIST HOWELL When Mr. Strong rushed back she had no courage.
Panama Hospital which instituKnox Arrested for Gun Without tion he entered on Thursday last The only thing to stop to attend.
all to the door he found Miss this nonsense is to organise in House No. 912 La Boca Parker, Mr. Knox accomplice. License suffering from an attack of Ma evening at the Public. is a strong way under leadership, running downstairs, with a brief In the meanwhile a friend of laria.
Canal Zone of Minority Movements.
ас orcourt.


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