
PAGE SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 London Raves Over Robeson as Othello American Actor Gets Big Ovation to une Making Good Clothes heating attempted to shoot mu Cleaning Clothes Good dead body of the American an WARNING!
PHONE hou strong enough for ar armed with a knife and a of the camps of the com of Colombia with the money Tests to be made.
loaded 45 calibre revolver, pany, he left the commercial to pay the employees of the Several persons have been Mr. Keating was employ area of Cartagena on the company.
heiu up by the robbers, who ed to the Tropical Oil Com night of the murder for one According to the story Televe their victims of mo pany as paymaster for a ofo the camps of the com told the Gleaner man. Mr.
hey, and jewellery, and good many years. In keeping pany situated in the interior Keating was a short distance LUNDON, May 23. With Mr. Robeson was born in one case a man was lert at trom the property of the magninicent voice and iuvo al iTunes, lus night without his clothes company when a motor car spendu paysique, Faul Ru Wer was a muser anu and he was forced to seek drove up with bandits veson, Monday evening, here lormer save, woue mis shelter at the nearest abode.
FOR who seized him and took au lue savoy ineaver, Decame womer nad been a school AMERICAN VICTIM away the money. They were a worthy succesor vacuer velure her marriage.
The gang became bolder running away, when Mr.
nurlu Suarespcarcan tra alueuung Wulu un with their successes, and the geuia, ut curuge, Llie ersy Teasyivania, latest and most serious of urama umelu.
and young Robeson envered Rutdead on the spot.
the crimes was committed at Au the conclusion of the sers couege in 1915. He was au nonor student throughout road when Mr. Paul Keatdead of night on a lonely play mr. Robeson wou encauskastic applause Irom an 1118 entire couege career anu in auulence which packed the was one of the wyst or mis jug an American citizen, see 24 years of age, paymaster mus ass win a roubet Kappa of the Tropical un Company there were signs that it had ineater, Crucs daueu been dragged for some disacting as a trumpnant suc key.
which operates extensively A: REID tance. The police took charge zasiue iron his scholastic in Colombia, was robbed or cess.
to the American Coonsulate mr. Roveson was support aivainments the scuuent was forty five thousand dollars of the body and delivered it eu wy one of the coremost une us ine greatest atmetes at the point of guns, and shot No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. after Government officials suakespearean actresses in ever accend the college. he dead on the spot when he athad carried out the necesungianu, miss Syou Thorn payeu 1ootball four years, tempted to protect his life Panama, sary examinations.
ulke who enacted the role of vasevau tnree years, basket and the money. He had been The corpse was placed on Elma. Miss Peggy Ashcroft van two years and was a board the United Fruit Comanother well known drama member of the track team uc star, was the Desdemona. 1or one year, thus winning pany steamer Zacapa which une of tne most interest me coveted title of tous SALLA SALAS arrived in this island yesterday afternoon, being ea persons in the vast audi ietver man. In 1917 and 1918 taken to Maryland for buence was Dame Madge Ken he was chosen by the late dai, who played Desdemona Walter Camp for end rial.
to the Othello of Mr Aldridge position on his all American oo years ago.
votball teams.
The London press and The busy student also won drawing parlors mor months the fresh man oration prize nad been discussing the act and the sophomore and juniP. BOX 649 ing or Mr. Robeson with a or prizes in extemporaneous white leading lady. There speaking. He was an honor Cirilo Sandford were many prejudiced per member of the glee club of Inferior Electric Lamp Bulbs are being sons who condemned the ar Philoclean and the debating Attorney at Law rangement, but there were teams. Paul ended his college offered for Sale in Panama and Colon.
also as many or more who career by being selected as a lauded the abinty and con member of the honorary duct of Mr. Robeson as an senior society of Cap and actor and a gentleman.
The Public is warned to Insist on The controversy led to the Columbia university was box offices of the theater the scene of the next sucJ. Small being flooded with requests cesses of the brilliant young for tickets.
DENTIST man While attending law The theater management, school there he became inOffice Hours:8, am to 12 pm not wishing to give offense terested in the theater and. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment to any of the prominent per first appeared in an amateur Masonic Temple i1th St, sons desiring tickets, was production of Simon the O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL forced to make up a carefully Cyrenian. After completPHONE: OFFICE 1664 selected invitation list and ing his law course Mr. Robeonly those who received an son appeared in Taboo in invitation to the initial per America and in ngland.
formance were able to pur Later he played the title role Edison Mazda Lamps give more light for the The Greatest Thrill chase seats.
in Emperor Jones, both in New York and London. The The triumph of the Amer last appearance of the actor money spent for current.
in the World ican Monday evening in the and concert singer on Broaddifficult drama marked his way was in 1926 when he Edison Mazda Lampsi last longer and are therefirst effort in a Shakespeare played in Black Boy.
an play. Mr. Robeson, who Mr. Robeson in 1925 with fore cheapest to buy.
is recognized as one of the his accompanist, Lawrence most versatile singers and Brown, gave the first conEdison Mazda Lamps are sold at the lowest prices actors in existence, only be cert of All Negro music gan preparations for his ever given by individual arpossible consistent with the high quality.
role of Othello in recent tists on the stage. Since that Stop and analyze it. there months. He returned to appearance the singer, with nothing in life that gives more London several weeks ago his wonderful baritone voice, pure happiness than making after a marked success in the had appeared in concerts someone else happy.
starring role of Emperor throughout America and EuIs there?
Jones in Berlin.
When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the entiment; affection and good There a multitude of things Every Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp that will serve, but they lack in Some respect. They wear out Bulb shas the quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no usefulness at all, is SIGN ENGRAVED ON THE END there ANY THING that will OF THE BULB quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that By Armed Bandits in Motor Cars, you wish her well. that speaks its quality every time it is seen.
Then Shot Dead Genuine EDISON MAZDA that never wears out. that re Bulbs are sold by reliable tains its value. that arouses The Gleaner of the 23rd ulto, menced a campaign of whole the admiration of all who see it?
states that according to news sale robbery, and murder Stores in Panama Colon Yes it fine jewelry such as which reached Jamaica on has been committed in one EDISON we will be glad to show you if the 24th inst. there is at pre case.
MAZDA you will pay us a visit Coon.
sent a general wave of law The police are pretty cerFULLER lessness sweeping the inLAMPS 122 Central Avenue terior of Colombia, parti tain as to who are the leadcularly Cartagena, striking ers of the gang who carry Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon terror in the hearts of the in out their operations with PALAIS ROYAL habitants. For the past few motors cars and firearms, weeks a band of men com but so far the evidence is FOR ARROW SHIRTS Edison Mazda Lamps WHEN BUYING BULBS. BECAUSEAsk for Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs and Beware of Imitations.
Paymaster of Tropical Oil Co.
Robbed of 45. 000 OR FROM Ciá Pan. de Fuerza y Luz


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