
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1980 FAST FLERTALER DO ODO 10 po fiother who, Killed Seven Children Dies in Prisou GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO TODO of the trial had Mrs. Yeldem lived. It was stated freely that she was prepared to de fend herself on the grounds that she know how American u prejudice would affect the children and that her only ob ject in slaying them was to save them from the pain, the anguish and the humilations that she had been forced to undergo since she married a man who was not of her race.
Now she is dead and the case is officially closed. But the lesson of her tragic end and the end of her children will not soon be forgotten.
Those who fell victims of American prejudice were: Bryan, Elinor, Allen, Alice, Elaine and Wayne Yeldem and Elden Geller, by Mrs.
eldem first husband, who was killed because of his mental deficiency. The three children who were spareu are Ervan, Mildred and Vernon Geller. Their father was killed when he came in touch with a live wire working as a telephone linesman.
plays a very important part in the success of your business. THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS VO TO GET GOOD WORK DONE City Lobacilo We do only the BEST TOK at Reasonable PRICES at COLUMBUS, Ohio, May.
20. Mrs Lunel Yeljem is ueau. The wale woman who muruered her seven chudren Ducause SIX OI them would have to lace American prejuuice and color pais que vo Lue lacu inau chen jauner was nou wnice, succumbed in We arankan county jail friuay alverno0u, Vicum on a Duneu 110m me Sanne Tule what ended the aves of ner culdren. just courant go on, sne Lulu uue authorities. know what colored people have Suitel because Ut une vars ut uppiession against chem nu Coulun was sec muy SIA churen ruuup baise these bars wnica Luty couiu nou overcome.
mallu Shou wuem.
ine sevenin ehuu killed by 118 mother was weak mindtu, merezore aisu unapie 10 cupe Wa Uhe woriu proiems. eldem acu was one Ut we Most Shocking mulci.
menus agamsu Americas many to man ou record 11 wus counuy. Several years ago she len in love wiu amu inarried a man who was not white. widow au wau ume, she had four chiurell oy ner white nusbanu.
or a wine everything went SW100 the eldem nouseHoid. Six children came 10 the new union. Then her husband was arrested, charged with contrimuting to the deinquency of one of his white stedpdaughters. He is now serving a term in the Ohio state prison.
Since her husband arrest and incarceration in prison ungs have gone from bad LO worse for tne mother and mer 10 chudren. Seiling paper by day and taking in washing and sewing by night, she had been able to make ends meet for a while, but 10 young months to feed is a difficult problem for a lone woman. Finally she gave up the struggle.
Calling her brood together on May 6, Mrs. Yeldem dressed each of the children carefully. She was more gentle with them than usual and they could not understand it, but they accepted her kindness willingly. After the bathing and dressing was over, she took them to a photographer and had a family group picture made. At home, after this ceremony, each child was presented with an ice cream cone; then the slaughter began. One by one the children were called to an upstairs room and shot. The halfwhite ones came first, then the all white half witted one.
When police arrived they found all seven of the dead children stretched across the bed, where Mrs. Yeldem had placed them after shooting them. She was lying near them with a bullet wound in her chest.
For a while it was thought that the woman would recover, and the state was preparing to try her for the most sensational slaughter ever recorded in Ohio history. Newspapers that had mentioned the case said nothing about the racial aspect, and it was this angle that would have furnished the most exciting moments (Continued from Page 2)
ut we present concession; and that we may therefore TUUK Torward to the day, early next year, wner the transaction having been compieleu, We shall begin to enjoy the benefits OI cheap 11 unicipai electricity both ignting and other domestic purposes and for trade uses; and shall see the improvement of the electric tramway system both in the city and its suburbs. We doubt not but that to achieve this will involve the city in at considerable burden of additional loans; but we have not he slightest doubt also but that the Government will have no hesitation, under proper safeguarding conditions, in standing security for such a debt, or that it will be easily possible, as the Mayor says, to raise the entire sum needed in the space of a few days without seeking the assistance of any capitalists beyond the borders of our country.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO Scholarship For 30. Boy Scouts RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE ONTARIO, May 15. Some thirtyt Boy Scouts from the United Kingdom are to be given agricultural scholarships in Canada this year to prepare them for permanent settlement on the lands. This is the outcome of an agreement recently concluded between the British and Dominion Governments, the Government of Ontario and the Boy Scouts Association, under which ten boys are to be trained at the Kemptville Agricultural School, and twenty at the Guelphh Agricultural College.
Every body chosen will be given a two year course of training, with free maintenance, and from the time he arrives in Canada to the conclusion of his training he will be under the special care of the Ontario Government. After his training he will be found suitable agricultural work and will conEtinue to receive such care as TP may be necessary. 93 The final selection of the boys rests with the Canadian authorities in London. Many (Continued on Page 8) GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ΤΟΞΟΣ онор ODO 1050 FILTELISELT LITETE PRESS RELEASE


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