p. 8


lor his could not get a the business.
a HORSE RACING a week.
ISTHMIAN LEAGUE The West Indian Colonies We left the flat a week ago Cara when mystep father turned us (Continued from page 1) and. the Sugar. Industry Iconued from page 1)
Continued from Page 1) out. she said My mother had League of British West Indians stale un Deaware with a capital in their overcoats. Their bowler issued a summons against him will take place on Saturday LONDON; May 297 The The Management of the anfor maintenance, and was ut 10, 0w, and was compos hats were on the table, and Bec 21st inst. in Geddes Hall.
ama Jockey Club has got up a plight of the West Indies Sugar a handgive evidence at Blackpool Members are asked to ed cutirely of Colored persons: consall was holding very attractive race program for be industry was a subject laid be kerchief in his hand.
was owned by the olice Court tomorrow on be guided accordingly, as there is lure the Empire Chambers ol tomorrow afternoon sport the Juan Franco Track.
Universal Negro His legs were crossed, and he hali vf my mother.
The improvement business of vital importance to commerce this afternoon.
Marcus was leaning slightly towards be discussed.
association, of which program includes a few horseb Mr. Huggins of Tri she added that the two boys Parkes.
that have been absent from the Garvey was the president genwith continued to live POLICE REPORT.
their nidad declared the small prefereral. Monthly contributions track for a long time and coming Luther, and had slept in the ence given by Great Britain to were made for the police report states develop back tomorrow fresh, should that Saille room. Apparently, alter PALAIS ROYAL the sugar products of the islands the spring some surprises.
ment of a steamship company, there was a gas oven in breakiast, the children went into FOR was insufficient to save the in which it Billy Dennis, a cracker jack of was planned would room but that all the taps were the sitting room where they SUITS dutry. Is it fair, he asked, was the local track, has been lined up ultimately transport men and turned off and there no found their father and Parkes. for Great Britain to forget her material Africa ior the trace of gas. The meter, which in the eature event meeting Copi Miss Graham added that Culomes and leave them in the is of the shilling in the slot type, Parkes used to live with em them Alondra, Kitty Gill, Cartagena establishment of a black lurch.
contained no gas. All the win until eighteen months ago search of him. called on Becand La Chiquilla and it is expectpile.
dows were securely fastened consall and a woman answered the The West Indies, added Mr.
eu that he will be seen to good The New York Exchange, and the furnishings were Mr. Herbert told me that Bec bell and told me she did in not huggins, were most grateful to advantage.
July 5, 1941, on behalf of consall called to have dinner know whether there was any Canada for what she had done Then there is Resolute, and Black Star line, oftered to purwith Parkes yesterday. Late in Miss Alice Graham, a step the afternoon Becconsall one in or not.
and the attitude of the DomiMarcela, meeting four of the chase the steamship Orion left. went upstairs, and as daughter of Becconsall, told me and Parkes late arrivals from Cuba includ the sum of 225, 000. Its nion was one of the few bright otter went about that she was called reply to my spots in the islands situation.
into ing Hindoo which so easily beat certified was accompanied by house while she and her mother knocking on the sitting room The attitude of Mr. Snowden, his field last Sunday.
checks in the amount of 12, 50.
were having dinner at a house in have heard. said Mr. door. turned the handle and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, On a whole the program is The supping board accepted this Herbert, that they were to walked in. saw the two men almost brings a blush to the one of the best got up since the St. Albans road, where she and gether in the evening. My wife sitting on the couch. The kid checks of Englishmen, said Sir otter. An initial payment of 10 new Management her mother had stayed for about and stayed up until 12. 30 this dies were shaking them in has taken per cent of the purchase price an Stanley Machin, who has in the over and should satisiy the most was to be made and payment on morning waiting for Parkes to effort to waken them.
past been President of the Lonexacting race fans. Here it is. the balance was to be made return. Then we went to bed One was crying, My father asdon Chamber of Commerce and lure delivery of the vessel. great merit and should be and left the door unfastened for leep, and can make him wake President of the British Associa1st RACE FURLONGS The Black Star line made re sufficient reason for the govern Parkes.
tion of Chambers of Commerce.
105 peated efforts to comply witi ment refusing to recognize the MISSING It is stated the men did not Sir Stanley was speaking of the Tonosi 126 the agreement. Joseph No claims of creditors of the Black He had not returned this leave any note behind. It is pos. Sugar duties and he added. If Black Water. 105 lan, attorney for the Black Star Star line if the government morning and as he did not come sible that post mortem may be Mr. Snowden doesn bend, he Monte Mahal 112 line, handed the shipping board should not retain the money. home for dinner, went in ordered will break.
Sibarita Il.
115 a certified check for 10, 000, New Zealand delegate sugBright Night. 100 making the total sum paid on gested it would be advisable to 2nd RACE FURLONGS the purchase of the Orion 22, T4 Les TER FALSELT LEILA enquire further into the Don Simón. 120 500. required performance sugar situation before the Congress Laughing Water 115 bond could not be furnished, pronounced its final opinion.
Palo Loco.
126 however, and the ship was never Lord Elibank, however, declared Silver Star. 118 delivered to the Black Star line.
the Congress would be committDancing Girl. 112 On Feb. 17, 1922, the officers ing itself to nothing if it passed Orange Crush. 103 of the Black Star line, including a resolution calling upon the 3rd LACE FURLONGS Garvey, were indicted for usiug. AT. Government to make immediate Powers Corazón.
the mails to defraud.
112 and serious efforts to save the Rifle 128 of attorney were issued to sevsugar industry of the islands.
Glad Night 105 eral persons, including the late This resolution was passed.
William 112 Mathews, who Dunrei the Marcus Garvey notified 105 La Dalia 100 shipping board, had been ap 4th RACE FURLONGS pointed to negotiate for a reCountess of Warwick turn of the initial payment 114 made on account of the Orion.
Cococha 112 (Continued from page 1)
MI Nolan claimed that the Huérfano 126 has been ready to give way imBubbling Water. 10, 000 to cover the balance of 112 mediately his Ministers have the initial payment was a per105 made up their minds to a course Trigo.
sonal loan made by him to the 118 of action which was not in agreeBlack Star line to be used only ment with the royal suggestion.
5th RACE FURLONGS as part payment on the Orion.
NOT ALLOWED TO GOVERN Excuse Me 140 The New York Ship Exchange To tell the truth the King Honey Dew 110 contended that the 12, 500, which El Medico on the throne has not governed 105 FEATURING accompanied the offer, should be nearly so often as the casual Tunney.
100 returned to it. Garvey contendobserver imagines.
115 ed that the entire amount should 6th RACE 61 FURLONGS be returned to the Black Star If the present King of Eng.
land is the last of his line it will Cartagena be because he and his few imBilly Dennis 126 Meanwhile the Black Star line mediate ancestors La Chiquilla 108 have been was dissolved by the state of such admirable monarchs Kitty Gill. 126 that Delaware for non payment of POST TIME 15P.
Alondra 120 they have made their kingship 132 taxes. Judgment creditors of entirely superfluous.
the Black Star line field suits in 7th RACE 61 FURLONGS The King to day is not allowthe supreme court of the DisHindoo ed to govern. He is kept as the trict of Columbia and attempted chief figure in State processions.
126 to farnishee the commissioners Marcela 130 He is compelled to appear dressof the shipping board upon the ed in all the gaudy remnants of Contest 115 theory that the initial payment PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Otelo.
105 military and naval glory while of 22, 500 belonged to the Black his Ministers, who really do govBistouri Or 110 Star line. The court quashed ern, promenade in black silk hats and frock coats.
Counsel for the shipping board If the monarchy falls it will contends that any payment to be in the midst of its virtues, 1240 judgment creditors will not prenot its faults. Continued from page 7) clude a duly appointed receiver It only remains to add the of those for Kemptville have of the Black Star line from profinal paradox that if the Prince already been selected. Ar ceeding against the United HART. Manager of Wales never is a king it will rangements for the depar States. He is of the opinion that not be because of unpopularity.
ture of the party for Guelph the claims of the New York Ship He is the most popular figure are not yet complete. Exchange and of Nolan have FATALE in public life at this moment.
JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday June 8th El Zapo Infimo. Attractive Ra Races Cartagena, Alondra, Copi, Kitty Gill, Billy Dennis, La Chiquilla, 105 line.
118 General Admission. 50c.
Tramcars direct to and from Track the writs of attachment.
Scholarship for PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB


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