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JUL 14 1930 No.
PRICE CENTS Marcus Garvey Deposes Knox for Disloyalty to Cause cation no is no the Color Bar at Convent in Makes Statement Regarding COLORED ARTIST WILL British Guiana Knox; Real Shake Up Begun; NOT PLAY IN AMERICA New Leaders Appointed UNLESS NEGROES ARE ALLOWED TO SIT IN ANY Member of Legislature Demand WithPART OF THEATRE drawal of Money Grants to School TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Madam DeMena, International Defender a tot Writing editorially, the Chicago From the Mail edition of the In reply beg to submit: That Demerara Argosy of the 19th. the obsequious cant of the Edu organizer, is representing the PARENT BODY of the UNIVERSAL Paul Robeson has given notice ulto. we cull the following: Committee that NECRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION of August 1929 of the Othello on the American stage taht he will not consider playing Among the matters dealt with change should be made in the at a meeting of the Education present arrangements WORLD in the United States of America. She is authorized to unless assurance is given him that Committee held at the Guiana answer to the question whether Public Buildings at 2, 30 on or not any religious Denomina visit ali divisions, branches and Garvey Clubs in the country, in the ed against in the theaters in the 5th inst, and presided over tion in receipt of public funds interest of the organization. All officers and members are requested which he appears. So insistent on by the Director of Education was should be permitted to ban a this point is he that the clause has been included in his contract.
the question of the grant to the large majority of the contribu to observe this notice.
Ursuline Convent for secondary tors of these funds on My people must be permitted to «Signed» MARCUS GARVEY education as the result of letter ground of pigmentation alone. purchase seats in any section of from the Hon. Eleazar, as folany theater in which play in Of all the accidents of life, that NOTICE lows America on the same basis as of colour is the greatest accident The Hon. Bain Gray, and the least important; yet we other people Mr. Knox is no longer regarded as First Asst. President Robeson is reported from London Director of Education.
find, that in the sacrced circle of Sir. beg to acknowledge the the Roman Catholic Church, one General and has no authority in the organization, he has disqual. to have declared, This is unusual to say the least, receipt of yours of the 10th of whose dogmas is equality of ified himself making no reports of his activities, and by raising and definitely stamps Paul Robe ultimo with regard to the grant all men before God, colour preson not only as a giat singer and to the Ursuline Convent and the judice is being nurtured, What monies for over a year and making no report of same, and by actor, but as a real man. He is gratuitous advice of the Educa ever may be the idea of the audoing well in London is very tion Committee.
fraudulently collecting funds from divisions from time to time. Continued on Page 8)
much in demand and is quite The only recognized SPECIAL PARENT BODY REPRESENTA willing to remain there. His conColored Race Lacks TIVES in America are: sent to come to America was at the urgent request of American Trained Preachers Mrs. Robinson, of Cleveland, Ohio, and the Rev. promoters who see an opportunElhel Williams, of Baltimore, Md.
ity to capitalize on his popularity on this side of the Atlantic. But, Chicago Director of Education «Signedy MARCUS GARVEY knowing America as he does, he Di Tells Council President General.
tales steps to protect the interests of his people.
To us this was an act of herogro suffers from the lack of a States, there are only 3, 550 phyism and sets Mr. Robeson apart Edelweis Park, 67 Slipe Road, Cross Roads St. Andrew, Jamaica, trained ministry, declared Dr. sicians and opportunity for in; from other artists of ours who have willingly accepted whatever director of religious education it ical graduates annually.
Big Championship Further Details of slurs and insults prejudiced Am.
the Zion church, at the Continuing he said that the operica has seen fit to heap upon session of the International Coun portunity to secure an education Fight Communism at Jamaica dark Americans just for the sake cil on Religious Education, which is greatly limited. He told of the of pleasing the white folks. And held its sessions last week in separate schools in some sections AL ORTEGA VS. JOE Delegate to Convention Last we dare suggest here that Paul Toronto, Canada. Before an audi of the United States and showed WALCOTT Robeson will be no less popular ence of more than five thousand the difference in the amounts of Year Named as Responsible Party. as a result of his attitude. It is delegates gathered from all parts money appropriated for whites well known that all the world Well! well! well! After a long of the world, Dr. Eichelberger and those not white. Attention In a recent issue of this paper stated without reserve, however, loves a man who can stand up for spoke on the subject, The Re was called to unfair treatment in spell, the fight fans of the Isth; we published a story taken from is that Huiswood organised the his rights as a man, and that all ligious Education of the Negro. mixed schools.
mus will have the opportunity the Jamaica Mail of an attempt society with the intention of us the world despises the shrinking At the beginning of his address seeing a real; real fight promoted to spread Communism in the is. ing it as a means to propagate apologizer the man who is ashhe declared that Christian renomic needs of the Race he quot.
Dealing with the labor and eco in the real way and by a real pro land of Jamaica. In that story the communism in peaceful Jamaica. amed of his color and wants to ligious education recognizes God ed from the Urban Rague to the moter who knows his onions when name of the active propagandist This was the object of the two be what he isn t!
as the Father of all mankind, effect that Race members are it comes to staging a fistic scrap. was not disclosed. In a later is visits which he paid to the isseeking the welfare of all his marginal workers, the last to This real fight is going to be stie of the same paper is publish land, first as a delegate to the children with equal zeal. Be be hired and the first to be fired. staged tomorrow afternoon in ed fuller details of of the whole Convention at Edel WE RE PATRIOTS cause of the number of non Therefore they suffer more from real style, when Al Ortega pre affair which are as follows: weis Park last August, and more whites in the United States and unemployment than any other sent welterweight champion of Last Saturday and on Tuesday recently as organizer of a Trades Newspapers are telling of the other parts of the western world group of workers. Lynching was Panama faces Joe Walcott the the Jamaica published and Labour Union. At the form arrival of a native of Panama, son he said that a program of religi exposed as an example of the lion of Colon in a fifteen round exclusive news articles with re. er gathering he did not find of a Panama official, in the Unitous education for North America lack of protection afforded in bout in the roped arena at the spect to the activities of Otto scope for his red propaganda; ed States to enter the United should meet the needs of so large some sections. All these things Panama Bull Ring.
Huiswood, a coloured American, but on the second visit he, as we States Military academy at West a part of the population.
must be taken into account in It will be remembered that Or and field organister of the Am stated in two previous issues, Point. This man will join at the He called attention to the fact planning for the religious educa tega, in a decisive battle a few erican Negro Labour Congress, told some of the early members academy other young men from that the Race is denied many hu tion of the Race for it is suspici weeks ago, relieved Young Harry a communist organization: of the local society that they China, Japan, the Philippine isman and civil rights and is die ous of the Christianity that acts Wills of the welterweight cham society that is in direct contact must be ready for eventualities, lands and other foreign lands. But criminated against in housing, one way and talks another. pionship Crown, and had decided with the Union of the Socialist viz. to engage the police in for some reason a dark American, employment, wages, educational He declared that while pro to take the coveted trophy with Soviet Government of Russia clashes, end to use arms if neces should he be born within a stone and vocational opportunity, lib gress among nonwhites has been him to the isle of Palms, where during a recent visit which him sary. They must also be prepar throw of the institution, finds it rary and recreational facilities, rapid and sure the need is still he, by this time, might have been self and his wife made to Kings ed to be lodged in jail and pris almost impossible to enter West public carriers and property appalling. Eighty per cent are not happily reclining with the Panama ton.
Point, and when he does manage rights, provision for maintenance receiving religious instruction in welterweight crown brilliantlyThis journal did not state that AN AERIAL TRIP IN THE to get in he is unable to surmount of health and the protection of any protestant agency. The aver. adorning his cranium, had it not the Trades and Labour Union CARIBBEAN the high obstacles placed in his life itself. Referring to health he age number of graduates from been for Promoter Sol, that keun which Huiswood formed in Kings Today this journal presents to way by white America. Yet when declared that there is only one theological seminaries are less sport who felt that the title ton, is a communistic organiza its readers further details of the war comes between the United hospital bed available for each (Continued on page Continued on page 8) tion. What the Jamaica Mail (Continued on page (Continued on page on.


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