
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, July 12, 1980. INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS Barbados St. Lucia Trinidad British Guiana Electric Company Chamber of Commerce as JAMAICA The Herald Our Visitors Railway Fares of It is perhaps a little piemaFiles Action The Voice of the 11th June Destitute Jamaicans AGREES TO CONFERENCE ture to lament the passing of the says: OF COLONIES Herald newspaper, for it may be On Sunday the Lady continued under a different manat Cuba Against Goverment Hawkins brought 55 passengers GEORGETOWN, The agement or it may even after who had come from Barbados to and Citizens To forthnightly meeting of the some vicissitudes continue under Council of the Chamber of Comits present management. For the spendede weekend in St. Lucia, Paid by Jamaica Goverment from any Determine Rights merde was held in the Exchange moment, however, its publica football team and an orchestra Included among these Part of Republic to Santiago Room presided over by the Hon.
tion is stopped and our Sunday known in Barbados as Night The Port of Spain Gazette M. Walcott.
reading will lack something of Hawk Orchestra. The memSays the Gleaner of recent brought wealth to many of the of June 5th states: Representa letter was considered from its strenuousnes and directness bers of the orchestra gave a Vau date: dealers. Quantities of this article tives of the Trinidad Eléctric the Jamaica Imperial Associafor which the Herald has been deville show at Clarke Theatre In interviews we have publish enter from the Northside of the Ltd. ineluding the local General tion which enclosed resolutions famous. For whatever its faults. and played during the screening ed recently with Jamaican la island. The dealers travel by mo Manager, and their local Coun passed at the annual general it knew exactly what it wanted of the pictures on Sunday night bourers who have returned from tor cars to receive the illicit con sel, Hon. Reilly, meeting if the Association with and the way to get it. So much representa of modern journalism is flabby On Monday morning a football Cuba, the point has been stress signments. They reach Kingston and Child, had a long reference to direct match was played when the ed that a lot of hardship is be all the time safely. The Chinese conference at the Government tions at the Empire Economic and indecisive that it is a plea: visitors were defeated by goals ing suffered by labourers in the buy the article readily and the Buildings yesterday morning. Conference whenever held. Jasure to find a newspaper which knows its own mind, has strong to From the time of landing interior who are more or less sale works out at 20 per lb, for with His Excellency the Gov maica suggested that the Secreon Sunday afternoon to the time destitute, and cannot afford the opium. One smuggler lost a val ernor and his advisers on the tary of State for the Colonies convictions, and is not afraid to of embarkation on Monday af railway fare to get from the uable suit of clothes not so long subject of the extension of the should not represent the West Indies and British Guiana at the est tributes which could be paid ternoon it was evident that the place they are in up to Santiago, ago in carrying out his arrange company franchise.
to, and had and so obtain a boat back to Ja ashore. Evidence has been forth barns that the Trinidad Electric be represented by Baron Olivier, ment for smuggling the drug The Port of Spain Gazette Conference but that they should to a journalist was paid by Sir visitors had come Robert Furness to Mr. Wick enjoyed their short stay. In maica.
coming that not only have suits Co. Ltd. have intimated to the Sir Edward Davson and Mr. ham, when in summing up to the speaking to Messrs. Nightengale jury he said, We cannot but adand Maynard, both of the staff GOVT. PAYS RAILWAY FARE of clothes been lost but two hu Government their intention to dePass, Chairman of the We are able to state that this man lives were lost in connec. institute legal mire a man who sticks to his of the Advocate we were informproceedings West Indian Committee.
guns. So many men are readyed that on the whole our visitors position of affairs has been made tion with the smuggling busi against the Government and of Mr. Jones was in agreement the City Council in order to de with the suggestion and proposwere very agreeably surprised out to be a good deal worse than ness!
te shift hither and thither with Ganja, which today is a pro termine the Company rights ed that the Chamber should pass every changing wind of doctrine They had read about the beauty ithreally is the actual fact be that it is unusual to find a man templated finding such grandeur maica pays the railway fare of ready sale in America. Smoked of the island but had not con ing that the Government of Jai hibition weed in Jamaica has under the terms of the franchist a resolution along the same The Government, in turn, has lines.
who is ready to stick to his gun. of scenery. They were struck any Jamaican labourer from any in many of the underworld dens again written to the City CounThis the Herald was always with the beauty of the place point on the line where there is The President agreed that of New York and Chicago it has ci! suggesting a conference to ready to do. dispassionate exa British Vice Consul to whom been the stimulant of many dar. discuss the situation and sug understood the problems of the these three gentlemen probably amination of its work during the from early. All were delighted at the hospitality of St. Lucians to apply. There is one for ining burglars and murderers in gesting Tuesday 10th eleven years of its chequered exthe West Indies and British Guiana and the only regret was the stance at Camaguey, which is in istence reveals the fact that it the American cities. Large quan date for such meeting.
the centre of the sugar district tities of this noxious weed leave better than Lord Passfield.
shortness of the time.
made some mistakes, but that it In an interview with the direcMore of such interchange of and fairly easy of access to the island weekly. It is known tors of the Trinidad Electric the Chamber had any voice in Mr. White enquired whether visits would bring about mutual many of the large factories. So that drug fiends have sent agents Company, yesterday the Ga the matter.
did an incalculable amount of good. From the beginning it was understanding, destroy insular: that any labourer who can get to great adventure and for eleven ity and naturally pave the way to Jamaica to purchase large zette learnt that the Company Camaguey can have his train The President replied that the years its faith was justified and foster the spirit of federa fare to Santiago paid by the Ja purchasers also board the ves purposes at an early date filing Chamber, if it felt that it should sels in New York harbour, In an action in the Supreme Court support it, might pass a similar. Advocate tion. The more we see and know maica Government.
some cases coloured ladies of of this colony for a declaration resolution and forward it to the of each other the more we real The money is paid out of the ise that there is no difference emigrant deposit money, if this Harlem have concealed the weed of their right to operate perpet. Government.
PALAIS ROYAL is sufficient, or if not sufficient, flats they have sold it to both under their dresses and in their ually.
betwen us in reality.
Mr. Jones moved that a resoluFOR BEST CLOTHING The directors claim that their tion similar to that of Jamaica Continued on Page out of a special fund on the Es coloured and white drug addicts. old directors had obtained that be forwarded to the Govern timates for this purpose The government has already those who are engaged in it they took over their concerns, Seaford and carried unanimousThe trade goes on weekly, and right which they acquired when ment. This was seconded by Mr.
IODO spent quite a large sum in this flourish in a remarkable way. Continued on Page Continued on page 7)
Dr. Leo Pink During the next couple of months over 800 Jamaicans are due to return on the United Surgeon Dentist Fruit Company ships alone, and several hundred morei, fton and several hundred more on the 23 Central Avenue Panama City, Webster vessels out of which a Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, large number will have their trainfare from various points in INCORPORATED 1869 Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works the interior paid by the Government. Head Office: Montreal, Canada Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Extensive Drug PANAMA POSSONOPODOPODO COLON Traffic Between Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets NEURALGINA Jamaica and Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Thirty thousand pounds sterling of cocainte, caffeine and jewShould be in every office to immedjately soothe any elry are smuggled into the isneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. land; and 10, 000 of ganja is exported to the United States each With 900 Branches throughout the world, including NEURALGINA year, says the Gleaner of the the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank 27th ulto. This Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches statement is startling is in a position to render the best possible service.
but nevertheless it is true. The and reduce the fever of children cocaine comes on ships from Colombia. One dealer in the drug Antigua Dominica Montserrat NEURALGINA has made his pile. Today he is Bahamas Grande St. Kitts a very wealthy man.
Barbados Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart This information was confirmJamaica (2)
St. Lucia ed yesterday by one who had Britis Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martial been associated with the drug Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
trade. To use his own words For sale both Wholesale and Retail he has become Christian and if AT THE he should turn King evidence there was no doubt that some of the dealers higher up would be HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST AMERICAN PHARMACY in jail. The traffic in opium and caffeine was prevalent during PAID ON DEPOSITS JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the war. Today the trade is not so lucrative but there is quite a Panama.
numbe rof men who make a big General Banking Business Transacted.
living of this form of trading.
Opium is another drug that has ODO IOPO 1000 ODO way.
The Royal Bank of Canada JY OPO


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