
PAGE THREE JINTERESTINO JOTTUNOS States Slavery yet Exists in Near East re ac warRUBBER STAMPS quartett, that is, trebble, alto tenor, base singing. Mid pleasHousehold of Ruth ures and palaces, though we may (By ELIJAB HUNTER)
Toam; be it ever 80 humble, TO STAGE VARIETY Friends and Countrymen. If est, sweetest, darling, honey boy, there no place like home. CONCERT had enough space if had the am just dying to take one little looked across and saw barely the time to fill that space and more, look at your beautiful face heads of some men showing up Members of the Household of if you had either time or desire please let me see you tonight. above the railings, and realized French Daily Exposes Flourishing Ruth 6446, will to be interested could make this After she had seen him doing that they were prisoners. reTrade in Abyssinia, Arabia stage a Grand Variety Concert column very interesting for you. what she didn like, this is how marked to another who was go tomorrow at p. in the Hall But you know quite as well as she wrote to him. You worth ing along at the same time that PARIS. Negro slavery still He says: of Division 17 of the A, do that nobody and nothing is less good for nothing you sympathised with those poor flourishes in Abyssinia, East guard of black men, heavi: St Many artists, from interesting in this place for as don put your hoof back at me, fellows that they seemed to Africa, Arabia, and Persia, ac ly armed, and bearing no Panama and La Boca have signilong as it would take to write and don write me any more let have missed their home very cording to the report of an ex semblance to the Bedouins, pro fied their intention to participate down the word. Life is fast here. ters. Send them to Rosa Pusey, much, and were consoling them pedition sent into that region by tected his palace. When asked in the program. In addition, One thing must succeed the other and don mean may be. In caseselves by singing, home, sweet Le Matin, French daily. The ex the Emir to what tribe these there will be several well known in quick succession. Husbands be you doubt me, have another home. am atraid you have pedition was headed by Joseph Soldiers belonged, he replied: members of kindred societies come unworthy in the estimation feller, his name is Mr. John Bigº the bull by the tail, sir, replied Kessel, a French explorer, They are my slaves which who will speak.
of wives between the rising of wood. He is not a shrimp like the man: have been in jail in companied by an army doctor have been brought from the Those who make it possible to the sun and the setting of the you. He is a twelve by twelve, 80 Barranquilla. have just conclud and a naval lieutenant.
other side of the sea.
attend, will be amply rewarded.
same. fellow proposes to a girl if you want to still show up, you ed thirty days in this, and ll be According to Kessel, it is For centuries and centuries, and takes back his word in two must make up your mind to take darned if there is a man who not local slavery, such as still he says, the bush and the for shakes of the duck tail. The blows.
wouldn feel homely in a jail like exists in most parties of Africa, ests of Equatorial Africa have girls arise more quickly than they that. didn feel very good when Persia, and Arabia, but a regular furnished human flesh for the sically and mentally, but he is, had fallen for the boy of their Well, well, she fired him be Mr. Murray told me thirty slave trade. Black men and wo American planters, the Abys perhaps, the only powerful man choice. It is one violent conclu tween sun rise and sun set which days. but after had gotten in men are still captured in Abys sinian warriors, and the Arab in his country with modern sion succeeding another, without goes prove how capricous and there. was darned sorry he sinia and the Sudan, he says, chiefs.
ideas. Between him and the rest rhyme or reason, and we seem to whimsical the girls are, and incididn say, sixty.
taken along regular caravan If the routes to secret points on the United States has of Abyssinia there goes on the live in an era of perpetual mental dentally, how we all seem to be.
the changes.
East African coast and over into abandoned slavery, if the Euro usual struggle between Which makes me remember a peans wipe it out little by little great reformers and the backFor instance, the other day, But interesting or not, en couple of things. They have radio Asia, and Bold publicly at aucin the.
and not without a great deal of ward peoples. The least novelty after a girl had ben in love with countered an incident last evening set in the penitentiary at Gam SLAVES PROTECT PALACE trouble in their colonies, there causes a misunderstanding, some her boy for only one fortnight, which was very interesting to me. boa, and they tell me that they His attention was called to still exists in the basin of the times a revolt.
other girl when he supposed she scribed as Captain Callaway free of charge. The rations are when he was received by Abdal tiong which still retain it in all The Italian doctor, he said, she saw him spooning with an was passing what has been de show moving pictures there too, slavery three years ago, he says, Red Sea three independent nawas not around. During the love new jail house in what prefer not sold, and have heard many lah, Emir of Trans Jordania, in its primitive cruelty, namely, the Abyssinian chiefs are indewent on to explain that some of period, she used to write him a to rbfer to as the New Adminisstatements made that on a com his capital, Aman.
Abyssinia, Yemen, and Hedjaz. pendent in all but name, and letter every night and receive an tration Building at Cristobal. As parative basis, they show up very SLAVES SMUGGLED that any attempt of the Emperor answer every morning. She used passed, heard a somewhat good against the rations served These slaves, he says, are tak to introduce new customs would to address him this way, Dear subdued but very harmonious and collected for at restaurants not so very far away from there, en over into Asia either through cause a revolt. You can imagine notably the one that something English, French, or Italian ter what would happen among the like north of the place where the ritory since Abyssinia has no sea old feudal chiefs, jealous of their penitentiary is. Then again, ne port, Police boats patrol the nar power, he said.
member, many years ago, had row strip of sea but the slavers to pass the gates of a prison on The Abyssinians are find means to smuggle them my way to church on Sundays through to waiting markets in try they occupy has been conriors. Three fourths of the counOn one of these mornings, Persia, Syria, and Arabia.
Of every description heard the prisoners singing very quered, and necessarily there lustily: Kessel tells of seeing black are over lords and slaves. Cermen and women, their bodies tain tribes even seem destined DONE WITH NEATNESS AND We love this place God, bowed with animal labor, their for salvery. They are the WakaWherein thine honor dwells; faces more Sombre and more mo, Sidamo, and Chankalla.
DESPATCH The joy of this abode, mysterious than the night in the These are the human cattle.
depths of an Abyssinnian forest.
The guide of the three French AT THE All earthly joys excel.
THINKS RULER OPPOSES adventurers is a Frenchman, Mercy! but after all, there SLAVERY who entering the country plen must be some place for this The writer tells of meeting an niless engaged in the illicit trafworld unfortunates to call Italian doctor, with a Negro fic of arms, and is now worth a home. and all things consider slave that had been given to him fortune.
ed, it is true that there no by the Ras Ayelou, one of the SAY PEOPLE SELL SELVES place like home. most powerful of the Abyssinian Abyssinians in Paris declare chiefs. He expressed surprise, that while a form of servitude Phone 453 DRY CLEANING There lived a man in times past whereupon the doctor replied: exists in their country, it is difPANAMA who was a Mason by trade. He STBAM PRESSING had managed to rake up enough certiy of the Emperor Tafari ern world knows it, and that a am persuaded that the sin ferent from slavery as the west16 STREET to buy himself a little cottage makes him opposed to such conDYRING We Dye To Live PANAMA with a small frontage on the ditions. You, yourself have seen themselves into it as a means of goood many of the people sold Suburbs of a township. He had a what a fine man he is both phy making a living.
KKKKKKKKK family consisting of a wife and daughter. He took great pride in beautifying the little frontage 1010 to his home by gathering up stones and forming various fig: ures such as squares, diamonds, hexagons and so forth with them, then plant flowers in these. Every evening he spent NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM in this way, taking his daughter HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES with him. Whenever stones were When in Panama remember to visit Alex. Dixon left over, he would put them in Get a copy of the an empty cement bag which he Place (a good old timer) at the eastern end of placed under a shade tree in the garden. One evening, he had an the Station, where you can get the old engagement and did not come home. The little girl went alone Cuban touch at the to the garden, taking the trowel and read the records of past her father was in the habit of using. She looked under the Cricket Veterans shade tree to find some stones AND in the cement bag with which she intended to do as her father Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 used to. On finding no stones, she became alarmed, and all exA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages West Indian Restaurant cited, she ran to the cottage and exclaimed. mother, mother, Summary of Contents: daddy has lost his stones. How did he do it, daughter. queried History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years mother. Some one has stolen Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, them, mother, answered daugh Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, ter, because have looked in Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, across to the bag and there isn one Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual there. Too bad, daughter, said mother, but daddy is better oft without them, he will rest in the Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and evening now!
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