p. 8


0. 1912 ESTABLISHED 100 dan VES The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY 086L ZT avanLVS NVWXUOM IHL Tomorrows Horse AUSTRALIAN COMMENTS ON Color Bar at Convent Colored Race Lacks. STOWAWAY STORY OF CAPTAIN BRUTALITY WEST INDIAN CRICKET TEAM Selected to Tour the Antipodes were on בום HORSE RACING Races (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
NEW FEATURE OF STARTING thorities of St. Roses school, than 10 a year, where the actual BRUSSELS, June 19. An exHORSES FROM BOXES am certain that those who ad demand for qualified ministers is traordinary story has been told here to this form of prejudice over 100 annually.
at Antwerp, where the police have Tomorrow race Program as are not in that respect faithful Summing up the needs and examined a young Spaniard, 18 appended, promises to be anLate This Year followers of Christ. The equivo wants of the Race the speaker years old, calad Demetrio.
other big attraction for fans who cal admission by the Convent declared that what our group Demetrio stated that when a will journey out to Juan Fran Not Out in the Sydney Re or spin bowling, with a variety authorities that Saint Rose wants is a man chance in the Greek ship sailed from Huelva in co. The seven events are all well feree, writing on the selection of of strokes on all sides of the school is restricted to girls not game of life. No religion what. Spain to Ghent in Belgium he and matched and bettors will have to the team to visit Australia this wicket. Added to this he is one only one interpretation; that is, command his respect and allegi hide in the hold of the vessel.
too deeply coloured admits of ever its name or its creed can two other stowaways resolved to do some guessing to get in on year, says: of the few West Indies batsmen the winning side.
Big things in chicket art mov who definitely have the Test the school on the ground of colour clusive evidence in practice that ship had left Huelva the stowhat dark girls are excluded from ance unless and until it gives con About three hours after the The time of starting the races ing quickly into line. The West match temperament.
tomorrow will be advanced. Indies are organizing their team Roach compiled two cen alone, and leaves no alternative in it there is no East and West, aways discovered and first race starts at p. sharp for the tour in Australia next turies in the latest Tests. He is to Government but that the grant no South nor North. Christian brought to the captain, who, De 80 as to allow fans to take in season. The selection of this team said to be a brilliant stroke play as the money has been received the speaker with dramatic em be thrown into the sea. An offishould be withdrawn forthwith, ity must be born again, declared metrio alleged, ordered them to the fight at the Bull Ring also.
brings home to us more definite er, and his 122 was a masterWe understand that a new feaunder false pretences. am, etc. phasis.
ly the fact that we are to have piece, but he is not always comcer vainly tried to intercede, the ture of tomorrow races will be them here a few months hence. fortable with spin bowling. Sgd) ELEAZAR. The address was interspersed Spaniard declared, but the cap starting the horses from boxes.
They will be a spectacular comDe Caires has the reputation The Committet, it is under with apt quotations from various tain replied that he knew what he This will be a novelty in Panama bination, embracing a sprinkling of being a delightful batsman. stood, decided to adhere to the authorities on religious and social was doing, and that he was the and will surely draw a large of the native races, and in their The West Indies batting was decision already communicated problems and was received by the only master on board his ship.
crowd to the breezy Juan Fran cricket the more picturesque for so successful their own to Mr. Eleazar, e. that they vast audience with undeniable ap The captain wife, however, co Park tomorrow to see this inhard wickets, against the Eng. saw no reason to recommend to proval.
Demetrio stated, menaced her novation.
The West Indies sixteen is exlish team, a little while back, Government the withdrawal of husband with a pistol and comHere the program: pected to set out on October 8, that it is reasonable to assume the grant.
We re Patriots pelled him to go back to the spot 1st RACE FURLONGS where the three men had been and, if so, will not reach Aus that they will get lots of runs on Monte Mahal.
thrown into the sea. boat was 122 tralia until about a month later. the fast, true wickets of AustraStates and other countries you ll lowered, the Spanish youth deBlack Water.
109 The manager is reported to be lia. They appear to play fast and Australia takes on greater signi find America guests hasten clares, and he and a companion Dancing Girl 115 Mr. Mallet, who is close medium pace bowling very skil. ficance than might have been at ing home to take up arms against were picked up, after they had Sibarita II.
108 ly identified with the official fully, but on the average are not tached to it, judging by the West the Stars and Stripes in defense been struggling in the water for Colombia.
112 side of English cricket. He has so sound against slow bowling.
Indian experiences on tour in of their countries.
the same Don Simon 126 been a member of the HalfRate.
118 The performances of the West England. Their fast bowlers are war you ll find black men sacrific more than an hour, but the third committee and managed the Indies teams in the Test matches said to be the best in the world, ing their lives to keep the old man had disappeared.
When the ship arrived at Ghent, 2nd RACE FURLONGS team that toured in the fnished last month, were so and some of their fieldsmen very flag from touching the ground.
126 West Indies two months a back. meritorious that the tour to brilliant.
RL So it goes. Chicago Defender. the story goes, the captain offer ed the stowaways hůsh money, Palo Loco 104 Mr. Mallett has represented SELALT!
100 Australia several times in makwhich they accepted. Later the Marcial.
ship left Ghent.
Silver Star. 108 ing the preliminary arrangeRumours however, circulated, El Major.
103 ments for our teams in England, and Demetrio, has told his story, Laughing Water 118 including the present tourists.
to the police Hot Water.
105 He has also represented the West Indies on the Imperial 3rd Race Furlongs Conference, and is as deeply inMount Syrian 126 terested in the cricket of the Em. AT: Lagrimita 105 pire and its problems as any one.
Hilda know. It may seem strange Honey Dew 114 that a non resident of the West (Continued from page 1)
Indieg is to come with the team should not leave the Isthmus. And Glad Night 126 So he at once set about to find a as manager, but Mr. Mallett has 4th Race 1 Furlongs had a close association with the worthy contender who could wrest it from Ortega, Joe Cartagena 110 cricket of the islands in the Ca125 ribbean Sea, and is wrapped up Walcott the lion of Colon was voted the only man of the manly Otelo 100 in its success there, as, indeed, Resolute 104 everywhere.
art who would be likely to do the trick, and with his usual sagacity La Chiquilla 103 STRONG SIDE Copi.
135 Sol was able to arrange the bout It has the appearance of for tomorrow which is to decide strong side as strength in the 5th Race Furlongs whether the Panama welterWest Indies is measured. Seven Ramona 118 weight title must go to Cuba or of the sixteen figured in the Infimo 126 remain here.
English tour in 1928, Con110 stantine, the most striking of Opinion is greatly divided as to 104 FEATURING the fast bowlers on that tour, the outcome of this bout. The Trigo 125 scored 1, 381 runs at 34. 52, and showing put up by Ortega in his Marcial 100 secured 107 wickets at 22. 95 in Resolute, last scrap with Wills has proved Darién 100 the first class matches. hardhim to be one of the best scrap hitter of very spectacular and La Chiquilla Copi pers in the welterweight class, 6th Race 1 Furlongs and there are legions who bero risky type, he scores very fast.
Corazón 107 In the West Indies he is classed lieve that he will repeat the same Excuse Me.
105 as the woorld best field, and in antics against Walcott and romp 130 POST TIME OOP.
Lancashire League cricket he home by a big margin.
Tapagra 116 draws the crowds by his breezy On the other hand backers and Dunroi.
140 admirers of Joe are confident cricket personality. Constantine Pora.
108 isone of the mine coloured men that he will Al more gloves in this team. He will be the man than he can possibly take care of 7th Race 1 Furlongs for the Australian crowds if he and recapture the title for Pan La Chiquilla finds Australian condition suit ama where it belongs and should Resolute him. If he hits with a straight therefore remain.
Cartagena But whatever, may be the outcom bat and some overseas hitters Otelo have not done so he should Tramcars direct to and from Track come of the bout there is onen Pauline find the wickets all right.
thing certain, fans are destined to be Contest Grant, the captain, is a sursee a fight the like of which has Marcela prise selection. He did not play not been seen in Panama for a Weights to be declared after in the recent Tests against the 4th Rade.
So here to the best Scrapper Headley made three cenand may be win. Let go, PALAIS ROYAL turies in the recent four Tests HART. Manager 2HP WOSSA FORO sal against Hendren and Co. He is PALAIS ROYAL described as a first class batsFOR SUITS man equally at home with fast FREE SUTTSV Big Championship 132 103 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday July 13th Kitty Gill Attractive Races and des Zapo.
Orange Crush Cartagena, Kitty Gill, Otelo, Rifle.
General Admission. 50c.


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