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PRICE CENTS Ali aliens in general and West Indians in particular should be reminded that the period for Alien Registration expires on the 30th of this present month June. It is therefore expedient that all who have not yet registered should do so at once and thereby avoid unnecessary trouble.
Garvey Says Women Most Loyal, Men Often Betray West Indians Looted Wife of Prominent Two Hundred Negro Selfish Men Creep by Colombian Into Bandits Merely to Betray Negro Actor merchants Organized GIVES VIEWS ON LYNCHING IN THE UNITED STATES TO ESTABLISH GIGANTIC CHAIN STORE COMBINATION as for a mission to The Negro in Things Intellectual LONDON, May 19. Mrs. Eslands CHICAGO The plans are now beRobbed of Hard Cash Earned from Great Handicap to Movement is Goode Robeson, the wife of Paul ing worked out for more than two Loading Banana Vessels Robeson, the negro actor, who hundred Negro grocerymen to unite Dishonesty on Part of Men makes his stage appearance in a gigantic chain store combinaInformation reaching Jamaica may 24 on account of that day Othello at the Savoy Theatre to tion. The idea is to establish a uni In his weekly message to his fol Men Have Abused Condifence But it is sad to say, that nearly recently are to the effect that being a National Holiday. Fear night, states that in nine out of ten form price on all goods sold by this lowers Mr. Marcus Garvey in referthe neighbouring Republic of Co was always entertained that the cases of the lynching of negroes, the chain of stores. This price is to being to the trouble between Mr. Knox, every man we have placed in position lombia has been in a state of un mines might be raided by the charge of assaulting a white woman published weekly in order that the vice President of the in of trust has abused that confidence rest for the past four weeks, a bandits, who it is said numbered is false.
customers may see and know the trying to get hold of the records, and proven a scamp. They always state of affairs that has never eighty, and a detachment of na In her book about her husband, prices of all goods to be sold that says, among other things: see the selfish I, the desire to exbeen experienced there for many tional police was always kept on Paul Robeson, Negro. Gollanez will be sold in all of their stores. How long shall we continue have ploit the people willing to support decades. clique of armed ban the scene for the purpose of this courageous coloured woman These two hundred or moer stores dishonest, self seeking, dishonorable the cause, for their own purpose.
dits are actively at work, carry guarding the mines.
states the case of the whole negro will go under the same name. The men among us as leaders who do That is the great dificulty with Neing out serious depredations, ef Late on Saturday night, the race, and calls attention to the grow prices will be in keeping with the not hesitate for a moment to betraygro organizations and the great difconsideration? ficulty that the Universal Negro Imfecting big robberies on proper bandits paid a visit to the ing tendency of the white Southern market price and the retail price their trust ties, carrying out acts of money home and sought per: American to make accusations of asked by other grocers on the same Why nuust these men seek to impose provement Association has not been violence on foreigners, and in enter the precincts. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
upon our trusting nature and try to able to overcome entirely destroy the vital interests of our Traitor Vice President one case they murdered an Am The police refused to grant the erican citizen whom they had wake bold to make these statemen their request and a fistic race while professing to serve us?
ments of truth because want to relieved of nine thousand pounds. bout ensued. The detachment of Upright Men Not Forthcoming guide by pwople right. Everybody most daring case of robbery police failed to reckon with their Up to the present we have not enwho has watched Negro movements was carried out by the bandits hosts and were soon overpowtirely succeeded in getting upright knows that sooner or later most of on the night of Saturday, Mayered by the lawbreakers who and honest men. The few leaders we them get foundered on the same 24, when they raided and seized effected an entry to the mines.
have had recently, came in quite all rock. inconsistency, dishonesty, the Colombian National Gov: It is said that after the police NO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HAS right but after a while they started swell headedtress, and the desire te ernment Emerald Mines at were (Continued on page 8)
Coscuez, in the Department of had very little difficulty to make ACHEIVED SUCH ADVANCE others did before them.
Boyaca. ingress and egress in and out of Women Consistent, Fair and True According to the story told a the mines. It is further underAnong those whom can recomrepresentative of the Daily stood that the bandits carried in so Short a time, Says mend as being most honorable and Gleaner last evening by persons away a big booty quite unmoProminent English Author consistent leaders of the movement who arrived from the Colombian lested.
ports, the mines were not open Bogota was communicated One of the most remarkable things attained an end which no one could are two women who have done exceedingly well, when nearly all the ed for business on Saturday. Continued on page 8) have learnt during my visit to have dreamt of fifty years ago.
Nancy Caroll in Honey. This men have failed, and they are still America is the immensely rapid pro Everything today is so well conductis the picture to be screened at the in active service Madame Cecilia Theatre commencing tomorgress of the Negro race in intelleced and efficiently managed that Lual things. No other people in the compares favourably with any DeMcha, who is our present interna row, Sunday and continuing until world has achieved such advance in American institution in the land. No Vinten Davis, who is our tional organizer, and Lady Henrietta Tuesday.
present so short a time during the last cenThe picture is highly dramatie, is one can ever say, hence forth, that secretary general. We have had very filled with romance and deep humour tury. At the present moment am the Negro race is less capable than BOSTON, Mass. May 29 The terial section of the book under the writing this article at the institute other races of mankind in its con: little trouble with the women in the end grips the interest of the aufirst Royal Governor of Massa general subject, The Times in called Tuskegee which was founded structive achievement.
movement; with the exception of one dience by good singing acting and chusetts was a Negro, Sir William Which the Putnams Lived and are fifty years ago by Dr. Booker or two, we have never had a dishon talking.
But this is only the picture.
Phipps. Although this truth is his extracts from Albert Bushell Hart Washington. From the very first est women in the leadership of the The plot is founded on a novel tory, the fact has been so obecurely Commonwealth History of Massa Negroes themselves have been the mains to be explained, for there is a The most vital fact of all still reorganization. Every woman has play play. story revolves itself recorded it is not generally known. chusetts.
ed fair and true.
around a brother and sister of an builders of the new fabric of their spirit in this institution which aristocratic Southern family who is The biography of Sir William Cotton Mather, educator, minister modern educaion. While the white breathes of life and health and forced to rent their mansion to Phipps has been written by many and author of note in his times, in race has looked on with deep symauthors and is in many publications, his book, Life of His Excellency, pathy and helped in various ways, young vigor. There is soul in it spirit of the divine in man creating wealthy tenant.
which tells of faith and hope an.
as well as in the Encyclopedia Brit. Sir William Phipps, says he was new human forms.
Nancy the sister becomes cook to the institution which Booker Washtanica, but in most of, if not in all of born in Bristol, Me. February love and all that is highest in man. Here at Tuskegee in the midst of the tenant while her brother assumes 2, ington founded in 1881 has remainI have met the same exalted spirit practical America, the outward the role of butler. By some artful these accounts, his racial identity 1651. His father was James Phipps, ed steadily independent. The staff in such original institutional work things are at first more evident than means their real identity is kept a has been cautiously concealed. No a gunsmith. His mother gave birth throughout comes from the homes of mention of his color is made in to 26 children, 21 of whom in India at that which know and in India with its philosophic dreams Secret the American Negro people. Again love at Santiniketan. have seen and Germany with its own perfect them.
It eventually turns out that Naney boys. William was one of the youngand again have been struck by the the same spirit still renewing its music. This emphasis on practical falls in love with the fiance of the It remained for the Tercentenary, er set. He was 18 when his father fact the every part of it is a crea youth in beautiful old Marburg in achievement in bricks and mortar daughter of her wealthy tenant booklet, a literary key to the three died.
tion of this progressive race Germany. It is easy to recognise it, and technical machinery was a mat while her brother captures the affechundredth anniversary celebration of Sir Phipps married the young End Attained because it goes far deeper than that ter of natural pride to the American tion of the daughter, the Massachusetts Bay Colony which widow of John Hill, a well known As a consequence of their creative which outwardly appears, and it im Negro race, whose talents had been Movie fans can begin to what is being observed here this year, to. merchant. She was the daughter of energy, those who have thus work mediately touches the heart. When previously despised; but these things their appetite for one of the great definitely mention Sir William Captain Roger Spencer, spoken of in ed so unselfishly to build up this in went to India and visited Gurukul did not really touch the heart or est pictures of the szason. Hit the Phipps as Negro boy. This fact the language of the times as a per stitution, pouring in their wealth of on the banks of the Ganges at Hard make its strong appeal to the very Deck with a large cast of Negroes is recorded in the historical me son of good fashion.
sacrifice in unstinted measure, have war, felt in a moment the same (Continue on Page Continued on page 8)
Nancy Carrol in Honey it Claim First Governor of Massachusetts was Negro The were


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