
INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS Trinidad BARBADOS Jamaica GRENADA Sum Voted Boy Killed by EXISTING DEGENERACY OF Falling Coconut to Governor THE GRENADA GOVERNMENT To Attend Conference of Colonial MISERABLE MAKESHIFTS Governors in England of the 20th instant. Mrs. Eliza Mart. Tribe of Newiy Great in Power ST. VINCENT GOVERNMENT BX GUESS its time to the sugar crisis and on Retirement of Bishop Berkely spot. While the Land Settlemet Washed up from Sea don. away with, fruit and root and like to issue clear warning that of live and in luxuriously furnished.
The Sugar Crisis in the Colony MONEGUE, May 22. very Committe Appointed sed and fatal accident occurred in the district of Gibraltar, miles to Consider Aid from this township, on the evening to Planters the mother of the deceased, Frank The Advocate of the 1th ulto. states The Guardian understands that that the House of Assembly has been Marr, a boy about 14 years old, sent Daniel, his older brother to pick cothe special committee appointed by devoting a considerable portion of conuts. The unfortunate boy was ac Under the above captions the folthe Governor to consider what it companied by another boy to the may be given to sugar planters, is luwing appears in the Overseas EdiTuesday, April 29th, two resolutions BRITISH GUIANA nuta were falling tion of the West Indian of the in favor of a loan. This loan will be were passed with the object of tid they stood aside out of danger. As 21st ulto.
given to planters on the basis of ing over the present difficulty and soon as the climber started coming in other civilised portion of the for every ton of sugar produced.
of securing a protected market for Presented with Purse out the clustered top of the tree, they Br. wb Lmpire wha Grenada, Guv.
West Indian sugar, The conditions of the loan have commenced picking up the fruits.
of 20 Sovereigns to ernment is something fully capable In British Guiana The first resolution embodies a not yet been determined, nor has any Apparently, a detached nut from the of commanding profound respect request to the Imperial Government report been sent to the Government.
Purchase Souvenir bunch lost its balance by the agita from every intelligent citizen.
for a loan at easy rates of interest tion of the fronds and fell from a BRITISH GUIANA, May The The committee, of which Sir Hento subsidise the local sugar market.
Appointment of Officials to comland settlement at Bush lot Esse ry Walcott is chairman, has held freLast Tuesday the acting AttorneyThe St. Vincent Sentrry of May great beight directly on the stoop manding posts are made with great quent meetings in view of the urGeneral laid a copy of a telegram oth, states: The Lord Bishop of the ing from of Frank hitting him on the care in other places. even appoint quebo, was formally opened by the from the Secretary of State for the Windward Islands, Bishop Alfred Spinal column, about inches from ments of Unofficial members of Ex oficer Administering the Govern geney of the sugar crisis.
the base of the head. The descent of ecutive and of Legislative Councils. ment, Hon. Douglas Jones, Colonius in which it was stated that Berkely, sailed for Englan dvia Barthe affrighted climber was so rapid No very serupulous care seems to be yesterday. 85 East Indian TRINIDADIANS GIVEN the request of the Legislature was bados on Thursday, May 8th.
that another serious accident was taken in Grenada in this connection. families, in al three hundred souls, AERIAL FLIGHTS under consideration and that the His Lorship is due in England for from various parts of the colony decision of the Imperial Government the Synod of the Province of the narrowly averted. Quick help was Merth, fitness, ability do not seem to count. Appointments seem to be have been installed in model cotwould be communicated by telegram. West Indies early in June, and then forthcoming but to no avail as in a Trinidad exchange states that The second resolution invites the hopes to attend the great Lambeth few minutes Frank had breathed his made on the plan that the appointeestages near to land suitable for rice more than ninety members of the last. Corporal Hanson and Constable are sure to be held under condemna growing and within reach of pasture Trinidad community were given good other West Indian colonies to join Conference of the Bishops of the AnNeal arrived on the scene some time tion by the public conscience, the land. large number of Govern vill flights over the city of Port ofin sending a deputation to Canada glican Communion throughout he after and took statements. The idea being, no doubt, that the more ment officials, members of public Spain, a few weeks ago, in the giant with the object of securing a revi world in July. He hopes to devote ordered burial. The community symsuch a appointee is denounced by bodies and other prominent citizens de luxe air liner of the Nyrba line, sion of the Canada West Indies the two months. following to work pathises with the grieved parents. the public, rightly or wrongly, the attended the ceremony. In the course after Lady Hollis, wife of His ExTrade Agreement.
for his Diocese, and at the end of better may he be extraordinarily of the address Professor Dash, celleney the Governor of that colony, The recent action of the Canadian September his resignation will take conscious of his obligation to the Director of Agriculture and Parliament in admitting West In effect.
Blae Bottle with Chief Governor or Government for his Colonization had performed the ceremony of namOfficer said: The ing it Trinidad.
dian fruit and vegetables free of It will be remembered that when Letter Securely lift up.
Was number of applications has far exduty is regarded as a favourable the Bishop retired from the Diocese Sir James is going God ceeded the accommodation available.
able of carrying 22 passengers.
omen and has already created a fund of Barbados, with which was then Fastened speed the day but he is leaaving a of good will for Canada in the Ca linked the Windward Island, he was Although, as is evident, all round Equipped ith two Super Hornet mocrop of mischief which cannot be ribbean. Some developments along urged very strongly to enjoy his progress has been marked, should tors, the Trinidad carries a crew the lines suggested in Mr. Thorne well earned rest in England. Instead branch, in the immediate future. He whether or not the scheme will be a resolution are regarded as certain in of this, at the request of the Arch at Long Wharf has inflicted what may hardly escape final success can only be judged in minutes each, were thoroughly enThe flights which lasted about 15 influential circles.
bishop of the Province, Bishop descriptions as a brigade of Official the light of the experience gained, joyed by all despatch from Bridgetown Berkely very gallantly understood to OLD HARBOUR, Saturday. incompetents on Grenada who can who participated in states. Continue on Page 3) them.
be the first Bishop of the newly se blue bottle containing a letter secure hardly stand any chance for promoIn a telegram to the Daily Star. parated Diocese; how great the costly fastened was brought to the police tion anywhere outside of Grenada.
Toronto, the Colonial Secretary of has been to him of strength and station here about 12. 10 today. The Our civic duty in that case is to grin (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 7) and bear! We will have to bear with them, for better, for worse, and more NEURALGINA likely worse than better, till death do us part.
Time was, even yesterday, when the Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any principal Government posts in Greneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
nada were filled by men of outstanding worth and ability, but the NEURALGINA record of the present arrangement INCORPORATED 1869 fails one with dismal dismay. Anybody, it seems, can rise to anything Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches nowadays, the only recognisable qua and reduce the fever of children lification being that he should happen to be on the good side of a Gov.
NEURALGINA ernor. And, of course, if any petty PANAMA COLON Government Officer can show that Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets he is against The West Indian, and against the irrepressible Mr. Marryshow, it appears that he will be in a position to stand the greatest posFor sale both Wholesale and Retail sible chance of being elevated to distinctions beyond his wildest dreams!
AT THB We have reached to the stage when almost every head of GovernAMERICAN PHARMACY With 900 Branches throughout the world, including ment is a wooden head. there are one or two exceptions, and Sir JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank James is to be thanked for this.
is in a position to render the best possible service.
What is called the Government of Panama.
Grenada seems a body organised for tickling the vanity, of Sir Antigua Dominica Montserrat James, and not so much to serve the Bahamas colony. Not quite sure of himself, Grenada OP10 St. Kitts Sir James, as Governor, gives Barbados St. Lucia one the impression that his princiBritish Honduras pal care is to provide for a Govern12 Trinidad (2)
Martinique ment that he can govern, first of all.
Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
He seems fond of third raters beDentist cause, no doubt, surrounded by them, he thus stands out in comparatively bold relief, 1:23 Central Avenue Panama City.
HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Degeneracy has set in. We have drifted far from the days when Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, PAID ON DEPOSITS Heads of Departments were men of solid ability in their respective posta Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works This is apparently the day of jubilee for dullards and duds, for poverty Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment of ability seems to be at a premium (Continued on Page 7)
което 90D0E900 The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Jamaica (2)
Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon General Banking Business Transacted.


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