
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Bus 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon CZ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930.
Human Life a Kestless, Resistless Tide WES Homely Philosophy THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930.
Bring Back The Missionaries To THE SEMIQUAVER CORNER The United States Gentle Reader propriately rendered, and, with my Having decided to attend the do assistance, a very enjoyable time In a recent issue, the Chicago Defender writing edi bate at the Panama Baptist School was spent.
wriaily says: room on Thursday night last, turnMillions of dollars are sent out of this century by ed up in time to enjoy nifty pro have not yet decided what part the Christian churehes to pay the salaries and main gramme, and was also on the spot to will play in the Fourth of July tenance of missionaries abroad in so called savage hear Mr. George Nathaniel pop off celebrations. Not being an American, lanas. Most of the money is subscribed by white people and Mr. Lung do his stuff. did not will not take the trouble to travel who believe the heathens should be shepherded into the fall back on my word, consequently, all the way to Colon where most of Christian fold.
there were no regrets.
the sport wil be, but on a day like George is an old member of the this, semiquavers will be needed.
We say, Bring them Back to the United States.
defunct democrate Club, and the cannot argue the services of iney are more needed here than they are in China, same spirit with which he debated a semiquaver is indispensable, but, it Japan, Korea Armenia and Africa. Bring them back in those days is still with him, but, is very necessary. can sing, and can here and send at least half of them to Texas to stay an he unfortunately took the losing side sing The Star Spangled Banner indexinite period. We believe missionaries ought to be this time.
in the Key of Flat, with unerring sent where their services are most needed, and does You know, in this world, we all like accuracy, also the British and Panaanyone imagine that their services could be needed to win out, and when tell you that manian Anthems, for without me, anywhere worse than they are in Sherman, Honey the Hypocrite won out in the de the composers would find it difficult grove and scores of similar places? Unless it be in Mis bate, you will not be suprised. He in arranging their tunes.
sissippi, South Carolina and Florida?
will always win and will do so under My pupils all love me some say all circumstances and conditions, it so wonderful to find me in Why spend millions of good American dollars trybut the poor liar lost, and you know, ing to teacn the foreign heathen the Lord Prayer, the Waltz, a two step and also an AnI felt sure he would loose and he will Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule when we have domestic heathens who are ignorant or indifferat anytime have a hard time against them, but they have all decided that since that my mission, can cona hypocrite. enjoyed the whole enent to all moral and ethical considerations, to ay noveniently carry on tertainment immensely and thing about Christian teachings? At leasi the heathens pleasingly disappointed to find All honor to the minims and semibelive in their god and fear them!
other semiquavers there also, in fact, breves, but am harder worker than both of them.
there were three others and made sure that we did not sit together, or am taking a rest not a minim we might have developed into a rest of course tomorrow being Suncrotchet, and that would have been day, will let all the breves and entirely against my wish, as it would semibreves do a good day work, BY GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON have spoiled the whole affair. and am saying good luck to all The musical items were very ap when 10 o clock arrives.
YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO BEGIN Life Guard The Hypocrite Have you kept a secret ambition hidden in your breast during the long years? If so, take heart, take Friendly Society Wins in Debate courage and begin with it now. It is never too late!
Queen Victoria began the study of Hindustani at the age To Celebrate First An AT PANAMA BAPTIST of eighty and succeeded. Many others have begun their niversary SCHOOL ROOM LAST real life work far after their prime and reached their THURSDAY goal. Believe in yourself, take courage and know that, it The first anniversary of the Life is never too late to begin.
Guard Friendly Society will be cel kesolved that the liar is more ebrated tomorrow at p. when dangerous in a community than the members of the society will march hypocrite was the subject debated from the Edith Cavell Hall at 19th on Thursday night last at the PanStreet Guachapali to the St. Paul sama Baptist School room (GuachaChurch, where divine service will be pali) under he auspices of the PanWhen Earth was younger mid toil and hunger, conducted by the Rev. Night ama Private School Teachers AssoIn hope we strove, and our hands were str ng; engale, after which, the re ciation Then great men led us, with words they fed us, mainder of the programme will be The debate was preceded by a conAnd bade us right the earthly wrong.
carried out at the Hall.
cert programme over which Elder The society is an independent Burke of the Christian Mission Go read in story their deeds and glory, branch of the Edith Cavell which has presided as Chairman, and in which Their names amidst the nameless dead; made, such rapid progress during the several beautiful musical and elocuTurn then from lying to us slow dying last two years.
tionary items were rendered by local artists.
In that good world to which they led; Messrs. Roberts and teacher Where fast and faster our iron master, DENTIST HOWELL Phillips debated on the affirThe thing we made, for ever drives, mative, while Messrs. Lung and Bid us grind treasure and fashion pleasure House No. 912 La Boca For other hopes and other lives. Mayers were responsible for the Canal Zone negative. The judges of the debate From The Voice of Toil By William Morris.
were Dr. Carrington, Messrs. Reynolds and King.
on both sides of the debate were strong and many facts in relation to the subject were brought out by the debaters, but, afer a short deliberation, Dr. Carrington, who spoke for the other judges, awarded the decision in favor Just Received a Large Assortment of of the negative.
The programme was enjoyed by a fairly large audience which attended the evening entertainment.
The buitor of the world famous Iconoclast. Charles Winue is a breezy and extremely interesting writer, die sct. net have possessed both the natural gilt anu erucile abity to draw pictures which adequately describe persons, places, and things. As a phuosupner, he was regarueu in his day as veing in a class by hunsell, and today, his writings are much treasured, and they are a uterary treat to those who look for pleasult in what they read, and to those who read to learn. As a little diversion from some of the perplexing maliers of local interest, we desire to give our readers the pleasure of reading what Windle has u say about me in his description of it as a river. mulyan me, a restless, resistess tide, is like a vasi river, rising in the dim and far distant WHENCE, and 1orever toward the Ilowing onward unknown WHITTER. At the beginmng and cor countless ages, it Ilowed through lands of Mist and Mystery, receiving its flood Irom the headwaters of the past, and pouring its tireless and inexhaustible tide over the great Falls of Eternity. How long this has continued and when it will end, nobody knows, and only Ignorance dares to say. We simpiy know that our ancestors were here yesnere today, and that terday, we are our children will be here tomorrow. It has been thus from the beginning. Nothing can happen to us that did not happen to our predecessors. Only the coward, made afraid through ignorance and by lies and superstition, trembles to meet the inevitable. For Aeons this human tide rolled through lands of stygian darkness. Storms swept the plains. The avalanche, loosed by passions, thundered down the mountainsides, while above the din and roar of raging waters, the procession of planets and suns marked the advance of unrecorded time. Governments were formed in Twilight. Religious systems sprang out of the shadows of the night. These perished with the dawn.
Children of Myth and Miracle cannot live in the light of Day. Only that form of Government, and that system of Religion based upon Eternal Truth, can endure the Sun at its Zenith. Every struggle to save the false must ultimately fail. Champions of Truth and Progress may now and then lose a battle, but they are sure to win every War. Yorktown followed Bunker Hill. Bull Run came before Appomattox. Napoleon won battles at Lodi and Austerlitz. He lost a war at Waterloo. The individual may appear important, but the splash made by an Alexander, Caesar or a Napoleon caused a ripple that did not last an instant. Many great men have spent their lives trying to reverse the tide of life by tossing pebbles into the current. It has never been halted, much less turned backward. No man fighting intelligenty in the cause of Right, who really stops to think, ever becomes discouraged. He knows the power of Light. He is acquainted with the force of Truth. He understands the logic of Progress. He knows that the Event is often hastened by apparent Disaster, and that Fate is not the fool of Chance. Reason tells him that the Future always fights for Truth and Right, marshalling the hours, days, weeks, months, years and centuries into conquering armies with banners. Every lie, every fake, every movement, or enterprise based upon Fraud, should set its house in order, for it shall surely die. It may be political, industrial, educational, social, economic or religious, and hoary with age, but its doom is sealed. For this reason, one has nothing to lose by submitting every theory, or idea, which he accepts as Truth to white hot criticism. Those who refuse, confess their fears. If pure gold, it will survive the fires of the crucible. If fraudulent, the test will redeem you from delusion. Error is temporary. Truth is Eternal.
You cannot hurry evolution. Its progress cannot be stayed. It cannot be bullied or bluffed. The Tide is ever onward. The Human race has never taken a backward Fragments from Great Poems The arguments LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs COLORED FOLKS TAKE UP NEW RESIDENCE ALSO Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Many of the colored folks who formerly lived at the Reservoir settlement at Ancon, have removed to tho LA Boca Section. As soon as other quarters are completed in the village by the sen the remainder will be transferred and will also take up residence with their friends at LA Boca.
The new quarters are quite comfortable and convenient and fulfil approximately all of the living requirements of their new tenants.


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