
FOR THE BEST IN. HARDWARE :Mark you, of every description Panama Hardware ARTIZAN TOOLS)
PAINTS. ENAMELS RM Friends and Countrymen: talk ginia anti Smith campaign funds, or eu luan vid soul one evening las a portion of it. Indeed, Granny Wetk, and she surprised me by her knows more about this importan Very pointed observations on present and sensational matter than the uuy happenings.
these average of her local grand daughwere not happenings of local origin. ters. They of course, don take tn.
Most of our local folk only care to trouble to read such things as these know of the sensational happenings VISIT THE right here, such as little ielment, Two individuals met each other on Laulle fight, and little something or the side walk, one masculine, u other that Mrs. Busy Body says other feminine. Hello, sweet sixabout Mrs. Don Notice Them, teen. cried the masculine. Sixteen and so forth. But the happenings of is right, but sweet is a presumption.
which this old soul spoke were for. Don be in a hurry Mister. retorteign in origin and International ined the feminine. Murder!
a fine Selection of importance. She is over ninety, and sul alive (God bless her. still able notorious gangster was brought to read (which she evidently likes to to trial to give account for the deeds co. with an old pair or spectacles he had done in the flesh. At the conperhaps as old as herself, judging clusion of said trial, he was found XALSO THE. VERY BESTBRANDIZIN irom the almost spiral condition and guilty. The judge, addressing the blackness of the handles. These, she prisoner said. Prisoner at the bar, wears in the real old folk fashion, you have been found guilty of the that is, placing them on at the ex heinous crimes of highway robbery Give us a call before purchasing treme tip of the nose, the handles and homicide. The sentence of the elsewhere barely reaching to the ears, and Court is that you be hung until you looking clean over them when she are quite dead; and thereafter, that is not actually reading.
you be kept in penal servitude for PANAMA HARDWARE Good evening Granny. said. three hundred years. Friends and She was reading the Panama Ameri neighbors, one duppy short!
CATHEDRAL PLAZA can. With head still down, but looking over the spectacles, sha replied, You know, the fleet was in Cristo.
DOPODO BODO good evening me baby. How are bal a few days ago. The Sailors were you this evening. asked. Still ashore as usual, they included in pon de lan of de livin me baby. their program the calling in at eatpraise be unto de lard. An how ing places, not because they need to, EOPO TOE you do. she asked me. Same here but just to enjoy a little change 10 DOC thank you Granny. replied. And variety. Being always on batle ships, Granny continued, sorry fe poo they would, when ashore, have the bishop Cannon. jes see by de panatural desire to eat some peace food, and forget the battle food pers dat dem queezin him in the snake (Senate) say him ief money Ior the period of their leave. One some rich man gi him fe mek fight banor, a middle aged man seemed NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM. pon booze. Massa naiga! dem big have asked for fried fish at one o HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES perple always look fe innocent man, these eating places. That which was served him did not satisfy, and when an righteous man, and poo man fe Get a copy of the he had left the place, he stood up at queez. What dem le queez, dem don queez; but what dem shouldn the Commissary crossing looking queez, da it dem hab trong for. quite anxious. One of his pals came Dem don queez de people dat heng up and said to him, hey, bill, you look rather anxious. What up?
pool black man say dem rude white lady. Dem don queez nobody You darn right m anxious, he and read the records of past le bu dung de jail an roas up de replied. went into one of these Cricket Veterans black man. Dem don queez de po here ash houses up above (pointing in the direction) and called for fried lice fe tek money and let go de gun AND man, Dem don queez white folk fe fish. That there waiter brought me mek de poo man work like brut fe out a bloody slab settin on the plate not in. only pay him de eagle pon like a piece of these here cow hides, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages an all skinned up like an old rubber de dollar, and tek de dollar fe dem sole. tried my best with it, but now self; but dem want te queez out m after getting a pick axe to dig poo bishop Cannon gut, jes cause the bloody rubber out o my teeth.
Summary of Contents: him name bishop, an try fe do sumHistory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Wow!
ting good. But no mine, one day, Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, bigger man dan dem wi queez dem CHURCH SERVICES Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, too. Bishop Cannon talk te himself Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, now; but when fe dem queezin day Wesleyan Methodist Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual come, dem wont hab mout le talk, Panama 11 a. and 30 an dem will jes fin out which part Rev. Cousins Players water walk go da punkin belly. Válmable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Colon 11 a. and 80. Rev.
Interesting Wright. Granny is talking about the La Boca 11 a. Mr. KinPrice 50cts.
quizzing of bishop Cannon by the nimouth. 30 Mr. Moulton.
Senate Lobby Committee regarding New Providence 11 a, Mr.
his alleged failure to report as they Markham.
Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN say is required, his expenditure of Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Henry HarePanama funds in connection with the Vir wood. 80p, Mr. Walters.
OP10 Division 186 of the World August Should a man ever offer to shake 1949 hands with a girl before she makes a move to do so?
UNDER THE AUSPICES Are two persons who have never OF GARVEY CLUB INC.
been introduced, but who have talked with each other, considered aeSince our men have proven unquainted. iaithtul to the Race, pur Women What is done with the knife and must be given a chance, was the subfork when passing the plate for, a ject of a big mass meeting held by second helping. a large gathermg of enthusiastic members and friends of the When is the dinner coat worn? and Division No. 186, When choice is possible, to Aug. 1929 of the World, under the which side of a woman should a man auspices of Garvey Club Inc. at sit?
their local Liberty hall 25 Street Calidonia, in this city Sunday last. How long before a wedding The meeting began with the singshould gifts be sent?
ing of the opening ode, From Should one who is wealthy make Greenland ley Mountain followed a display of his money?
with the religious part of the service If dining alone at a hotel, is it which was performed by Mr.
rude for one to read a book? Jeffers, who acted as Chaplain, and afterwards gave a very interest If a young girl is introduced to ing address for the occasion.
an elderly man and she is sitting, should she rise. The literary program begun with the reading of the President Gen10. What does corsage bouquet eral weekly message from the Nemean?
gro World, of August 31, and 11. Should one ever tilt the soup with the singing of the President plate for the last spoonful?
General Hymn, Father of all creation. which was very interesting.
12. Does a woman use her profesTwo recitations along with the sional title on her visiting card. Reading of the 19th Psalm was con13. Before introducing two people, tributed by Miss and Master Cunwhat should one be certain of. ningham and was received with 14. With what should the luncheon great enthusiasm.
be served. Solo was then given by Miss Richard and was well received.
15. Are the ushers at a wedding Among the speakers of the evechosen Arom the friends of the bride ning were Mr. Jeffers, Mr.
or of the groom? Williams, Mrs. Dennis and Mr.
16. Should a woman always wear Greely, all gave facts concerning a hat in a restaurant?
the Blemish Leadership of the men, 17. What is the most important who have been tried and found thing to follow when choosing wanting, and in conclusion stated guests?
since the women have proven more faithful they should be given Answers chance. No; he should always wait for The meeting was then brought to a her to offer her hand first. No.
close with the Benediction followed They are placed side by side with the National Anthem.
across the plate. It is worn alThe Officers and Members of this most everywhere that evening, clothes. Division have also taken this meare worn, except to very formal dium to remind the many friends affairs. To the right side and well wishers of the Silver Tree do anything that is unpleasant to Service which will take place, on They may be sent as early Sunday the 15th inst. at p.
as two months before the wedding. very elaborate program has been arranged for the occasion. No; and it is vulgar to talk about many artists how much this or that cost. No. Among some of the Yes. 10. It is the French for who have signified their intention to flowers fastened to the waist 11.
take part in the Service are, The St. Anthony Choir, comprised of 19 No; it is very ill bred. 12. No. 13 voiees, Miss Richards, one our new That the introduction will be agree song birls will also be present, able to both persons. 14. Doilies. 15 young girls representing four high They are chosen from the friends Executives of the organization, will and relatives of either the bride or cortest the unveiling of the Silver the groom. 16. Yes, it is always pro Tree. The public is cordially invited.
per; but if she is staying at a hotel, go into the dining room without a hat. 17. To have everyone of them congenial.
PALAIS ROYAL FOR BEST CLOTHING oli PALAIS ROYAL AND FOR SUITS INTERWOVEN HOSE CRICKET! CRICKET. West Indies Cricket History to din Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 she may


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