
Seek Rehearing in Richmond Segregation Case Recent Ruling Segregation Letter Is Encouraging Making Good Clothes gets into Good Hands FOR and Cleaning Clothes Good see REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, to CHICAGO, May 29 The re Champlain avenue. The property striction of property in Woodlawn is restricted their property to white over 90 per cent complete, says a owners near the Sexton School have letter of the Woodlawn Property people and they are now finding it Owners Association, signed by Fred hard to get tenants with children Helman. secretary, and by con who have to be sent to school along tinuing our work we can finish 100 with the Negroes Our restriction, of per cent and until it is all signed up course, cannot keep the colored chil.
some agency must remain active to dren out of the school, and we are look after the situation.
taking the necessary steps to see it copy of this letter has fallen we can bring about a change in this into good hands, those of the Na: condition, If your tenants do not tional Association for the Advance mind seeing the colored school chilment of Colored People, which is dren passing through a white school, mightly interested in further state then you do not need the help of our ments in it, indicating that an et organization. But if you are not sa tisfied with these conditions, join fort is to be made to procure the establishment in Chicago of Jim Crow with the other members in your comschools. The letter in the hands of munity and try to help yourselves.
the poes on: Our membership fee is 20 cents per front foot. The school problem is a very bad one at the present time, due to the that membership in the To which the adds great number of colored children going to the Hyde Park High School is up, and better put that and the Sexton School at 60th and front foot forward!
111 τυ ان BOX 640 ANCON, P.
ch ti 10 re PS Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: Orice 1664 OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE.
P071E RICHMOND, Va. May 29 Themen to assume that they really beetty of Richmond will petition the lieved that the ordinance would be United States Supreme Court for. effective. They voted for it under rehearing of the deans segregation compulsion, just as they voted case, it was announced here this against permitting the erection of a week by Assistant City Attorney monument to Christopher Columbus.
Lucius Cary.
Councilmen are not interested in Last week in the city of Washing. faets; what they are concerned with ton the Supreme Court handed down its votes. When white voters who decision that the segregation or were aggrieved (and properly agdinance of the Capital City of Vir grieved) at the incursion of Negroes ginia was unconstitutional. The law into their neighborhoods came of the city council restricted colored council and demanded a remedy our residence to certain sections of the councilmen passed a segregation or city.
dinance, knowing, if they were capMr. Cary declared that the case able of knowing anything, that it has not yet been heard by the Su would be declared null and void by preme Court and he will cubmit the Federal courts.
brief to the court. He pointed out The overflowing of the Negro that the procedure in the Supreme population into white districts is Court allows the appellant 20 days in fact which no one denies. That It is which to file an answer following desirable to maintain separate resian appellee motion to affirm. The dential districts is agreed by both attorney stated further that he could convince the court that the of obviously unconstitutional laws is races. But the passage by council Richmond law is unconstitutional, if comparable to taking an opiate for given the opportunity of presenting a pain in the stomach instead of gothe case properly to the court. He ing to a doctor for an examination claims they were denied the oppor and submitting to whatever remedy tunity to present the real menace he prescribes.
to the racial integrity of Virginia, the case having been decided without Now that council folly has been oral argument.
80 branded by the Supreme Court we must start all over again. Whites Asserting that Virginia had aland blacks, we are agreed, must live ready made a decided start in race apart. Residential districts now ocamalgamation and terming it menace to its higher civilization, oupied by the poor class of white which it is the essential purpose of people must be afeguarded. The obvious answer is to provide the Negovernment to preserve, Richmond groes with the same conveniences, naked the court to reconsider its acthe same facilities, that the city tion.
gives its white citizens. Build them Contwise an editorial appearing modern homes, pave the streets, in one of the Richmond white dailies provide them with sewere and water entitled Convicted of Folly, reads: and gas and there will be an end to The Supreme Court of the United the invasion of white neighborhoods.
States has declared Richmond This has been faced the problem segregation ordinance unconstitu squarely and sought for an inteltional, just as every one who posses ligent remedy, rather than resorting ses the ability to reason knew it to the stupid expedience of passing would. It is perhaps a reflection law which way obviously unconstiupon the intelligence of our council tutional.
FESTIVAL STALASEVILLALLISELLE The Negro in Things I! it it it W Si te 11 u WARNING!
Inferior Electric Lamp Bulbs are being offered for Sale in Panama and Colon.
a a The Public is warned to Insist on (Continued from page 3)
merry laughter, sweet and natural, childlike and simple, spring forth everywhere from these boys and girls and their teachers. This purely is a gift to have rescued out of suffering for the blessing of mankind. people who can rise out of suffering to his triumphs in their historical beginnings can surely accomplish much as their history advances.
It seems to me that there is no race upon the earth more richly endowed with gifts for the future than this American Negro race.
The Hampton Choir are to visit England during the year 1930, arriving in the middle of the summer.
They will sing, with all their harmonies and perfect musical expression, these songs of the Negro folk of America. am confident that they will have a cordial welcome and will be able to show in this practical manner the achievement of the race. Manchester Guardian. Rev. Andrews the author of the above article is an English man, who now resides in India. He is a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, Leader of the Indian Nationalist. Ed, a 11 Edison Mazda Lamps WHEN BUYING BULBS. BECAUSEBook Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET The Greatest Thrill in the World Edison Mazda Lamps give more light for the money spent for current. Edison Mazda Lamps last longer and are there fore cheapest to buy. Edison Mazda Lamps are sold at the lowest prices possible consistent with the high quality.
Ask for Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs and Beware of Imitations.
inn JAVILLO FILL ODOC ODO хоног Catholics Buy Negro Literature for Vatican Every Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulb has the SIGN ENGRAVED ON THE END OF THE BULB we WASHINGTON, D, May 29 every book which we either published Powerful agencies in the Catholicor had upon our list. understand church are studying interestedly litethat the St. Joseph society to estabrature and books published for, by lishing a corner of Negro literature and about the Negro, according to in St. Peter Church in the Vatican Carter Woodson, executive secret at Rome.
ary of the Association for the Study Among the authors whose works of Negro Lite and History. Numerous Catholic schools and have sent them are incinded Rogers, Brage, Fisher, Turner, Rilibraries have ordered books from chardson, Grimke, Kelly Miller, us, Mr. Woodson said, and their Woodson, Cullen, Kerlin Odum and range of buying includəs not only uhnson, Motton, DuBois, Booker the books which our organization Washington, Elizabeth Ross Haynes, publishes but those of many other Ovington, Bullock, Wesley and Lockº authors and publishers which we list and Gregory.
through the Associated Publishers, Father Pastorelli order amount Superior General Louis Pastorellt of St. Joseph Society of Bal ed to more than 200 and made a timore, an organization devoted to welcome item in the spring sale Recently he sont order for which the autodiation conducting.
Genuine EDISON MAZD Bulbs are sold by reliable Stores in Panama Colon Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure happiness than making someone else happy.
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When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the Eentiment, affection and good There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in Some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks its quality every time it is seen.
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Yes it fine jewelry such as we will be glad to show you if you will pay us a visit soon.
FULLER 122 Central Avenue OR PROM EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Ciá Pan. de Fuerza y Luz Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon


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