
RASTLISTERSTELLAR Barbados Sum Voted 1000 10 DO IODO Grenada Existing Degeneracy GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO 10 (Continued from Page 2)
Barbados has expressed the hope that some tariff action may be taken to benefit West Indian sugar.
The telegram was despatched following a message from the Daily Star which announced the removal of the OD tariff against West Indian fruits.
The Colonial Secretary in his telegram said: The action of the Government of Canada in removing the tariff against West Indian fruits entering the Dominion is. gesture in full keeping with the generally accepted and appreciated attitude of the Dominion towards these colonies. While direct benefit from that action cannot, of course, reach this particular colony, whose only industry is sugar production, it is of advantage in that it serves to encourage the hope that the markets TO of Canada may be enabled by some similar form of action to provide for the accommodation of our raw sugars in a manner wiheh will permit continuance of that industry, without which Barbados could not continue to exist as an economic unit in Empire Trade.
plays a very important part in the success of your business (Continued from Page 2)
and mental drabness and dullness pays big dividends.
The new Governor should not be called upon to inherit the spawn of incompetenta as exists. He should be given a chance to make good. broom and mop should be symbols of his service to us.
Whether in order to spite Grenada or not, we do not know, but Sir James, in our opinion, has so cheapened high Government post in Grenada by placing so many anybodies in power, who cannot measure up with similar officials in colonies of the status for intelligent people here to revive the old respect held for the posts themselves.
The final sputtering of a candle is seid to be brightest, foreshadowing the on coming darkness. The impressive carnival of autocracy of the present moment may only be a sign of its last spurt to extinction.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE Hon. Albert Marryshow Invited to attend Conference of British Labour Party Legislature Passes Resolution To Secure Protective Market for Sugar We do only the BEST The Grenada West Indian of May 6th, says: Our Managing Editor, the Hon. Marryshow, has received an invitation to attend the annual conference of the British Labour Party and the Trades Union Congress Council in London in July, at Reasonable PRICES at 21 prox The Advocate of the 11th uito.
states that the House of Assembly voted a special resolution of 187 10, to enable His Excellency the Governor to proceed to England to attend the Conference of Colonial Governors. There is nothing extraordinary in the grant as a similar resolution was passed when the first Conference was held. But the resolution was accompanied by a remarkable tribute to the Governor from Mr. Yearwood.
The tribute was all the more remarkable as His Excellency and the Senior Member for St. Joseph have often differed on political questions.
But Sir William Robertson strenuous efforts to convince the Colonial Office of the great crisis impending in the local sugar industry have convinced Mr. Yearwood that His Excellency is at heart a Barbadian, That the tribute is well deserved no one who is acquainted with the whole course of the communications between His Excellency and the Colonial Office can deny. At the risk of giving grave offence to the Home authorities he has put the case for the West Indian sugar industry with all the strength and force of which he is capable. The tribute was well received in the House, which though it may have differences with him, has learnt to appreciate his CANdour and his sincerity of purpose.
The letter of invitation sets out that as Mr. Marryshow will, by attendance, have the opportunity of meeting the Prime Minister and all the members of the Labour Cabinet of the British Government, he should make it a point to be present in Lon.
don in July next in order to help state the case of the West Indies politically and economically.
There are another important international meetings which Mr. Marry.
show may attend should he be present in London around the end of July next.
The Hon. Capt. Cipriani will be going as a delegate from Trinidad.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO JAMAICABlue Bottle with RUBBER STAMPS Retirement of (Continued from Page 2)
bottle was found by Wilfred Ramsay washed up from sea at Long Wharft about five miles from here.
Following is the letter copied ex.
actly as it was written: May 1, 1980. We left Maracaibo, for New York, am sorry that could not get to New York. We got lost at sea and we are going down fast and no way to get save. All the lifeboats went down. wish someone would see that all lifeboat be saved at sea. The lifeboat was built 25 years ago and they was all bad. can write no more. am going down. Good luck to all of them that save themself. wish someone would give this letter to the newspaper and have them get after the government and have better lifeboat. Yours truly, Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE اغلبه con (Continued from Page 2)
health few realize. We can only trust and hope that a spell of entire rest in England will restore His Lordship to health and enable him to fulfil his desire of spending the remainder of inis life in quiet service of the Church England. deputation of the members of the Church and Parochial Councils waited on His Lordship and Mrs.
Berkely on Tuesday, 6th inst. and presented him with a purse taining 20 Sovereigns with the request that he purchase in England a piece of plate and have inscribed on of the Church in England. Presented to His Lordship the Rt.
Rev. Alfred Pakenham Berkely, Bishop of the Windward Islands Diocese, by members of the Church Council of St. Vincent, and the Parochial Council of St. George Cathedral, in token of their love and respect, and in apprecjation of his untiring services of the Diocese.


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