p. 8


Vista District is also largely infestCurrent Items of Interest wis tu lambunge la inice West Indians Looted Horse Racing at Wife of Prominenta Juan Franco their in in as a. 126 000 is proving insufficient this year lienry Williams and George with Constance who was friendly (Contiued from Page 1)
to cope with the situation. Other Coun Page 1)
Thompson, mess boys of the with him before marsexual offences against negroes preventitive measures are also to be Camden were charged by ship mas riage, finding them engaged in a Last Sunday Tace meeting was vacial malice for some with as soon as possible and a other antaken against the further increase nadetachment of thirty five ter Hansen with disobedience on unquestionally a 100 per cent imconversation at the Club house, she noyance.
of these pests.
Monday last and after given a pre broke it up; this ended in a fight uunal policemen in full camprovement on the meeting of the Gradually, the world has come to liminary alprevious Sunday, both in the hearing by paign equipment, reached CosMagistrate and Constance was assisted by her accept the idea that a white girl British Court has just awarded tendance and the keen contest which Murray of the Cristobal District sister Lena in the fray.
cuez on Monday to do battle inay not walk alone because a black Court, they were placed on a 250 20 damage against the Daily Ar with the characterized each event.
lawless gang. When Mrs. Straughn also accused Conman will entice her into the woods bail.
gosy newspaper of British Guiana. the police arrived, the bandits stance of using Commissary books The starts, which are always a and assault her. This malicious unThe two youngsters were signed belonging to her husband The auction for damage was filed in had already completed their job source of much dissatisfaction to an truth is universally believed in spite England by Messrs. Howard Humph and gone away apparently on duty at Philadelphia, on reaching of criminal statistics which prove Cristobal on May 31st, they request dered lenient, but the offenders left for the local sewerage scheme of deeds.
exacting public, seemed to have met The Magistrate fines were consireys Sons consulting engineers pursuance of turther netarious general approval last Sunday, ac that negroes commit fewer sex ed to go ashore which was denied the court promising to do better in cording to expressed opinions au crimes than any other race. And in them; on their way to Curacao, they the future.
British Guiana.
We are informed from a relidibie irom the large throng.
case after case, when a negro lynchwere told to do certain things which Alcide Delmont, Negro, Underable source that Jamaicans in The events were all interestinglying has been investigated, it has they considered was not their duty.
The circulation of bogus (20. 00) Secretary for the Colonies in the adcommon with other persons contested and both the form players been proved that no white girl has On refusing, they were punished.
in ministration of André Tardieu twenty dollar bills in Panama was Hrom other West Indian Islands and long shot artists came into their been harmed, but that the unforWhen the ship returned to Cris the cause of much alarm during the France was born in Martinique in who are in Colombia, have been own.
tunate negro had offended a white tobal, the lads pleaded their own past week. Members of the Police 1874. He studies law in Paris; advictimised by the bandits. It 18 Despite a wave of pessimism as to man in some economic way.
case and disproved the statements of Department have issued a warning mitted to the bar in 1895; received Mrs. Robeson gives glimpses of reported that money has been the racing game regaining its forthe witnesses.
to the public to be on the lookout the doctorate three years later, and rubbed from several Jamaicans, mer high status, the new manage her husband preparing for the task as this counterfeit currency is not returned to Martinique where he re chiefly those who earn their ment is determined to put it over of portraying Othello.
Jealousy was responsible for a easily detected. They are the usual mained for five years. Returned to livelihood by means of loading and every succeeding program is beOne moment he is confident and fight which took place at the La Bo 00 with gold certificates and France in 1904. Served in the World vessels with bananas along the do Othello, ing made more interesting than its enthusiastic, When ca Club house on Wednesday last other changes made on them. Sev War and received the Croix de water front.
predecessor. This is at once seen by they ll all expect a crusted American between the very attractive card for tomor accent, ll fool em. ll do the role Constance Hill and Lena Hill (her tected Mrs. Adeline Straughn, eral of these bogus bills were de Guerre. After the war he was made It is the general opinion in during the week at local a Chevalier of the Legion of Ho the affected parts of Colombia, row afternoon sport which is in good honest English, because pure sister. banks and business places.
nour. He founded the French Co that the bandits operate in follows: English will bring out the music of The trio was arrested by John lonial Institute in 1919 which receiv gangs, for there have been sev 1ST RACE FIVE FURLONGS the text. Why, might as well sing Sinclair and charged in the Balboa The influx of mosquitos in this ed notable recognition from the Gov. erai reports of robberies and Tonosi.
the negro dialect of the spirituals Magistrate Court for disturbing the Republie, is greater than ever this ernment. Finally he was returned to hold ups being perpetrated in. 113 Marcial.
110 with a correct Boston accent as do peace.
year. The Sabanas area is said to be Parliament from Martinique and ap uitterent parts of the country at Sibarita II. 120 Othello in American.
Mrs. Straughn was fined 00 by largely infested with Mote Mahal. 105 The next these pests, pointed to the Under Secretaryship the same time.
moment his modesty Judge Blackburn, and Con and the only remedy for their ex of the Colonies by Tardieu.
The Colombian Police are still Half Rate. 126 casts him down with consciousness stance and her sister 00 each. tinction says a writer will be at of the gulf between himself. a New Mrs. Straughn is said to have taken work in an endeavour to 2nd RACE FURLONGS united campaign of the Panama and PALAIS ROYAL Dring the transgressors of the My Star. 100 World Negro. and the sixteenth exception to her husband talking Zone health authorities. The Bella FOR ARROW SHIRTS law to justice.
Trigo. 118 century Moor of Venice.
Speaking to a representative Huerfano.
ELELALTE LILLE of the Gleaner yesterday, a reRamona. 105 cent arrival from Bogota replied Zapo. 124 as follows in answer to a general Infimo. 110 question from the pressman 3rd RACE FURLONGS 200 NEGRO with regard to the condition exTunney. 100 Continued from Page 1)
isting in Colombia: The mounEl Medico. 124 article on the same day. As time tains have been in probe, but Lagrimita.
goes on this organization will estabthey have not brought forth the Honey Dew. 112 lish its own brand of products which. AT: proverbial mouse. It is interestExcuse Me. will be sold nall of their stores.
ing to note the vigilance with 4th RACE FURLONGS In the future there will be insurwhich the Colombian Police Laughing Water. ance and loaning departments conhave tackled the matter with a Dancing Girl.
nected with this gigantic organizaview of suppressing this wave Half Rate.
100 tion: merchants who need money to of crime and lawnessness wihch Palo Loco.
112 stock their stores will be able to borhas brought terror to the inhabDarien.
126 row at a normal rate of interest.
itants. It is also gratifying to Orange Crush.
120 This combined financial strength will observe the readiness with 5th RACE FURLONGS permit them to be in the position to which the Colombian GovernLa Chiquilla. 106 compete with any store in Chicago.
120 ment made steps to put down Kitty Gill.
These combined two hundred stores this sort of thing.
Billy Dennis.
116 will be able to give employment to The police force has been Cartagena. 108 something like two thousand men strengthened to cope with the Lloyd Brown.
and women of the race.
situation. The Alondra wave of crime. 182 which is now pervading certain 6th RACE FURLONGS Colombia is singular, 105 Bistouri Or.
for nothing similar has ever Hindoo 115 been recorded in the annals of Otelo. 118 (Continued from page 1)
Marcela. 126 the place for quite a long numusurp authority everybody wanting Resolute.
to be boss, wanting to be head.
112 Contest. Whilst the marauders carry At the present time am having out their acts in a diplomatic 7th RACE FURLONGS Rifle. 126 difficulty in the organization, caused manner, that is to say their set107 from the same evil disposition.
ting is almost perfect, and they POST TIME 15P.
106 Whilst am president general of the E?
leave no clue on which the poDunrol. 112 organization and whilst we have our lice can act, the inhabitants who La Dalia. 120 headquarters here from which all inare terror stricken entertain ardent hopes that they will soon Exe. 100structions must so, we have a vice?
Me president general, without any aube brought into the meshes of the law which will run its HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING thority, calling a conference of a the presidents of the movement and CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE course, and this intolerable state PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE of affairs thus come to an end.
WORLD NOW ADORNS THE without any information or instruction from the president general.
HEAD OF GERMAN ſwo Hundred Negroes HORSE RACING. 114 140 120 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK. 105 Tomorrow Sunday June 15th Attractive as Races 110 parts of Garvey Says Women FEATURING La Chiquilla, Kitty Gill, Billy Dennis, Cartagena, Lloyd Brown, Alondra, ber of years. 120 Corazon Pora General dmission. 50c.
Tramcars direct to and from Track Nancy Carrol PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB The world heavyweight boxing from the first round and had championship crown has fallen on Schmeling on the verge of a knockthe head of a German, Max Schmel out when he unintentionally caught ing who won the title on a foul, in the German with a blow about the fourth round from Jack Sharkey inches below the belt, which crumat the Yankee Stadium, New York pled him on to the mat. And so the on Thursday night last heavyweight Championship crown of According to cable despatches, the world goes to Germany for the Sharkey had the better of the fight time being. Continued from page 1)
in a singing and dancing review which is said to be the most impressive scene any talking and musical picture ever screened.
Watch this paper for announce ment of this big hit; wihch will soon be sereened at the Cecilia HART. Manager HERE


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