
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS Barbados Death of Time Honoured Journalist Elaborate System of the GRENADA Trinidad JAMAICA Much Discussion in Marryshow Legislature Decides to go to Fire Protection Over Upkeep of Volunteer An Exchange states: The death occurred in Barbados a few weeks Force in Colony ago, of Mr. Lewis Abrams, jourEngland To be Installed on Railroad Pierd nalist. The deceased, who had passSays the Port of Spain Gazete of May 23rd: Much discussion was ed the allotted span of years, was Mail of the 14h inst Suates the water into the pipe cach length that.
of which is fitted with a slot. The for the greater part of his life con Has Accepted Invitation to Attend centred at yesterday meeting of the nected with newspapers in the colony.
Legislative Council around the ques An elaborate system of protection flow would, therefore, be concenHe was the last of an old and enConference of British Commonwealth tion of the continuation of the against fire will be installed on the trated upon the outbreak, thus prethusiastic band of journalists, whose colony upkeep of its Volunteer No. Railway Pier, which is being venting a conflagration, Labour Movement Force.
ability was greatly aarked during recons. ructed in Kingson harbour.
In some other countries perforated When the estimates for 1930 were the days of the now defunct Recit was be reinembered tuat the form. pipelines are used for the purpose.
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY being drawn up, the Finance Com er structure was destroyed by fire order and Bulletin. The last edimittee rejected the vote under that during March of last year.
The slot device is the conception of torial chair which he filled was that Mr. Fox. It will be a novel apof the standard, which was some Has Hopes of Serving West Indies Over heading. but the Government subacquently appealed to the Council to Pipes and a pumping plant are pliance.
time ago merged into the AgriculThere in a few weeks as May not be votu enough money for six months, being manufactured in the United Messrs Henrique Bros. who are tural Reporter. He attended office pending the decision of the Secretary Kingdom. The pipes will extend constructing the pier, are pushing the as usual up to a few day before when Successful in many Years of Agitation of State for the Colonies, who has along the whole length of the pier, work with commendable energy. Piles he suffered an apoplectic seizure.
Here in the West Indies directed that the force be retained with a double service in the freight have been driven hundreds of feet In consequence the vote was put on house. It is of a special design by seawards, and the shore end of the The West Indian of the 21st ulto ters, on intimate terms, he will be the agenda for approval yesterday.
Mr. Harold Fox, So. Chief Eng structure has ractically been com St. Vincent News just to hand writing under the above in a position to impress them more Captain Cipriani opened the opineer of the Way and Works Depleted.
headlines says:effectively concerning West Indian position. He characterised the ex partment of the Railway. It will be circumstances than is possible through penditure of the colony money on something new as far as the installaInvited to attend the Conference of ST. VINCENT, May 18. With the the writing of acres of editorials and Volunteer Force, as unwarranted and tion of such a service is concerned. Prospecting for British Commonwealth Labour first issue yesterday of the St. Vincyclones of vocal effort on this side. unnecessary.
By a slot like arrangement in one cent News a new era in local jour Movement, Mr. Marryshow, our This trip to England, taken, will particular length of pipe, if fire were Copper Mr. Reilly, too, opposed the vute mean a severe sacrifice to Mr. Marrynalism commenced. The paper, which Managing Editor, has decided to acto occur at any particular point on certain conditions, after strenuously as he was not convinced consists of eight large pages, well cept, on show who cannot easily undertake the pier, water which would be certain Lands in Clarendon much thought over the matter.
by the secret knowledge possessed pumped from the sea and distributed printed on good quality paper, prethrough financial and other reasons, And St. Mary Said to sents an attractive appearance and He has accepted, among other but he has decided to go in an unsel by the experts and unavailable to the into the main pipeline, would form a Abound in the Ore common herd.
creates a very favourable impression. reasons, because he feels that his fish spirit. He will, according to regular curtain at the point where it Mr. Kelshall shared the opposition, is required to extinguish the blaze. The Jamaica Mail understands The News which will be publish presence in England at this time will plan, have to leave Grenada around ed triweekly at twopence per copy, allow him unique opportunity to state the end of next month for Trinidad but voted for the resolution as he The opening of a valve would turn that Mr. Paddock, who came out to Jamaica a short time ago with Capt.
has been launched under the auspices the case and the cause of the West in order to sail from that port on realised that they were under order from the Secretary of State. establishing in London a memorial to Gully with the object of prospecting of the Hon. Corea, Member of Indies in quarters which happen to July 1st proximo.
The vote was approved by a large the late Sir Patrick Manson.
Mr. Marryshow refuses to pass for copper, has been successful in the the Executive Council. The aim of be of executive influence in the conmajority.
the hat around to people in general The Colonial Secretary said an ap venture to the extent of having been the newspaper is to stimulate interest duct and control of the policies of the peal was received to establish a me able to make a trial shipment a few in the colony welfare and public Imperial Government for the time who may even be willing to help him affairs generally.
defray the expenses of the trip, but Contribution to Sir morial to Sir Patrick whose great days ago of 50 tons of copper ore to The letter of invitation sets out he will gladly and as humbly accept work on Tropical diseases had af the Nicholas Copper Co. of New Patrick Manson forded such great benefits to all York.
that as Mr. Marryshow will have the any voluntary monetary contribution Memorial tropical parts of the Empire. It opportunity of meeing Messrs. Ram from any patriotic person or persons The copper has been found on a PALAIS ROYAL was proposed that the memorial property in Upper Clarendon, near say MacDonald, Arthur Henderson, to that end, seeing that his business FOR should take the shape of a home in the town of Chapelton and it is learnt H. Thomas, Sidney Webb (Lord over the other side will mainly be for The Port of Spain Gazette of re London where doctors from the that Mr. Paddock is of the opinion SUITS Passfield) and other Cabinet Minis the fructification of the idea: The West Indies for West Indians and cent date states that in the Trinidad tropics who went to England would that copper ore abounds on the propmeet and consult on erty andth at generally the prosODO TODO for greater control of West Indians Legislature, the Colonial Secretary be able to ODO moved. That this Council agrees various problems.
by West Indians and for West Inpects of copper mining on the properto contribute 200 to the fund for dians of the running of their own Agreed to. Continued on Page 7)
Persons who desire that special Surgeon Dentist subjects for the public good should be raised at the Colonial Office should communicate with Mr. Marry1:23 Central Avenue Panama City. show who intends to have, initiated by him, West Indian questions very Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, fully discussed in all available rorponsible quarters in England.
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works INCORPORATED 1869 There are a few special people, in Grenada and abroad, who may desire Head Office: Montreal, Canada in all freedom to contribute to the Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment slender purse of Mr. Marryshow in order to enable him to effectuate this ODO. ODOLORO enterprise. The way is open to them PANAMA COLON to do so freely: and in the proper Santa Ana Plaza spirit. The Hon. Copland will Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets receive any contribution of financial NEURALGINA assistance on Mr. Marryshow behall.
Dr. Leo Pink The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA ON ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY With 900 Branches throughout the world, including the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank is in a position to render the best possible service.
Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children AND TREASURER Montserrat NEURALGINA St. Kitts ON SALE Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Antigua Bahamas Barbados British Honduras Guadeloup (2)
Dominica Granda Jamaica (2)
Trinidad (2)
British Gulana (2)
St. Lucia Martinique For sale both Wholesale and Retail At the Workman Printery to AT THB HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor PAID ON DEPOSITS PALAIS ROYAL FOR BEST CLOTHING AND INTERWOVEN HOSE Panama. General Banking Business Transacted.


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