p. 8


ESTABLISHED, The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 Mysterious Fall of Horse Racing at Walcott and Ortega Stribling Beats Von Juan Franco to Meet Porat In First Round Former Garvey Man RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND WORKMAN PRINTERY HORSE RACING More than ten thousand spectators NOMINATION AND saw Stribling rush in at the bell, ELECTION OF ripping heavy right to the body and OFFICERS jaw, shaking his heavier opponet. Continued from page 1)
The end was clearly seen when Von The Jamaica Mutual and ProteeFALL PERPENDICULARLY fifteen round bout between Al Cable advices received here last ed and came out with his guard down Porat in a bewildered manner clinchtive Society begs through this from a point about high the Quite a large crowd turned up at Ortega of and Young Joe Walcott of night from Chicago state that Young as the result of a series of heavy medium to inform all members that electric over head lines and strike the Juan Franco last Sunday to see the Colon is scheduled to take place at street surface with a dull thud, reStribling, heavyweight from Georgia, ponies gallop. Noticeable in the nomination and election of Otti maining fixed despite the slippertthe the Panama Bull Ring on Saturday, established himself as one of the rights to the mid section.
large crowd were a number of new July 12.
cers for the incoming term, July to ness of the hill surface. Persons faces not generally seen of SunThis fight was formerly planned for leading contenders for the world December takes place on Sunday have been scared within an inch of day afternoon at the breezy park.
Sunday, July 18, but the change has heavyweight title by knocking out evening June 22, 1930 at the regular being struck yet no one hats so far as Otto Von Porat in the first round of The horses did their stuff in good been made owing to the regular meeting house and Hudson Lane, could be ascertained, been struck.
a scheduled ten rounder staged in form and all the events were keenly Sunday horse races at Juan Franco, PALAIS ROYAL members are asked to be punctual in Chicago The Detective Department is still contested. The feature race was as it is realized that this would attendance, meeting starts at 30 prosecuting close inquiries in the captured by Kitty Gill who out ran greatly conflict with the fight. terrific left hook to the jaw FOR BEST CLOTHING PM hope of locating the cause of the the fleety Alondra carrying top special train from the Atlantic just as the men came out of a clinch mysterious occurence which, it per weight. But it is thought that the side will be run to facilitate the gold knocked the big Von Porat flat on AND The Juvenile department will meet mitted to continue, may well establish dampness of the track gratly favour coasters who intend to take in the his back where he lay until he was at P. when a large turn out is reign of terror in the neighboured Kitty or else Alondra would fight.
counted out.
hood. The West India. May 27.
surely have got under the tape first.
The betting at the Pari Mutuel KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN booths were somewhat brisker than TO RUN EXCURSION on previous Sundays and both the TRAIN long shot artists and the form players had their fair share.
The Knights of St. John of the St.
Continued from Page 1)
The starts were all to be desired Vincent de Paul Roman and for this the public seemed per Church (Panama) will run an exCatholic 000 towards the purchase. The shipping board deducted 875. 34 from fectly satisfied eursion train tomorrow, St. John The management must therefore Day, from Panama to Colon.
that sum on account of costs of reconditioning the Orion in anticipation be congratulated and encouraged for It is customary for the two the improvements that are being branches of the Atlantic and the of its sale to the Black Star Line made from time to time to raise the and deposited the balance in the Pacific ends to hold a pilgrimage racing game to its former standard.
treasury of the United States.
and convention on this day, and it is AT THE Another attractive program is of In its opinion, delivered by Justice in view of this that the excursion is fered for tomorow afternoon diverThomas Williams, the court asked being undertaken.
sion and there is sure going to be the question. To whom do these The train will leave the Panama another big growd to greet the faithfunds in equity and good conscience ful hoofers when they emerge from Station at 30 a. stopping at Balbelong? It then answers. There the paddock. Here are the entries: boa Heights, Red Tank, Paraiso and can be no doubt that the jurisdieGamboa.
tional act, taken as a whole, exJat RACE5, FURLONGS The return trip will be made at presses the deliberate judgment of Canon 105 30 Tickets may be had at congress that these funds in equity Black Mater 112 No. 12 Street.
and good conscience belong to certain Tonosi 124 seamen, judgment creditors of the Pereque II 110 FANCY FAIR TONIGHT Black Star Line, Inc. for wages Marcial 116 UNDER AUSPICES OF earned.
Monte Mahall 126 BOY SCOUTS The court disagreed with the con7 Hall Rate 120 tention of government counsel that The Baden Powell Boy Scouts of. AT. the 21, 624. 66 covered into the treas2nd RACE FURLONGS Panama will hold a Fancy Fair at ury by the shipping board are funds Laughing Water 116 the Kennelworth grounds tonight.
belonging to the Black Star Line and El Mayor 108 Music for the occasion will be that congress has no power to au8 Darien 126 furnished by the famous Royal Flush thorize a creditor of the Black Star My Star 113 Orchestra. Refreshments will be on Line to sue the United States in the Dancing Girl 100 sale, and an enjoyable time is anticicourt of claims on claim against 118 Bubbling Water pated. Don Miss It.
the Black Star Line for funds belong7 Palo Loco 124 ing to that company in the powession ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR of the United States.
3rd RACE FURLONGS ST. PETER CHURCH MUTUAL St. Peter Church 100 BENEFIT SOCIETY Silver Star Trigo 126 (Continued from page 1)
122 Tuesday night, the 30th inst. Zapo the end of the Drive.
118 there will be an election of officers Ramona Tried friends, far and near, are 105 for the above named Society for the Orange Crush 112 ensuing term. Every member of the cordially invited to attend as many Intimo Society is expected to attend the of the services as they can convemeeting at which the election will FEATURING niently arrange to attend, and thus 4th RACE FURLONGS be instituted. The meeting will help to make the Drive a pronounced Tunney 112 begin at p. promptly, in the success, seeing it is a special effort 124 Honey Dew nave of the Church. Members are for the furtherance of Christ King3 Lagrimita 121 dom on earth.
warned that the existing fine will 125 Socia be imposed on any member who does El Medico 100 not attend, unless a reasonable ex6 Huerfano euse be sent to the Secretary of the Society on time 5th RACE FURLONGS 126 Bistour; Or BRITISH CONSULATE Still conscious, Walker begged the Corazon 108 NOTICE white man to take him to a hospital, 100 Excuse Me but Roland rode away and left his Rifle 120 The British Vice Consulate at vicitim to die. Mrs. Walker returned Danroi 118 Panama desires to locate little a half hour later with aid. white Pon 122 girl by the name of Newit Douglas PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE farmer rushed Walker to the Arwho was brought to the Isthmus by cadia hospital where he made a death6th RACE SK FURLONGS Mrs. Smith and is said to be in bed statement naming Roland. Mrs. Hindoo 100 charge of a daughter of Mrs. Smith Walker also identified Roland as her Kitty Gin 126 named Mary Smith who is supposed husband assailant. La Chiquilla 104 to be residing at Silver City, Canal Walker is World war veteran.
Cartagena wounded overseas. The Lloyd Brown 100 Walkers have two girls, and years Alondra 182 Resolute 116 7th RACE FURLONGS 40telo 124 Mount Syrian ex Cantones 126 Pauline 110 PALAIS ROYAL Contest 108 Marcela 120 FOR ARROW SHIRTS JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday June 21th Attractive as Races Hindoo, Kitty Gill, La Chiquilla, Cartagena, Lloyd Brown, Alondra, 122 POST TIME 15P.
Southern Whites General dmission. 50c.
Tramcars direct to and from Track 108 Zone.
He was PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB of age. HART. Manager

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