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JUN 30 1930 Na UT modore PUBLIC MORALS ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman fois 28670 2199 THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1930 VOL. 18. No. 50 PRICE CENTS Attempt to Establish Communism at Jamaica OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY IN GREAT BRITAIN Unemploymento Colored American With Long Drawn Out Feud Result Assumes Proportion Commission From Soviet In Dastard Murder Government of Russia Of Young West Indian Girl In Colon ORGANIZED TRADES AND LABOUR UNIONS Soviet Money Sends Jamaica Delegate to Labour Parley in London LONDON, June 17 Unemployment has come within the last few days to assume the proportions of a The climax to a long drawn out records in the Colon investigation national emergency, an emergency leud between two West Indian girls bureau and were regarded as women recognished as such by all three was reached on Monday night last of doubtful morals.
parties of the House of Commons and when Agatha Leslie was stabbed to by the entire press. The Prime Mindeath by Myrtle Wilson on the following hot on the heels of the ister, who had promised his own The Jamaica Trades and Labour remarks were pointed, but all the WARNED TO LEAVE THE street of Colon.
stabbing affray between the two party and the country that he would Union which was formed in Kingston same, he took care to abstain from ISLAND, According to information gather. West Indian girls, Colon was again devote all his energies to the al recently by a coloured American, preaching the doctrine of those or he would be deported therefrom.
of a second murder on ed by the police, these two giris had the scene levation of the problem, today met may be said to be an organization whose outlook is red. He spoke at He proceeded to New York. He been at variance with each other Tuesday, when a Frenchman by name 200 representativec of municipal that aims at inviting men and Kingston, Green Island and, we thereupon proposed to the labour for a long time. On Monday night Marcel Gabarrot was shot and killed authorities at the Guild Hall to diswomen workers to join its ranks think, Spanish Town. This was organization in Kingston that a while the Leslie girl was walking by a Spaniard called Andres Martieuss with them the elaboration of with the idea of improving their posi during the Convention period, bona fide worker an artizan along Central Avenue, in company nez Both these men it is alleged are should be selected to proceed to schemes for employment relief. To tiong in this community, but there On his second visit and during Underworld with friends she was met by Wilson connected with Colon London in the capacity of a delagate night the Prime Minister conferred is a link between the founder of the the formation of the union, it is not a Labour Conference which will who accosted her in words not very activities and are said to be rivals with the leaders oh the Liberal and local union and the Red Government altogether a secret that he told some the Conservative parties on the same or Bolshevist Rusia.
be held in that city during July.
complimentary. Agatha, as was to be in the same business.
of those who had gathered around expected retortepi in similar vein, Jealousy over a woman is claimed vital subject Starling facts have been gathered him, and had actually become memHe sent several cables and letters when a lively battle was staged and to be the cause of the shooting afby a representative of the Jamaica ders of the organization, that they to officers of the society on the red hot words usued in place of shots fray.
NEGRO NOMINATED Mail with regard to the recent must be prepared for trouble with subject, pointing out that it was and shells. But it would appear that Particulars gathered disclosed that activities of the organiser of the the police; they must expect devel imperative that Jamaica, the larg. Myrtle could not withstand the Spaniard entered the the Hotel TO OPPOSE WHITE Union in Jamaica and another port opments of a character that wouldest of the British islands in this onslaught of the Agatha words Frances during the day and ordered CONGRESSMAN ion of the British West Indies. The force the islaand constabulary to at part of the slode, should be represent missiles, for in the heat of the fray drink which he sipped leisurely party in question has paid two visits tack them, and then apprehend them. ted at the Conference. He had tak she was seen to unsheath a knife, while sitting at a table apparently intimation was sufficent to en care to see that money had been blade of which is said to be seven wating for some one.
NEWARK, June 12. One of to the island. The first was eleven this deposited warn a few intellygent artizans who here to pay the passage inches long, and thrust it into the little while after the Frenchman the candidates opposing Dwight Mor months ago. He came to Kingston had joined the society that they of a delegate to the labour gather chest of Leslie, just above the heart.
went in to the same hotel and seated row, Wall Street plunderer and for from New York as a delegate to mer ambassador of United States the convention which was held under were being drawn into trouble. They ing in London. The first member of The wounded woman reeled and tell himself at table in company of the local union who was selected as dying almost instantly.
friends with whom he conversed. He imperialism to Mexico, is a Negro the auspices of the Universal Negro promptly with drew. They have not Improvement Association. In one of attended another meeting of the a delegate declined to go because the Realising what she had had a drink and after a while got up dene worker Lozier Graham.
return passage and money for his to go away, when it is stated that Graham Myrtle turned and hailing a coach was nominated at the the speeches which he delivered dur organization, sustenance abroad had not been drove away from State Nominating Convention, June 7, ing August at the convention at the scene of her Martinez who had been closely wat þy the Communist Party. Over 600 Edelweis Park, the party in question proceeded to Trinidad where there headquarters were that a worker Silver City, Canal Zone.
The founder left these shores. He guaranteed. The instructions from bloody deed and sought refuge in ching him from his table, quickdy gave it as his opinion that the whipped out revolver and fired delegates were present, a largo peris a Workinmen Association with an artizan should go to London in five shots at the Frenchman, all of centage being Negroes, Hindus and British Empire was cracking; and thousands of members. Information the name of the local union: By all The police was quickly notified them taking effect. Gabarrot rushed Chinese.
when negroes of the world and other Graham is under indictment with activities of the individual in and were the final injunctions from the murderess, who was found hiding coach which had been waiting outnumber of other militant workers oppressed human beings would around Port of Spain came under party in New York. Last week end in Silver City in the act of washing side with a friend who quickly rushcontrol the destinies of nations.
for edition because of his activi: the notice of the Constabulary of a person who is anything but in the blood stains of her victim fromed him off the Colon Charity HospiThe ranter kies in organizing Negro and white was promptly repri that colony. He was (Continued on Page 8)
her clothes. She was arrested and tal where every effort was made to manded bid Mr. Marcus Caravey for workers for the struggle against untaken to the Cristobal jail and later save him, but he died short while pmployment and wage cuta, etc.
his red utterances with ragard to turned over to the Colon police autho after without being able to make any the British Empire.
rities before whom she will be tried statement for the police.
The delegate returned to New for her dastard and cold blooded act. Afer the shooting Martinez atYork. Some months ago he paid a It is stated that the police records tempted to run away but was caught DISAPPOINTS second visit to Jamaica, and andisclose that both women had long and handed over to the authorities.
that his mission was to Son that it was only a matter of time received in Kingston states that the means Jamaica must be represented, and at once got on the trail of the to the street and scrambled into Chinaman Butchered SECRET. CORDER 000 Pothe dele at British Honduras ADVENTIST CHURCH Organize. trades and labour socie: Body Cut in Pieces Corned, Placed in Kerosene Tins and Buried Claim MacDonald Will Bar Race Delegates To Negro Labor Congress ty. However, the Jamaica Mail PERFORMING BURIAL can state that he came armed with RITES OVER BODY OF commission issued to him by The Clarion, of Belize, statea in plain that way by saying that a cat DEAD BROTHERS the executive of the Socialist Soviet its issue of June 5th: We learn that had died under his house, but the Republic of Russia creating him a a particulary brutal murder was neighbours Costa Rica correspondent writed member of the executive committee committed in Payo Obispo about a their complaints led to the discovery were not satisfied, and the Jamaica Mail follows: of the gang that licenes murder fortnight ago, the victim being a SQUIRRES, May 28. Therapine and plunder in that unfort chinaman thatFrias had been buying carbon.
known as Luis Lam. Itegus in large quantities for the purlocal prosa had just reproduced the unate country, The commission.
seems that more that one person pose of killing the smell. Police LONDON, June 12. The Macdon Vand other militant organizations.
story of the Carron Hair (Jamaica)
IS SIGNED BY STALLIN, wae concerned in the murder, but a investigation resulted in the gruild government, notorious as hangmenthe Dead when it Home Secretary Clynes and Dispute over named Juan Frias seems to of the colonial masses, today issued the other social imperialists in the some decovery mentioned above and found 14 necessary to give publicity who succeeded Lenin as the principal man similar case occurring within its member of the red government of have been the principal butcher.
the arrest of Frias, who we learn an order to the police and immigraMacDonald cabinet decided that the to The unfortunate International own sphere of Influence. The plot Russia.
Conference of Negro keep a lookout and prevent the land Workers, which is called for the puris laid in Jamaica Town, suburb of The founder of the local Trade to sign some values, or goods in to death for the murder.
ing of Negro workers from the UnitLamon, the principal character being and Labour Union in Kingston is al favour of Frias; and was afterwards pose of discussing the struggles in ed States, Haiti, and Africa who may the various Negro countries against the deceased Alexander Austin (West leged to be an apostle of communism. murdered, his body being cut up, BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE Indian. the Seventh Day Adventist His utterances coincide with the corned and placed in three kerogene try to enter this country to attend the imperialist oppression and co ordiChurch, and tho Loyal Hope Lodge, Russian doctrine which aims at tins. The tins were sealed and buri The British Vice Consui at PanaInternational Conference of Negro nating and joining these struggles Ancient Order of Shepherds. Austin spreading disaffection throughouted but some days later one of the ma would like to know of the where Workers called by the American La for more effectiveness, could had held fellowship with that Church the world. It is known that he ad tias burst and neighbours complain abouts it SIMON EUSTACE MEN bor Congress, the League against meet in England, which is the prio while, contrary to the teaching dressed meetings in various parts of ed of the bad smell.
DEZ, of Jamaica, who will learn Imperialism and for the Liberation of cipal exploiter and oppressor of the (Continued on pago 3) Jamaica during his two visits. His The murderer attempted to ex. somthing to his interest the Colonies, the Trade Union League (Continued on Page man was forced has every chance tote belange ventelora tione officia de police and pomiaro: Mau en

    BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandImperialismLeninSocialismSovietSpain

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