
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA Dress Reform in the Prospecting for Catholic Church Copper in the Colony At the Cathedral of the Immacu Trial Shipment of Fifty Tons of Ore Sent from Clarendon to MINERAL IS HERE ST. VINCENT BARBADOS Is a Chief Justice Legislature a Rejects In St. Vincent Necessary?
Proposal For Money Grant to Inspector General of Police Regulations To Govern Female Dress.
BIG PAY FOR LITTLE OR NO WORK Essential After Easter.
Help For Trinidad Sugar for him to accept the second highest that if the lectures will be of ben. Two Pounds Per Ton the 2010Dr. Leo Pink late Conception, Brickdam, George This is the question being asked totown and the other Catholic Churches day as a result of the recent re The Legislature recently rejected TRINIDAD in British Guiana the following signation of Mr. Justice Bullock says a resolution for a sum not exceeding notice was read at all the Masses. The St. Vincent News. the newly 5. to pay the fee for the attendestablished newspaper of our sister ance of the Inspector General of Polast Sunday: By order of His LordDetermined efforts are now being Hylton, Capt. Gully and Mr. Pad colony) His Honour gave us a reason lice at the advanced course of lectures ship the Bishop in accordance with made to established in this island, dock, a Mining Engineer who came for his resignation the fact that an instruction of the Holy Office no for senior Police Officers, to be there was not enough work to be ladies or girls will be admitted to Copper Induatry, which will provide out along with Capt. Gully.
held in England this month. 1, 000 For Investigation done by Chief Justice. In open Holy Communion unless they have labour, and also bring to capitaliste, It is understood that before co Court he stated that it was not fair The House accepted the principle sleeves to their dresses which reach a fair margin of gain, It has been well known for years, ing to Jamaica, Capt. Gully, who is at least to the elbow and skirts des cend below the knees. This order will that in certain parts of the island, Pilot of New York Harbour, se paid salary for a few hours work efit to the Inspector General, he take effect from Palm Sunday oncopper ore abound in sufficient cured the sum of 6, 000 dollars from each week. We commend Mr. Justice should pay for them in the same The Guardian understands that at the Watson Keech Company of New Bullock for such magnanimity as he way doctor would pay for a the meeting of the Finance Committee wards. After Easter ladies and girls quantities for export, but attempt so has displayed. But Mr. Justice Bulfar to commercialize the mineral York to do prospecting in Jamaica, course in the treatment of the eye of he Legislative Council held on the will not be admitted into Church unlock has gone and the office of Chief. when he wanted to maintain an of20th inst, in the Council Chambers a have never been really serious. To and on becoming interested in less their dress complies with these is stated to be almost a sinecure. It is day, however, money is being spent properties above mentioned, work was recommended regulations.
us to decide whether there is any fice which required such qualifica vote of 140, 000 by Companies abroad on prospecting was started immediately, with very tions.
tide the Trinidad sugar planters over need for the Government to expend similar reform was enforced last in Jamaica, in an effort to ascertain satisfactory results.
the 1931 crop.
year among women and girls visi whether the Copper proposition can such a high salary on an office which At this stage, a hitch occurred in This sum has been recommended is stated to almost a sinecure. It is ting the Ursuline Convent and there be made a paying one.
the transactions between Mr. Hylton suggested that there should be one torney General and creating an of. at the average assistance of por was a notable change in the dress of Some months ago Capt. Gully and Capt. Gully with regard. Chief Justice for St. Vincent and St. ment at a salary of 250 a year with fice of a legal adviser to the Governton, the crop being estimated at 70. Roman Catholic womenfolk. Daily came to this island. He came, it is Montpelier. and work was soon Lucia. One objection to this is that 600 tons.
understood, with the intention of closed down.
the right of private practice given to the system of law as administered in The decision is based on the findprospecting on Middleton in Portin the muntime, Mr. Edwards such legal adviser. Such a positionings of the Sugar Committee, of both Colonies are different. Further, land, a property in which he is inwill be somewhat analagous to the which the Hon ble Sir Henry Walcott, who, it is understood, is also con.
the proverbial law delay will be ORDER BOOKS supposed to exist, chiefly because the letosy arrived in the island with have to be made for certain matters terested, and on which copper was mcted with the prospective puper augmented. Special provisions will position of the Solicitor General of was Chairman, Barbados who receives a salary with and which was appointed by the Gov.
SECRETARY metal was found on an adjoining nis son and they quickly realized the which are done frequently in Chamthe right of private practice. The ernor to consider the parlous condiproperty. On his arrival, Capt. Gully possibilities of copper mining on Mr. bers and require the presence of the public will next ask who will accept AND became interested in the property Hylton property. Mr. Edwards, it Chief Justice. For example, who will that position at such a salary? We tion of the sugar industry of TriniZREASURER recommend what steps adjoining Middleton, which is known in understood, obtained from Mr. Hyl grant probate or hear appeals on admit that there will be difficulty in dad and to as Cedar Hurst, and later on, he also ton, a two year contract to operate questions of taxation, or are these obtaining the services of an English they deemed necessary to save it ON SALE from extinetion.
turned attention to Montpelier. a on Montpelier. and he is now away matters to be deferred until the visit Barrister. But there no need of any such. There are members of the local property owned by Mr. Hyl in England and as it is believed, suc of the Chief Justice. It is stated that the Finance ComBar who are quite capable of filling mittee have not given full effect to At the Workman ton, and which is situated in St. ceeded in raising the necessary capiAfter much consideration we do such an office. With three may be Mary After a while, an Arrange tal to start operations. Two Comp think that the office of Chief Jus some objections to local men perform the recommendations of the Sugar Printery ment was entered into between Mr. nies have been mentioned as those tice as it exists today, that is, in con ing the duties of a Magistrate or a Committe, but that they have sugto which Mr. Edwards will cond his junction with the Magistracy of the Judge, such objections do not apply gested the sum mentioned above 0001 TODO ore; they are the Raen Company and First District, is indispensable.
IODO to a mere legal adviser to the Govern because they consider it will be ade.
the Swansea Company is one of the But we sugest that expense can be ment.
quate to meet the needs of the 1981 largest smelting concerns in the saved by abolishing the ofice of At. Continued on Page 7) crop.
nited Kingdom.
Surgeon Dentist With the departure of Captain Gully from the island, Mp. Paddock who came out alone with him, start1923 Central Avenue Panama City.
ed investigating with regard to other properties on which copper ore is to Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, be found. He went down to Clarendon and visited Retreat and Hayes, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works two properties belonging to Mr. ThomINCORPORATED 1869 as Abrahams, and there it is reOffice Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment ported that he found conditions for mining better than anywhere else in ODO 2001 the island. As a result, Mr. Paddock got in touch with the Nicholas CopPANAMA COLON per Coy, of New York, and a few Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Stroote days ago, sent away a trial shipment of 60 tons of ore to that Company.
NEURALGINA This ore was sent down by truck to May Pen Railway Station and brought in to Kingston from which port, it was chipped. It might be mentionShould be in every office to immedjately soothe any ed that many years ago, large quanneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
tities of copper ore was taken off With 900 Branches throughout the world, including those properties in Clarendon, but NEURALGINA the difficulty was transportation. At the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank that time, the question of construcis in a position to render the best possible service.
Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches ting a light Railway through the and reduce the fever of children Bartons district, down to the ser const was considered, but the cost Antigua Dominica Montserrat of such project was prohibitive.
Bahamas Granda St. Kitts PESSIMISTIC VIEW.
Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Speaking with a gentleman who has wide experience both here and British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martini broad in a profession closely akin to Guadaloup (2)
Britica Galena (2)
For sale both Wholesale and Retail mining, the view was expressed that copper mining would hardly ever be AT THE. payable concern in Jamalen. It was pointed out that in other counHIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST AMERICAN PHARMACY tries where copper mining was made to pay, the transportation faciltPAID ON DEPOSITS JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor ties were such that the ore could be handled cheap. In some cases, they Panama.
had rivers where it could be conveyed on barges. Then at present, the sup(Continued on Page The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00. NEURALGINA General Banking Business Transacted.


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