
PAGE SIZ THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1930 Negro Share In South Prosperity Admitted Metropolitan Daily Agentine Group Gives True Picture Organize Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID OUR GREAT ANNUAL Star state, as probably 20 per cent of the colored poeple here are originally from there; hence, on arrival PALAIS ROYAL they can easily find friends or relatives off the various back home FOR clubs, the Texas Club is the largest, SUITS WASHINGTON, June 12. In the they feel the steady upward pull of numbering approximately 1, 000 memTO SUPPRESS WHITE SLAVERY seventh of series of articles as the superior mass around them, but bers. Some of the best business firms pearing in New York City daily on when they are masæd in solid black are run by former Texas merchants.
BUENOS AIRES. June world. Argentine branch of the Jewish Asthe prosperity of the old Southeast, areas, as in the black belt of Alaba: wide campaign for the suppression of sociation of their intention to particAllen Raymond, the writer, says noma, the superior Negroes feel the organized white slavery has been ipate in the world wide campaign picture of what is happening in Dixie drag of their surrounding inferiors.
launched as a result of the recent dis The New York Probation and Protectoday would be complete without the To help the colored farmers of the FOR covery in Arg? ntina of an interna tive Association is among the awostory of Neegro advancement. The seven southwestern states there are tional organization for exploiting wo ciation in nine European countries colored man works in the Alabama today about 200 co operative eten.
which have signified their intention steel peats. He his found in the sersion agents supported jointly by the The International Jewish Associa to co operate.
vise ind tries and minor jobs in comUnited States Departament of Agriand tion for the Protection of Girls and The countres in which white slave merce.
culture and the land grant colleges Women, encouraged by the success campaign either have begun or are Factory production in the South is of them are county agents, and the of its Argentine branch in finally about to start are Belgium, France, generally a white man field. They rest either work in the homes or in bringing white slavers to justice al Germany, Great Britain, Holland, have left the Negro on his farm. movable school supervision.
see ter several years of discouraging taly, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Some Southern authorities believe In a recent report to the Departlack of police co operation, has in the United States, Bolivia, Brazil, that the Negro farmer is progressing ment of Agriculture, Warburstructed all its affiliates to renew Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba the Dofaster than his poor white compe ton, director of the Agriculture Extheir efforts to uncover white slave minican Republic, Ecuador, Guatematitors. They are acquiring homes and tension Service, declared Negro faractivities in their respective counla, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pamodest bank accounts and a degree mers were doing more diversified tries, acording to telegrams received nama, Paraguay, Peru, San Salvador, of economic freedom which many farming than ever before, and that No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
by the Argentine branch.
Uruguay and Venezuela white men, North and South, might the outstanding success of the NeIn addition to the Jewish organizaPanama, The police in all the Argentine proenvy. Negro farmer has purchas gro demontration agents had been in tions, other similar societies in twenvinces are making arrests daily in ed 1400 acre track in Lee county, improving standards of child care ty seven countries have notified the an effort to round up 426 members of Ga. for 16, 000, while another farm health, and sanitation in the rural the Zwi Migdal Society which, under er who owns 84 acres in Cheroke are county, Georgia, has built a 6, 000 Ar the guise of a mutual aid society, rehome, Jim Wright, citrus grower As the Negro farmer pushes his gularly chartered as a limited stock corporation by the Province of Buenos of Deland, Fla. put a 000 crop on way up, a white problem is rising Aires, had been efficently carrying the mart in the Southeast to take the place of on an international white slave trafthe Negro problem. In any strugNearly one third of the South Ne gle for existence waged side by side fie for forty years.
gro farmers were farm owners and by two races, the race with lower When they learned warrants were not tenanta in 1922, according to standards of existence will win unabout to be issued for their arrest, Branson of the University of North less the race with superior requireZwi Migdal members fled to Europe Carolina. In that year the Negroes ments shows superior industry, skill and to other South American Repubof his state had about 110, 000, 000 and intelligence. The Negro farmer lies. Other Sought hiding in the of taxable property on the tax lists, of the Southeast can exist with reaprovinces and are being hunted down and they paid about in every 26 sonable happiness on conditions that and arrested. The majority of those that went into the State Treasury.
arrested insisted they thought the destroy his neighboring whites, and As a rule, he amassing of property the neighboring white farmers are society was an organization providby Negroes is most rapid in white often no higher in intelligence, ining sick and accident insurance and burial in a Jewish cemetery belond.
counties, Professor Branson declar dustry and skill than the Negro. In ing to the organization.
ed. When the Negroes are thinly the Southern towns men say the Nescattered among white majorities gro often makes the better farmer.
The investigation shows that for forty years women and girls have been shipped to Argentina and bought sold and exchanged. In some cases girls sent by agents in Europe under promises of marriage or employment on their arrival were met here or in Montevideo by white slavers. In other SPECIAL OFFER cases the slavers would go to Europe to bring girls here to go through false marriage ceremonies in the Zwi Migdal Synagogue.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. June 12. Uw accomplished young lady who (A. With unprinted tales on is siting here states that we lived their lips and baunting memories of with her parents and several brothRegularly Selling nights of horror and apprehensioners on their own farm near the age spent in hiding from bloodthristy, of 14 was sent to Kansas City to FOR 75 human wolves, geveral colored citi school. This was to protect her from zens of the Sherman and Honey Grove the domineering advances of white WILL BE Tex. district, arrived here.
men who considered all the goodThey report the existence of a gen looking colored girls of the country.
SOLD FOR ATLANTA, Ga. June 12. Tom Johnson, district organieral feeling of unrest among Ne side their natural prey. She only rezer of the Communist Party, immegroes, and active antipathy against turns twice a year for short stays.
diately on receipt of news of the inthem by whites in those sections, She declares that with each visit she dictment of Henry Storey, Negro previous to the burnings of George learng of more girls who have become member of the Communist Party, toHughes and George Johnson. victims of the system of concugether with the three other workApparently, in the environs of the binage maintained by the despoilers, ers, issued a satement acording it as thriving business places and homes in On her last visit home Texas offipart of a planned attempt to smash the little Negro community, remarks cer grew very wroth when he was the entire militant labor movement were frequently made about smart repulsed by a girl friend at whose in the South, and declaring that his Alec niggers by whites who were home she happened to stop in. The party will most probably run Storey piqued by the evident property shown two girls were alone at the time and for governor of the sate of Georgia by Negroes with cars or decent homes he seemed to have trailed the visitor for governor of the attacks on the Reports from the refugees also there. At any rate, he stormed out of Iron (Coal Irons, Gas Irons, Electric Irons or Communist policy of organizing Nebear out the facts gleaned by Roscoe the house but returned in a half hour Dunjee, editor of the Oklahoma Black and arresed the girl on a trumpedgro and white workers together and just plain old Irons ACCEPTED)
of demanding full equality for NeDispateh, that young girls were cusa up charge.
omarily insulted by white enke ent Los Angeles is a natural haver Many workers throughout Georgia, for Texans fleoeing from the Lone both white and Negro, Johnson deIf you have no Old Iron clared, are urging that Storey be named as the Communis candidate pay us 50 only for a NEW ONE for governor of the state of Georgia by the coming state ratification of the Communist Party.
Sale of IRONS will start July 1st Texas Farmers Flee; Memory of Riots in Sherman Terrorize THERMAX IRONS To Run Negro For Governor ONLY DOLLARS AND ANY OLD OR BROKEN Book Binding!
CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 OFMCR JAVILLO FILL

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