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BV 338319 5W30 STABLISHED IDE Snel 10392014 Sodalain The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1930 Attem, to Establish Claim MacDonald Tentative Programme MEMORIAL SERVICE SUN Registration of Aliens Extended to Sept. what Colon Correctional DAY 29th.
School (Continued from page 1)
The Grenadian Benevolent and (Continued from page 1)
colored peoples of Africa, Asia, etc.
For Patronal Festival and Protective Society will hold a MEMartizan sailed for England. It is Missionary Drive St. Peter On the recommendation of Jose de ORIAL SERVICE in honor of its Another extension of alien regis said that he will represent the Union The British Labor Party is part Church, La Boca Crespo, Inspector of Schools, it has departed dead at the Edith Cavell tration was granted on Thursday at the Conference.
and parcel of the treacherous Second been definitely decided to close the Hall, Corner 19th October Streets last through the department of There is a communist group of International, which has consistently The following is tentative Colon Correctional School( formerly on Sunday 29th. Inst commencing Government and Justice of Panama.
coloured folks in the United States. opposed any real struggle against programme to be carried out at St. the Colon Boys Institute. This has at 30 precisely.
The time now fixed is September There is reason to believe that the imporialism, and has recently refue Peter Church, La Boca, during the come about through a recent visit This is the first of its kind given by 30. The cause given for this ex.
founder of the Jamaica Trade and ed to endore the truggles of the Innext fortnight:to the school by the inspector when the Society, and as there is no like tension of time is the inability to Labour Union is an active worker dian masses or to condemn the MacObarvance of Patronal Festival. it is said he discovered conditions lihood of another one being held for complete the work within the given in the propagation of the doctrine Donald government for its murderous Sunday, June 29, Choral celebra of such unsatisfactory nature that a long time the President desires a time has been discovered by Govof a world revolution, as propound attacks upon the Indian workers who tion of the Holy Communion, 6, a. he rocommended the closing of the full turn out of the membership. ernors and Alcaldes of the various ed by the Bolshevist government of dare demand freedom for their pooMatins, Holy Eucharist and institution which he said was not Each member will be permitted to Provinces of the Republic Russia. The organization which ple. Sermon, 10. 45, a. The Rector. is said that the local government bring afriend to this service, as it is Special forms distributed for the meets fortnightly at St. Mark Special Service for 1930 gruada It is said that the local overnment not confined to the members only. purpose, is the means by which regisHall, West Street, Kingston, ia tion Class of La Boca Colored School has completed plans for the conThe name of those who have tration may be conveniently carried strietly speaking, a labour union; the Secret Order 30, The Rector struction of a boys reformatory in departed this life and date of depart out.
majority of its six hundred odd Church School, 80, the region of the Matias Fernandez, ure are herewith appended members who are drawn from the Missionary Service, 30, on the road to Old Panama and as Janet Simmons died January artizan elcss, a few typists, also (Continued from page 1) Preacher, Ven, Archdeacon, soon as this is ready for use, the 24, 1928.
Out of Hospital labourers and domestic servants, are thereof, he claaimed membership in Sykea.
boys from the correctional School William La Bastide died September The many friends of Mr.
was in the mind this Order. Upon his death on the Wednesday, July Holy Com will be tranferred there.
12, 1928.
Moulton will be pleased to know veganier when 20th inst. the Church alive to her du. munion. The Rector.
Agnes Ettienne died February 16, that he is out of the Panama HosBE SET THE BALL IN MOTION ty, asserted her right to conduct the Missionary Service, 30, British Consulate Notice pital after being confined there for at the stand subsequent meetfuneral ceremony but then directed Speakers, Messta Brathwaite, The British Vice Consul at Pana John Francois died April 26, 1929. two weeks suffering from a virulIngs which he summoned in the city.
that though the pall bearers might be MeCarthy, Palmer ma would like know of the whereaMurray Johnson died May 6, 1929. ent attack of Malaria.
Members have been called upon to Shepherds, no members of the craft (Lay Readers. bouts of Florice Renee, a native of James Johnson died May 17, 1929.
subscribe their quota to the funds should enter the Church building reFriday, July 4, Holy Communion, Trinidad, British West Indies, who James Cummings died July 3, 1929. 1929.
upon which they hope to build up a galed with any a Lodge resented this The Rector.
was supposed to be at Pedro Miguel Chrys Forsty died June 17, 1929. Amelia Sealey died January 25, reserve that would enable them to dictum and simply had the remains some time ago.
Sunday, July Holy ComMacaulay Bayne died December 21, 1980. further their own interests by of their demanding higher wages whenever receaser comrade laid to munion, 6, a. The Rector.
rest in the Camp. One cometery while they were in a position to do so, and Elder Church people patiently wait. 10. 45, a. The Rector.
Matins, Holy Eucharist, Sermon, to strike their terms are not ed at the Church for the cortege. complied with Missionary Service 30, Preacher, The Very Rev. Halsey Possibly, the founder, weiwing Werleim, Ph.
events from his native city, New York, is not at all sanguine that foundation members of the union, Wednesday July Holy Com society of six hundred odd can but who have since cut loose from munion, 7, a. The Rector.
Missionary Service, 80, till the bill, by way of providing the the movement. It is true that the ground upon which a formidable body Jamais Trade and Labour Union is Preacher, The Rev. Chaplain Chas, would be created, one which would viewed as a society that is to ad Hill, be expected to promote labour troubles vance the interest of workers, but Friday, July 11 Holy Commu AT THE throughout Jamaica, and thus lead the real purpose for which it was nion. The ector.
to disorders of a grave nature, such formed by an advocate of comSunday, July 13 Holy Communion, as clashes with the police, about munistic doctrines in Jamaica, and 8, The Rector which the organizer spoke to some ultimately to create trouble in this Matins, Holy Eucharist, Sermon, of those who were regarded as 10. 45, a. The Rector, otherwise peaceful island.
RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND IODO WORKMAN PRINTERY 39 luvenile Mile Juvenile Missionary Service, Spas CRICKET! CRICKET. West Indians, Attention. he when in Panama semem West Indies Cricket History OPO Closing Missionary Service 30, Preacher, The Rev. Louis Melcher, Grand Procession aisle and alof the Church after presenta NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM tion of offerings at both opening and closing Missionary Services.
HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Mulcaro, co Get a copy of the etor.
When in Panama remember to visit Alex. Dixon Place (a good old timer) at the eastern end of Church Services the Station, where you can get the old WESLEYAN MEHODIST and read the records of past Cuban touch at the Panama 11 a. Mr. Hilton Airall.
Cricket Veterans 30 pm. Rev. Wright.
Colon. L TOM Jones AND 30 Rev. Cousins.
La Boca 11 a. Mr. Frank Reid.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 RESTAURANTE LA ESPERANZA 9780 80 Mr. Porey Hinda.
0110 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages New Provindence 11 a. Rev. Wright. Paaraiso 11 Rev.
West Indian Restaurant Summary of Contents: Counding History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, DIVISION 186 Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, JALA In coming from Colon just look out the window programme for tomorrow Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual meeting of Division 186 of the across to Players A, will be sponsored the Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and plete and Choir and other members of the organization.
Interesting 3rd NOVEMBER ST. HOUSE 50 Messrs. Jeffers will Price 50cts.
conduet while Secretary Greeley, will read the President General weekly message. MemAND YOU WILL SEE THE SIGN Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN bers and friend are asked to bear Panama information in mind and be guided accordingly.
903 The this

    BolshevismCominternCommunismEnglandWorkers Party

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