
INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS British Guiana and success. have issue the same paper and JAMAICA St. Lucia TRINIDAD Scheme For Big Paper Deputation Will Leave a Regrettable Incident Lepers Lured Factory Falls Through For England The voice of the 14th ulto.
Chief Justice says: Not Presented We learn from a Soufriere corEnglish Capitalist Had Planned respondent that during the pas To Discuss Electricity Franchise month three inmates of the to Spend 400, 000 in its issue of the 19th ulto. Pounds on With Secretary of State Leper Asylum, one man and two the Daily Chronicle, writing unwonen, who have been suffering Undertaking in St. Elizabeth from the loathsome disease for ORT OF SPAIN, June 20der the above caption says: many years, have been discharged deputation comprising the regrettable incident occurred in Barbados The Gleaner of the 3rd. inst.
cured af connection with the Levee as a result from the Asylum as Hon. Cipriani, Mayor of States that the proposal ts erechten Will Ship Copper ter a couple of years intensive Port of Spain; Hon Gaston of which His Honour the Chief Justice large Elitreatment and a careful bacterio Johnson, and Dr. Prada HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY CON was not presehted to His Excellency.
It is the custom at Levees for the zabeth, which would involve the logical examination. On enquiry. Town Clerk; is expected SIDER IMPORTANT Governor entourage, who include Ore To The we find that the statement is a to leave Trinidad for England in MEASURES members of the Executive Council to expenditure by British capitalists true one. We extend our congra July to discuss the electricity of some 400, 000 has, we regret assen. ble in the Colonial Secretary from Clarendon tations to the Mis toid of the íranchise with the Secretary of tu state, fallen through.
Fourth District In its Mail Edition of the 21st Outice and then pass into the Council State for the Colonies.
in wish him continued success ult, the Advocate says: Chamber and be introduced the Chief This statement is made by the Capt. Cipriani said yesterday Gleaner on the authority of the During the past fortnight the Justice leading with the Execuive short time ago, mention of his campaign to alleviating the that the deputation would leave House of Assembly has held two sufferings in his District, and to Council next, then the Judges, the Hon. Harrison, Custos of the progress of mining opera: the cured ones on being relieved Port o Spain by the first avail meetings at which some import members of the Legislative Council Si. Elizabeth.
tions in the Hayes District of from sufferings that were once able steamer next month, in ant measures were considered. and the Consult. On this occasion the It is understood that owing to Clarendon was mentioned in the considered to be incurable. Truly lome Office and Members of Recythe Senior Member for order the On Tuesday 10th, Mr. members of the Executive Council met His Execellency at the entrance the financial conditions existing columns of this paper, says the the medical science is a progresl arliament before they go on St. Lucy, introduced a Bill to to the Public Buildings and went with sive one.
in the motherland to day, the Cleaner of the 3rd inst.
Writing on this subject re holiday.
amend the Representation of the him into the Council Chamber, wheregentlemen there who were be It can now be stated that the The delagtes will stay in Eng. People Act. After an interest as the Chief Justice was waiting in cently the New York Tribune land for about four or six weeks. ing debate it passed its second the Colonial Secretary Office where hind the venture, have not been West India Copper Company who said: able to exercise the options on purchased certain properties in The whole question of the Trin reading with a single dissentient the members of the entourage were How modern inedical tre idad Electric Company claim and was referred to a Select expected to assemble, so that when certain properties they had se Ciarendon and are operating the ment enables lepers to take their to a perpetual right to operate Committee.
The principal the Chief Justice went through to lected in St. Elizabeth, and the mines have been meeting with place in society, whereas the tramways and electric lighting charges introduced are the re the Council Chamber he found that time for taking these up has now formerly isolated themselves, is services in Port of Spain will be duction of the income franchise his juniors had already been introductoid in tne annual report Dr. discussed.
from 50 to 30 and the reduced and were in position. He immeMr. Jordan who is here William Jay Schiettelin, presiThe above news will cause ar dent of the American Mission to Council has It is also understood that the tions of the property and lodger diately left the Public Buildings and decided to retain qualifications.
joined his car for home.
great disappointment throughout as the company expert, is next Lepels. The report for 1929 19 Hon, Gaston Johnson, and Mr. Reece also introduced St. Elizabeth and adjoining par ranging to ship in the ishes, for much had been expect couple of days to the United Ce most encouragnig the society Mr. Hannays, as senior and has ever made, he said.
to born The advavuce in diagnosis contest the Electric Co claim subsequently marry, and the Bill junior counsel respectively, to out of wedlock if their epalent Why the Chief Justice ed of the enterprise. Had the States, about fifty tons of ore, a scheme gone through it un sample of which has been shown has enabled physicians to recogs to a perpetual right to operate passed was not Presented all its stages the same many cases of leprosy doubtedly would have been of to a representative of the Glean. nize er. It certainly looked like ort of which a few years ago would scamways and electric lighting day.
services in the city.
vast benefit to that section of the The Details.
been given a difterent In a later he said. Dr. Victor TO SECURE EMPLOYMENT gives the reason island, providing work for large a very productive and remuneraChief of the Rockefeller why the FOR SCOUTS numbers of people. and the put tive character, as far as copper Heiser, Justice was not presented as is concerned, and Mr. Jordan, Foundation, has said that recent City Council Will follows: ting into cultivation of extensive The same paper says a confer We have gathered the following areas of land which are now lying who is an expert in the business, estimates place the total number Start Housing Scheme ence of Scout Readers and busi details of incident at the Levee fallow. It had been the intention feels sanguine that this will be lepers in the worls as high qu 3, 000, 000 We on King Birthday from a source of ness men was held at the Pubhave gone far beyond to manufacture paper from bam the best shipment of ore yet sent lic Buildings on Thursday, 12th unimpeachable authority.
boo and other grasses.
out from Jamaica those days of simple faith Press despatch from Port of June, to consider some means of It is the custom at Levees for the The Hon. A, Harrison was a Mr. Jordan thinks that in the hard work, twenty years agoSpain states that the City Coun Securing employment for young Governor entourage who include prime factor in trying to get the course of time the mining pro When our only office was a room cil will start its Housing Scheme Scouts after leaving school.
members of the Executive Council asin the residence of our secretary, for workers, with the construct factory established. Continued on Page 1) Danner, and our only stan ion of twelve houses at South a good secondary education who Office and then pass into the Council The number of young men with semble in the Colonial Secretary was himself and his devoted Quay.
wite. As late as 1924 the Amer are unemployed is disturbingly Chamber, bow to the Governor and ODOB010 Capt. Cipriani told a Trinidad large and the interest in the take their places, the Chief Justice ican Mission to Lepers was able Guardian representative that problem of the chief merchants leading with the Executive Council annual les than (Continued on page 7)
Dr. Leo Pink of the city is most desirable. Continued on Page 7)
iw iepler centres in tiiteen countries. In 1929 we had a part in the Surgeon Dentist work in 143 centres, in forty one lands. Five years ago our total annuol income was less than 147, 000in the last few years 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
our receipt have nearly doubled. The chief aim of the mission Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, now is to co ordinate the work among lepers linking up all the INCORPORATED 1869 Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works countries into one unit, he said.
It has emphasized the need for closer contacts of leper hospital Head Office: Montreal, Canada Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment superintendents, and is planning a leper mission superintendent conterence in Bangkok, Siam, to CODOLOSOFORO ward the end of this year, in PANAMA COLON connection with the conference Santa Ana Plaza on tropical diseases to be held Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets there.
NEURALGINA Additional treatment Stations have been opened in Africa, with an entirely new field in the Bel.
Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 gian Congo. The chief centres Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any are in France, Japan Korea, China, the Philippine Islands, neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
Siam, Africa and to a limited exin southeastern Asia and With 900 Branches throughout the world, including NEURALGINA South America. new plant for 700 lepers has just been opened the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank in Soonshun. In Portugese East Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Africa and vicinity some 50, 00C is in a position to render the best possible service.
and reduce the fever of children lepers are awaiting treatment and care. Dr. Schieffelin pointed out Antigua Dominica Montserrat NEURALGINA that practically all of the 350 Bahamas lepers at Chiengmai, Siam, are Grenada St. Kit Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Christians. They attend church Barbados St. Lucia services and are eager to work. With the advance in medical British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique treatment, lepers in all parts of the world are being socialized, Guadaloupe (2)
For sale both Wholesale and Retail British Guiana (2)
and their diseases are being brought out from concealment, AT THE he said. There are estimated to be about 1, 200 lepers in this country AMERICAN PHARMACY HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor PALAIS ROYAL Panama.
FOR SUITS ODO TODO income was The Royal Bank of Canada ODIO tent Jamaica (2) General Banking Business Transacted.


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