
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 19, 1930 Prominent Young Student Hangs Himself re on at school, and to be continued throughout their en Still white peole have the audacity or the dumbness to wonder ure lifes. More, they had become ambassador for the what our grievance against the American system is they dare ask us why we are not satisfied with conditions as they are. They THE WORKMAN they had assumed the role of monitors in the exercising wonder why we cite the laws of the country, and inşist upon havof their actions with the design to form habits which ing them enforced. They either do not know or pretend not to know that we resent this attitude. They ask us, with that facile glineas are, so to speak, the ingredients of character.
at which they are adept, just why we always compare America with France and with South America and why we say that our Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 And with that, they assumed the obligation to show CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, the difference between knowledge and ignorance, learncountry suffers by the comparison ing and illiteracy, refinement and coarseness, wisdom and Is there any wonder that in Europe the United States has beP. Bux 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon foolishness, as they go along life pathway, giving silent come known as Uncle Sham. To us no title fits this country better.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION testimony to the potentiality of CHARACTER DEVEONE YEAR. 40 Oy.
LOPMENT which must result in the highest and noblest SIX MONTHS. 20 exercise of the moral and intellectual nature.
THREE. 60 To these graduates, DEVELOPMENT of CHARONE MONTH.
ACTR was suggested as a motto. We follow good example and make the same suggestion to all who read The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS this with emphasis that it is a necessity, for blessed are WAS SAID TO BE BRILLIANT SCHOLAR AND LIKELY the lips that bear such motto, and blessed are the ears WINNER OF ISLAND SCHOLARSHIP that hear it attentively!
ST. VINCENT, June 12 On yesterday in the upper storey of THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 19, 1930.
Sunday last we were shocked the Court House says the St.
Hotels and Gangsters DEVELOPMENT OF CHARACTER to learn of the tragic end of Ro Vincent News of the 14th inst.
bert Elphinstone Anderson at the SUICIDE TALK In another part of this paper we reproduce an article from early age of seventeen says the News. The deceased was a Several witnesses were called Last week, we spoke to our friends on Character, the pen of a Filipino portraying the position of the colored man in giving its general definition and value, and showing the the United States of America and how he is barred and spurned likely winner of the St. Vincent among them Mr. Lopey, the Act difference between it and reputation. To day, we desire at every step he makes. In another article taken from the editor. Scholarship. He was exceedingly ing Headmaster of the Grammar to say a few words in regard to its development, and in ial columns of the Chicago Defender, the editor pictures a sim studious, very quiet and polite to School. who said in his evidence this we hasten to acknowledge our indebtedness to our ilar state of affairs, and sternly points out the adverse treat all. He was found on Sunday that in an English lesson in the illustrious friend Mr. Cecil Martin of Cristobal for the ment meted out to the Negro in the State notwithstanding he morning to the surprise of the afternoon of 7th instant suicide was discussed as it came up in thought. In this gentleman speech to the graduating might be a hero, or being possessed of the highest culture. The cook on opening the door of the that particular lesson and that a class of the Silver City School, there were many a high article taken from the latest issue of the Defender to hand, is as lower floor, hanging from a spot; but we think the highest spot of all was his beautifollows: rope. The lamp be used for read boy in the class called his attenful reference to the letters the common meaning of ing the night before was still tion to the fact that in the tele: which is district of Colombia. He said in part, My Last week when police raided a Chicago hotel they found sev burning. His right hand was grams of last week, it was eral gangsters of known reputation residing therein. few days young friends want to leave with you to night, one strapped to ported that a University student right thigh.
prior to this a newspaper reporter later discovered to have been thought if no other. That thought is expressed in two closely associated with gangsters, was said to have maintained Every thing gave the appearance committed suicide. He pointed letters of the Alphabet namely, and In general acsuites in two of Chicago most exclusive hotels. He also owned of a cool and deliberately plan out to the class that suicide ble ceptation, these two letters, whenever written or spoken a home in an exclusive resort on the lake front.
ned suicide what urged him to ing against the laws of nature, means, District of Colombia; but to night, am going to So it seems, judging from these facts, that men who upon the commit this act will never be a person must be insane to comask you to attach another meaning to them, which if you public and who violate our laws can always find sanctuary in hotels revealed. We can only conjecture mit it. Anderson who was predo, will greatly assist you to exemplify your correct and other places of exclusiveness. On the other hand, American that it was due chiefly to oversent in the class all the time took citizens of color no matter how reputable they may be, are barred grasp of something fundamental, something necessary, work.
no part in the discussion.
from hotels no matter how cheap they are as hotels. man who and something eternally valuable. Let these two letters This evidence was corroborat rescued a dozen white people from drowning after a boat collision The news is especially shockmean for you from this night onward, DEVELOPMENT of CHARACTER.
in Lake Michigan last year was refused shelter and warmth in a ing to all when we consider the ed by three of the deceased tenth rate hostelry on the North side when the boat landed. Al youth of the deceased and the class mates, Master Cox, Brisbane and Cato.
We are inclined to the belief that the sound of this through he was wet and cold, he was forced to travel miles before bright prospects which were invitation still lingers in the memory of our young he could find a place that offered him a dry blanket and a cup of within his grasp. We can hardly NO MOTIVES coffee friends, and that it will continue to so linger all realise that it has occurred. To Dr. Liakiow, who was the next throughout their life time, for truly, no one can afford At another time a group of legislators were forced to ride a his relatives and every one who witness called, described the po to forget the urge to develope his or her character. No freight elevator to get to an official meeting in one of our hotels, knew him he gave the appear sition which he found the body one should make up his or her mind to neglect the culAnother man, prominent in civic life of the city, was barred from ance of being quite happy, hanging and gave as his opinion ture of that trait which establishes the one and only the dining room of a well known club which happened to be named for a man through whose veins flowed that proud blood of Africa working hard to achieve the dis that the rash act was done probvalue which, if lost, all is lost.
that is now being scorned. This man was forbidden the use of the tinction of being the next scholar. ably 12 hours before the discov Now, the fact that it is one duty to develope his dining room of this club after his wife, who happened to be lighter We had no doubt that he would ery. Death, he said was due to character is proof conclusive that everyone has a char than he in complexion, had been sarved.
have achieved his aim if not at strangulation.
acter. It is generally said of one who, by conduct and It is nothing to be told at the larger hotels that all rooms are this sitting, certainly at the next.
Mr. Robert Anderson, the action giyes a sordid impression of himself that such a taken, or that there is no food left to serve in the dining room. And We had in our imagination bereaved father, gave evidence one has no character. This expression is technically in along the lake resorts are frequently seen sign reading. We cater placed him amongst the future in the course of which he said to white trade only. Exclusive neighborhoods mean only that we leaders of our colony. We expect that he had no cause to suspect correct, and must at most be taken as figurative speech are excluded any person with a white face and money can get ac ed great things of him, because anything wrong with his son.
rather than the positive statement of a fact. All mortals commodations, although he may have a criminal record as long as he had shown himself willing to He was a very studious and quiet have character which is either good, bad, or indifferent, a Rin Tin Tin pedigree. Even Japanese, Mexicans, Chinese and and each of these conditions is contingent upon the di other people who owe no allegiance to this country are ahead of us work to achieve these things. lad and he had high hopes of him.
rection in which it is developed. The health of a child in this matter.
CORONER INQUEST The evidence of the other witdepends upon the manner in which it is taken care This situation is not peculiar to Chicago it obtains throughout of, the kind of food on which it is fed, the United States. There is not a large city in the country where tragic death of Robert Ander that The Coroner inquiry into the nesses corroborated in effect the deceased was of a the ventilation of the room in which it is a tired traveler can find a welcome in the leading hotels. He may son who was discovered hanging very quiet disposition and more be ever so respectable, he may have enough money to buy the reared, and the healthiness or otherwise of its general building that houses the hotel, but he may not enter if his face is in his father dining room early or less described his movements surroundings. Similarly, we are all children in general black.
life, and the standard of our character is established by on Sunday morning last was held the evening prior to the tragedy.
At the conclusion of the inthe quality of the mental, moral and social food we asquiry the Coroner summed up the similate. We come in daily contact with abundant proof facts to the jury who after min of this fact. The impure mental, social, and even religiutes consultation returned ous food served up to our young people by disreputverdict of suicide while of unable seniors and other of their own age who inhabit sursound mind.
corresponding vileness of language, baseness of conduct, and degredation of character which we see exemplified UNEMPLOYMENT IN in and around the homes, on the playgrounds, and on Just Received a Large Assortment of GREAT BRITAIN the streets. They have their reflection too, by domicile in places of correction, jails, and penitentiaries yea, some of them reflect in an untimely and violent crossing LONDON, July Premier of the bar! bus neteks on 16 bio MacDonald and Rt. Hon. Vernon Hartshorn, Lord Privy Seal last We see then, what a valuable thing character is, and night addressed the Parliamenhow important its development. We see how necessary it is to uncover and unfold it how incumbent upon us In the very Latest Designs tary Labour Party on unemployment problems. They asloed it is to bring to light its salient virtues, and to complete their supporters in the Commons its formation by degrees to cause it by a technical manALSO to remain loyal and assured them ipulation to pass from stage to stage in an upward dithat each industry would be rection until it becomes a structure to increase its examined separately with a view 2003 ment, and the number of persons to finding extent of unemploy its whole from is exposed to public view in the beauty of Cream its perfection.
Flannels under 16 and over 65 who were working leave with a class of graduates who were saying adieu 230 UNPLOYMENT INCREASES to the class room, and going out into a dismal and preLEST YOU FORGET (By Cable Coy. carious world to up before its joys and sor1903, 01 LONDON, July (Reuter Service) The total number of And on what better occasion could the DEVELOPSUT unemployed on the 30th June MENT of CHARACTER be mentioned than at a tot exceeded 1, 890, 000 registering function associated with education?
IS:UP. TO. DATE AS USUALivial and jump of 75, 000 over the previous No better though could anyone leave, we answer week, and being the highest figo and no better occasion could be selected because the 21. RITUD ducaciono recen ure since 1922 siqnoma ment and cultivation of the mental powers by inculcation and example, which is referred to also as training, and these graduates were going out to demonstrate the GMA MULLER IT Prop lato PALAIS ROYAL effects of that which they had inculcated they were on 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 now sd los their way to exemplify an harmonious development of odt soul bis FOR their faculties which was begun in the nursey, carried ABS SUITS a LA MASCOTA INDIA des ENGLISH TWEEDS YOTE power and strength until it presents the latent image of Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and And what better thought than this could anyone esW rows ita quing and losses its curses and its blessings Our Tailors Trimming Department VOM BILA MASCOTA Bio epigo


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