
PAGE SEVEN FELFELLET LITTLE DO Jamaica Will Ship Copper (Continued from Page 2)
position in Jamaica ought to be a very paying one, and as such will provide a good deal of work for laborers to GOOD JOB PRINTING 10 DO topo British Guiana WHY THE CHIEF JUSTICE WAS NOT PRESENTED (Continued from Page 2)
next, then the Judges, the members of the Legislative Council and the Consuls. On this occasion the mem bers of the Executive Council met His Excellency at the entrance the Public Buildings and went with him into the Council Chamber, whereas the Chief Justice was waiting at the door of the Colonial See retary Office, with in view of His Execellency and his entourage, to be given the usual sign to go forward. The first thing he noticed was the Attorney General, as member of the Executive Council paying his respects His Excelleney, and he was followed by second member. The Chief Justice then remarked, So the Executive Council go first, eh; m off, and left the buildings, DOC PODO: Cutting Up And Sale Of Crown Lands plays a very important part in the success of your business BRITISH GUIANA WINS TROPHY THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Trinidad Beaten In All Events Some time ago the Governor appointed a committee, with the Colonial Secretary as chairman, to go into the question of the cutting up and sale of Crown Lands. One of the things urged was that roads should be opened up before the Crown Lands are sold; and that the technical staff of the Lands Department should be strengthened in order to facilitate the selling of the lands.
The committee has gone very fully into the different aspects of the matter and on Saturday next they will hold a final meeting at which the draft report will be prepared.
The recommendations of the committee are expected to be in the hands of the Government before the meeting of the autumn session of the Legislative Council. The report of the Committee will be submitted to the Legislature and the proposals adopted by them will be reflected in the Estimates for 1931 32 (Idem)
GOOD SPORT ON THE RIVER TO GET GOOD WORK DONE British Guiana scored a decisive victory against Trinidad in the Intercolonial Regatta held by the Demerara Rowing Club on the Demerara River on the 7th inst. winning the two four oared races and the single sculling event by very wide margins. His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government the Hon. Douglas Jones, was among a fairly large number of person on board the Queriman which followed the races, while the river was alive with people on board launches, motor boats and other small craft. Large crowds who also saw the races from Ruimveld and Houston, stellings and other points along the riverside.
شدن We do only the BEST Trinidad City Council Will at Reasonable PRICES at Freak Lamb TWO NOSES AND TONGUES ALIVE AND FRISKY freak lamb was born recently among a flock at Kitty owned by Mr. Cendrecourt, the well known chemist and druggist of Broad street.
The lamb, which has attracted con siderable interest and is frisky, has two noses and two tongues. Continued from Page 2)
the Housing Committee of the Council sat yesterday and that was the decision arrived at.
Plans and specifications had been submbitted to the Govern.
ment and they hoped shortly to construct the buildings which will be of two rooms each 24 16 with a 5ft. gallery, along the front of each house. Kitchen shower bath and out house will be provided.
The original scheme, plained, was the building of 200 houses. The first twelve houses will be the testing out of the project. It was hoped to put up 100 houses at Gonzales Plase later, and the remainder will be erected at a site to be decided.
The houses at Gonzales Place might be increased in size in certain cases.
he ex THE WORKMAN PRINTERY KITTEN WITH TWO BODIES 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Still Birth freak kitten was born dead on the 31st ult. at the house at LA Grange village, West Bank, Deme, rata, of Brindraman. It had two bodies with one head, eight legs, one tail and a growth about an inch in length on the back between the two bodies which were attacked Two other normal kitteng were born at the same time, NEAR JAVILLO Delegates To Labour Conference RUBBER STAMPS in time for the Conference, a house to house and street collection be commenced the next day, and a dance in aid of Delegation Fund be given at an early date.
The delegation having called on the Hon. Webber informed him of his having been nominated as delegate along with Mr. Critchlow to the Labout Conference, and the hope of gaining his acceptance.
Mr. Webber accepting nomina.
tion said he would endeavour to do his best in assisting the Delegation Fund.
Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE ORDER BOOKS BRITISH GUIANA, June 18 At a general meeting of the British Guiana Labour Union held at the hall 163 Wellington Street on Monday 16th June, the following resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously carried: Whereas the British Commonwealth Labour Conference will be held on the 21st. July at which representatives of the British Guiana Labour Union are invited to attend and to forward names of delegates.
Be it resolved that this meeting nominate the Hon.
Webber to be a delegate along with Mr. Critchlow, SecretaryTreasurer to attend the said Conferende. deputation of three members were selected to approach the Hon. Webber the next day to find out whether or not he would accept the nomination, The members then discussed ways and means of raising funds to assist the delegation and it was decided that as the delegates will have to leave the Colony by the end of June to be SECRETARY AND REASURER ON SALE GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED At the Workman Printery Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office, Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 5, 30 Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilch St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 Omice 100 ODO тогтооно LITERER ODO ODO ODO FILTERRETERARRETERAR RARE


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