p. 8


Big Doings at Juan Successful Song Franco Tomorrow must bon voyage.
a an.
HORSE RACING Division 186 Jamaica Criketers Hok will captain the side. Pastor Says Negro One or two of the fixtures will Leave For United be against a team of cricketers (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
States which arrived in New York reed by an augmented chorus and made her any less capable, but on very interesting and enthucently from the Easter Caribbean orchestra at every meeting.
Two new innovations will fea the contrary she was heard to siastic meeting was held on Suncolonies.
Record For Good ture at the Juan Franco Track in better advantage, and to say that day last at the Hall of the According to the Jamaica Reports from Washington, tomorrow afternoon races. The the large audience which attend and under the Garvey cricketers consisting oi Messrs will return to Jamaica during settlements crive the Revo De: 12st team of Mr. Holt and his associates Alexandria and other Virginia first of these is the starting of cd her effort, was greatly satisfi Club Inc.
in hall of rethe horses from boxes. This is ed, is to put the matter in most The meeting began with the Club, McMahon and Holt, Capt, of the Lucas the third week in September.
On their departure yesterday rendered; to the race from one ligious fame for his good deeds certainly a novelty in horse racconscientious terin. She is truly singing of the opening ode From Hylton of the same club; they were seen off at the Rail time to another. They claim that ing for Panama and a singer of which the Isthmian Greenland Icy Mountains folredound to the credit of Mr. Geo. Community may well he proud.
lowed by the religious part of Barclay and DaCosta of the way Station by their club mates, on one occasion, Dr. Drew presField, Handicapper at the track, Mrs. Evelyn McClaine. one of Railway and. Hardy who bade them good luck and ented a petition of 50, 000 names the programme which was conto President Taft which changed who is ever desirous of giving a Panama leading pianist, gave ducted by President Jef of St. Catherine, left Kingston the death Sentence of Mattie Square deal to all.
excellent account of herself on fers.
by train for Port Antonio where Lommax to life imprisonment.
The starting boxes are located the piano; it is not often that the The literary section of the pro they embraked on the diGiorgio ORDER BOOKS That was in 1912. He is said to Fruit Corp steamer Virginia be the organizer and founder of at the six and a half furlong post public get the opportunity of gram began with the reading of SECRETARY for New York to take part in the Baptist Ministers Conferand are at right angle with the listening to her.
the President General message ence and the Inter Denominatrack. It gives each horse suffiMr. and Mrs. Martin also AND tional Ministers Alliance of cient moving space for shooting excelled themselves on the Cle by Secretary Greely followed by series of cricket matches to be REASURER New York City. As a further right to the home stretch at the rinet and piano respectively. This the singing of the Hymn Father played in and around that State.
of all creation.
Every Jamaican cricket who is proof of his religious beneficON SALE lifting of the barrier. This should combination of musicians will ences, 100, 000 persons are said not domiciled in America will be Secretary Greely was the prin selected to provide a purely Ja. At the Workman crowd, any.
to have been converted during meet the satisfaction of all as it certainly draw a cipal speaker of the evening, his 40 years of ministerial seraffords each horse the opportu where, any place, any time.
nity of not being left by turning.
The assistance lent in the re taking his subject from the book maica team which will try conPrintery The next innovation is a race cital by Miss Rodney who, as an of Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse clusions with other clubs. Mr.
HOUSE STONED BY for Ladies, at a distance of two accompanist, enhanced the recital Go to, let us go down and connwn language, except the Negro. ed. and tend to confuse.
and a half furlongs. There are six considerably. Certainly, some en not found their language that they In conclusion so as to back up his understand The meeting was then brought UNKNOWN BEING one point, he stated that while some entries in this race and the couragement should be given to may to a close with the bendition folhorses will be ridden by four any combination of musicians otther speech.
Negroes are still praying for the lowed by the National Anthem. Caused Great Excitement Among other young girls from the Canal Zone who spend their time, talent and things, the powers that be to hold sway over Among Residents of Town The officers and members and two from Panama City. This energy to entertain in the best speaker stated that God so con them, the members of the Univerof this Division have also taken The Sav la Mar correspondent founded the language of the sal Negro Improvement Assoshould prove very interesting possible way.
and afford the crowd unlimited dered: The following is the program ren builders of the tower of Babel. ciation under the leadership of this medium of extending anotli to the Jamaica. Gleaner, states that much excitement is being amusement. The names of the that there was great confusion the Honourable Marcus Garvey invitation 10 tie mary created in that town as it is the horses and their riders are given b) Sweetest Rose of June Time. each other, and today we find of our Motherland in Africa. And World wide movement to their is being stoned by ghosts.
a) Without You. Rob Roy Peery so that they could not understand praying for the Redemption friends and well wisters of the belief that a certain house here in the program below, and Mr.
Phelps Harry Hart the popular, but a) When Love Is Kind Moore that every other race of people for that reason, he contended meeting which wili take place From what your Corresponstørn business Manager of the b) Heart of Gold. Hayes are able to praise God in their that the prayers are complicat tomorrow evening at. in. dent can gatther night after track, will start this particular Paino solo. Martha. Laybach 44574 60 FILA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LIST night for some time now the house of Mr. Ben McDonald (Mrs. Evelyn McLaine)
Besides the ladies race, there a) Ho! Hilly Ho. Kerrison which is situated on Great George are the usual seven events featur b) Johnny Sands. Sinclair Street is being stoned by some ing the best thoroughbred and a) Dry Those Tears. Del Reigo unknown being. Crowds have b) Just Something. Mana Zucca native bred horses. There is on gathered to witness this mysteriClarnet Solo The Wonder Clappe ly one six and a half furlong Mr. Martinaccomp by Mrs.
ous performance and to detect race on tomorrow card and Martin. AT. the culprit if possible but to no this will be started from the new Ectasy.
Vincent Arditi avail. Electric torches are being boxes. In this race the eight a) Steel Away. White used each night to look into the Lord.
White crack horses of the track will be b) Its Me dark corners to see if any one a) Peter Go Ring Dem Bells: White entered and this will be a double b) Ev ry Time feel the Spirit. may be hidden away performing feature of the afternoon. As this the act. White will inaugurate the new Piano Solo Fra Diavolo Smith Op.
Revolvers are bing fired in the starting boxes a beautiful silver 67.
tretus, men climb on the roofs of cup donated by the Jockey Club (Mrs. Evelyn McLaine)
houses nearby but can detect no will be given to the winner.
Caro Nome (from Rigoletto. Verdi one. What is most peculiar is a) Got Robe. White The program follows. that a couple of nights ago while b) Deep River. White Ah! Have sighed To Rest Me Verdi the throwing was going on Mr.
1st Race Furlongs McDonald became very annoyed Monte Mahal. 114 and suggested that the unknown Black Water. In good Time Miss Van Siller.
person throw money instead of Don Simon stones, and suddenly a half penDancing Girl. 110 Scorpion Mrs. Gomez. Marcial. Duke Miss Bell ny fell in front of him. Half Rate Needless to say, the occupants 6th Race Furlongs Bright Night.
FEATURING have become rather fearful over 118 Excuse Me. 145 Silbarita. Socia. 120 the whole affair. Tunney. 105 2nd Race Furlongs Your Correspondent visited 104 Hilda.
Cartagena, Kitty Gill, Otelo, Hindoo, Orange Crush the place where a very large Zapo.
108 Lagrimita.
crowd was assembled. No stopes Copi 126 Honey Dew Dunroi, Alondra, La Chiquilla, Mayara were thrown on that occasion but Infimo even an ink well has been used Trigo 126 7th Race 61 Furlongs Ramona.
108 CUP RACE FROM STALL as a missile it is said.
POST TIME 15 BARRIER 3rd Race Furlongs Otelo EDITH CAVEL SOCIETY Contest. 110 Hindoo. 120 TO OBSERVE ANNI2 Rifle. 118 La Chisuilla. 50c.
VERSARY TOMORROW Tapagara. 116 Cartagena. Pora. 105 Dunroi. The Edith Cavell Friendly and Corazon. 104 Alondra.
182 Benevolent Society will celebrate La Dalia. 126 Copi. 140 PLENTY Kitty Gill OF PARKING SPACE its eleventh anniversary tomor. 116 TOW. At p. members will as4th Race Furlongs semble at the Hall 19th Street Silver Star. 116 8th Race Furlongs Laughing Water. 118 Intimo Tramcars direct to and from Track Guachapali and march to the Hot Water. 108 24Orange Crush WEIGHTS Panama Weslayan Church where Cococha 126 Silver Star DECLARED divine services will be conducted El Major 100 Zapo AFTER by the Rev. Cousins, after Don Simon 100 Mayara 2nd RACE Palo Loco 100 Trigo which, they will return to the 100 SA hall where the remainder of the 6th Race Ladies Race vo programme which will include ad 21 Furlong PALAIS ROYAL HART. Manager dresses from members of kindred Cocktail Miss Frund societies, a musical programme Poor Me One Miss de la Guardis FOR SUITS Blanco Miss Snyder o by a popular choir of this city and FELLES SIERRA other items will be rendered.
race JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday July 20th Attractives Races 109 120 130. 110 100. 128 100. 110 116. 108. 108. 105 100 General Admission.

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