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PRICE CENTS Negro and White Workers In Harlem IIarch in Solid Ranks INTERNAL STRIFE BIG FIGHTIIN AUN Record Crowd Attends OF MILK FUND Protesting Murder Monthly Meeting of Comrade Fight fans will surely be treat of Cristobal District of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Claimed to be Done to Death by Association Police and Garvey Leaders Is Defence Of Hon. Knox Ex Vice President.
At The Bull Ring On August Tenth nist party.
same recent press despatch from New York says: ed to a very pleasant dish of Declaring that he has no in fisticuffs served up in special tention of opposing Marcus Garvey in the execution of his plan to free Africa and that he The Cristobal district of the The President of the AssociaNEW YORK, July 10 Harlem which fosters race hatred and is merely carrying out his ideas Panama Canal West Indian Em tion, Mr. Whyte was pressaw history in the making last lynching. The Garvey leaders, of a tangible and an effective plpoyees Association held their entl and spoke at length on the Tiksday afternoon as 10, 000 Ne with the co operation of the po programme, Hon.
Knox, monthly meeting in the Court Association pet scheme THE gro and white workers marched ce, then launched a physical at ellcted by the conference leaders, Atlantic Lodge Hall at Silver WEST INDIAN FOUNDATION, in solid ranks down Seventh tack against the Communist August 1929, to represent them City on Monday night last. The which covers the proposition of avenue, from 144th street and speakers. Alfred Levy, the mur in America, told a Courier report attendance was the largest for how to provide facilities for the Lenox avenue to 110th street dered worker, was among those er that jealousy and strife are and Fifth avenul, in a mighty who. rushed to the defense of about to wreck all that is left or some time. Members, non mem higher education of West Indian blers and interested persons children in the Canal Zone. The protest demonstration behind the the Reds orators Eye witnesses the in America and turned out in full force, and ex general plan was outlined by body of their murdered comrade, say that he was thrown to the abroad.
hibited more than ordinary in the President, and according to Alfred Levy, a Negro worker ground and savagely kicked and Out himself on a 1, 500 dollars terest in the work of the orga expressions heard, met with the and a member of the Commu beaten by the police and their bond, charged with breaking innization. pleasing feature is general approval of all who heard Garvey allies. Taken to the police to the Negro World office to the ever increasing interested them. The matter was taken unLevy was brutally beaten up station, he died early the next obthin all the records of the assoness of the wives of silver em der advisement and will come up by police and Garvey leaders day. The police have attempted ciation, Mr. Knox spoke freely on ployees, many of whom are reg for discussion at the next meetwhen they attacked a Commun a whitewash of the affair by hav the little inside jealousies that ENRIQUE MENDOZA ular attenders at every meeting when it is proposed to give ist lynching protest meeting on ing the coroner declare death to have been eating at the heart of ing, even more so than their formal approval of said plans the evening of June 26 at Lenox be due to apoplexy. They have, the association for years.
style by promotor Sol at the Pa husbands who are members. An and commence in earnest to do avenue and 133d street. The Gar however, confused their line by Mr. Knox; who gays that he nama Bull Ring on the 10th Au other mark of improvement was the things necessary to carry vey leaders, appearing on dhe first declaring that Levy died was elected as leader of the gust, next month, when Kid Her the fact that a number of mem them into effect.
scene after the Communists had from a blow received from a forces who demanded more ac rera meets, Kid Mendoza both bers who had become backward scheme for compulsory savstarted their meeting, insisted from a blow received from a piece tion and less talk, took occasion boys from the Gold Coast in a in the payment of their dues ing was also introduced and outon holding a meeting on the of wood thrown from the roof. Continued on page Continued on Page 8)
came forward and made them lined by the President which alcorner. The Communists, Masses Hail Demonstration Selves right.
under the leadership of George so gained favor in the estimation Much business was done at thi of those present. This also will Hewitt, one of the Negro leaders The mass funeral, arranged Blackett Shoots and Kills of the Communist party and him by the Communists as an expresmeeting. statement of the oper be discussed at next meeting, and self a former Garveyite, refused sion of mass indignation against Mother in Law ation of the Insurance depart it is hoped that the proposal will ment of the Association to budge and continued their the murder of Levy, was hailed was receive the support and approval sharp denunciation of lynching by the thousands of Negro read by the District Chairman to which it is entitled.
While Under Craze of Drink which was listened to with rapt and other forms of white ruling workers who participated or attention, and was received with Mr. Martin was present class terrorism against the Ne looked on in open sympathy masses, attacking Marcus from the crowded sidewalks and Like a thunderbolt from a clear then turned his gun on the sister acclamation, and the general ex and gave a splendid zadress, full Garvey and other Negro bourge windows along Seventh avenue sky broke the sad news yester in law, who was wounded and pression was that the department to the brim with wise sayings, that ois leaders as apologists and as a shattering blow not only day morning Joseph rushed to get his wife but she was a complete success during true sayings, practical suggesthoughts.
defenders of the very System (Continued on page 8)
Blackett, West Indian, native of had already fled the house, the thirteen months of its oper tions, and inspiring Trinidad had shot and Blackett then made for the Elec ation. Continued on page 8)
killed mother law at Chepo, tric SENSATIONAL DEATH der the influence of liquor.
diate vicinity.
The scripture lesson was read OF FOUR CRICKETERS Blackett is an old timer on the by Mr. Jeffers who also Isthmus and was always known The police was at once notified TRINIDAD, June 25. News of to be of a very quiet and peaceful and a search was begun. Blackett gave an inspiring address.
disposition and she news of the was captured yesterday morning The literary section of the pro the sensational death of four Professor Ralph Harlow Says Negro tragedy he has committed must in the underbush nearby, where gramme was opened with the Moruga cricketers following: greatly surprise the West Indian he had slept off his drunkn reading of the President Gener cricket match at Gran Couva on can no Longer be Denied the Right community in Panama. stupor, and on being told of what al weekly message from the Sunday last, reached Port ofhe had done said he had no Negro World, after which the Spain yesterday.
to Full Manhood According to police investiga thought of killing his mother in principle address was delivered According to the meagrleinSPRINGFIELD, Mass. July and colored. No race which has had been domestic troubles betions disclosed yesterday there law or injuring his wife sister. by Secretary Greely who read formation available, a team of He is held at the Carcel Mode other articles from a recent issue Moruga cricketers captained by 10 That the Negro race has produced the leaders of thought tween Blacket and his Mother in lo incommunicado.
of the Blackman. He uged the John Lewis, journeyed on Sunday come of age in America and and action in the realms of law, who it is stated induced her members to renew their pledge morning to Pepper Village, Gran to full manhood was the asser education and religion, such as to ill treatment by Blackett when can no longer be denied the right science, literature, music, drama, daughter to leave his home owing CHAPTER 186 NIA in support of the pro Couva and there engaged a local gramme as the Hon. Marcus team led by Daniel George in a tion of Professor Ralph Har the Negro race has produced he is under the influence of drink.
Garvey dreams will soon be rea friendly match.
low, of Smith College, who ad here in America, can be denied The visitors were entertained There had been fiestas going on Another enthusiastic meeting lized.
dressed the National Associa the right to full manhood.
to food and drink by the home at Chepo for the past few days under the auspices of the Garvey tion for the Advancement of Col Profesor Harlow asserted that and on Thursday Blackett had Club Inc, was held on Sunday After the singing of the hymn team and at the conclusion of ored People in its 21st annual the intelligence tests given dur fully enjoyed himself and be last by the members of the Uni Father of all creation, Mr. the match a number of the Morconference here recently. ing the army drafts a few years came crazed with drink.
In the versal Negro Improvement As Williams gave an address. The uga cricketers including the The Negro race has come of ago showed that all races and night he went to the house of his ociation at their local liberty hall meeting was then brought to a Captain. Lewis complained of age here in America, said Pro all groups have their under pri mother in law and requested that 25th Street, Calidonia. close with the singing of the acute pains in the stomach.
viliged and under developed fessor Harlow. Let there be no Ethiopian National Anthem and The condition of several of she allow her daughter to return Secretary Greely occupied the uncertainty about that fact. The members, and sad that the pre to his home. It is statöd that the chair for the evening and openthe Benediction.
them became serious on the spot era for the Negro began old lady refused, whereuponed the meeting with the hymn and after medical attention they implications of that fact are far sent Friends and well wishers are reaching and merit serious con when colored leaders in 1906 in Blackett drew his gun and dis Shine on eternal light. This cordially were taken to their homes at invited the sideration on the part of the ci the Niagara movement proclaim charged two shots into her body was followed by another hymn meeting which will take place on Moruga where two died.
Of others removed to the tizens of this country both white (Continued on Page 8) killing her almost instantly. He From Greenland Icy Moun Sunday next at p. Continued on pago gro on Negro Race has Come of bn hursday night that, while on having the city in darkness, and tains.
Age Declares Smith College Prof to

    CommunismCommunist PartySpainTerrorism

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