
the woman was of the to ago lice man in the parish of Guiana. INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS British Guiana JAMAICA Barbados TRINIDAD Deputation Wait Irate Husband Sets The Henour Canadian Capitalist on the Governor of Knighthood SUGGEST LIFTING OF Fire To His Wife Company EMBARGO ON OIL AND CONFERRED ON PRESIBAUXITE Clothing DENT OF LEGISLATIVE SEEK TO ESTABLISH CLAIMS TO COUNCIL From a recent issue of the PERPETUATE RIGHTS TO OPERATE Daily Argon we cull the fol China man Saturates late there has been some bicker.
The Advocate in a recent ing betwen them. The wife, it is ELECTRIC Co.
lowing: Wife Dress With Rum issue says: As the result of a conference alleged, complained that her husAnd Applies Match Barbados has been chosen for held at the office of the Hon.
band was not doing anything to singularly high honour, for the Municipality and Goverment Fredericks on Monday to con FLAMES PUT OUT support her, yet he would come sider the advisability of summcninto the bar and take out what Knighthood which has been Determined to Fight Issue to a conferred upon Sir John Randall ing, a Pan Colony Conference a Sensational Occurrence in he wished.
Phillips is an honour to the whole Finish deputation representative of all Spanish Town Last She then decided to hand over community. The President of sections of the community waitTursday the bar to some one to manage, the Legislative Council of the The Port of Spain Gazette the expression, in the person of ted on His Excellency the GovShe locked the bar premises and island has frequently enjoyed says editorially: We feel sureMir. Wooding. As the Mayor of ernor yesterday morning at the HUSBAND IN CUSTODY sent for a woman whom she put the distinction of a Knighthood that all sections of the commu the last three years Mr. Johnston.
in charge. It is alleged that are and the honour which has been nity will learn with unmixed has shown a rare and thorough duputation consisted of the Hons.
given conferred The Spanish Town correspon ter upon the present satisfaction decision grasp of the case which in our Cannon, Webber, and e. dent to the Gleaner writing to charge of the business, her husholder of this distinguished of reached by both the Govern humble opinion, should be put fice is no doubt in part a recog ment and the Municipality to de forward by the Municipality in Fredericks, Messrs. Cowell, that paper on the 12th inst. band became dissatisfied. He reentered the bar and began to nintion of the fact that Sir fend to the uttermost, even to reply to the preposterous claims says: White, Seaford, Browne, Jones, The cry of fire! fire! rung out of the bar, but within pull things about. He was put Phillips has attained one of the the Privy Council if need be, the of the Company. And we feel a highest offices open to a subject action which the Trinidad Elec sure that every action of the Pires and Panday, out at 5p. today, in the vicinity short time he returned and in of His Majesty in this island tric Co. have brought in the community will rest satisfied hat, The questions of the oil em of the King George Hotel which terfered with everythig.
But it is also a personal distinc Courts here to establish their bven if we do lose to the Combargo bauxite and the colony is about two chains from the PoHis wife went after him, and tion and there is no man who supposed rights to perpetual pany on the technical point raiswater power were discused As lice Station, and in a very short regard the oil embargo the de time over 500 people were ga according to a statement given has more fully deserved such franchise to use the streets of ed by them, it will not be through case being inadequately putation made it clear to His Ex thered at the spot. Sergeants by a child of Mrs. Young he got recognition. For Dr. Phillips as the city for carrying on their our into a violent temperr, saturat. we all know him has had a not. private enterprise of Tramways pressed before the Courts dellency that the position of the Brown and Lyle were seen runwhom we are driven to appeal; colony should be that of an open ning to the scene of the fire, ed his wife clothing with able career. member of a dis and Electric lighting.
some run, drew a match and settinguished family his father door to foreign capital with Im which was quickly put out.
As already announced in these and that in the last resort the her on fire.
perial control for Imperial purwas a member of the Legisla columns, the Hon. Gaston John Municipality will be well and The sequel to the fire is said to Mrs. Young began to cry out.
ture, and both of his brothers ston, has been retained by ably advised as to the future poses.
be as follows: Some three years she lay down on the terrace of have played notable parts in the the City Council to lead their steps to be taken to deal with His Excellency suggested that one Jackson, a Chinaman, the building and rolled herself public affairs of this island he case; and with him will be as the situation that will then raise.
there were three ways of dealing who had children with a woman over on it several times to put has taken as his motto, nobles sociated one of the most promis But as we have announced, with the matter. One was a com named Gwendolyn, was desirous out the blaze. Willing hands se obligue and in every way ing of our local juniors at the the Citty fathers are not resting plette geological survey at the Im of visiting Hong Kong. He then came and assisted her and saved has given unstintingly of his bar Mr. Hennays, who has content with obtaining counsel perial Government expense; bought King George Bar and left her from burning.
high gifts to the service of the been described by no less an au to fight for them here. They the other was to allow or wait the woman in charge of it to sup In less than no time the po cortmunity. It is no exaggera thority than Sir Anthony de have taken a determined and unfor British capital to explore for ort her children and went away. were on the scene making tion to say that he is the most Freitas, Chief Justice of British usual, though not unprecedented oil, and the admission of foreign Sometime in 1929, a China: enquiries and taking statements beloved capital. He also referred o cer man named Young came on the in the case. Young was also Christ Church where for more brilliant junior in the West In of their number to proceed to as perhaps the most step, in nominating a delegation tain correspondence between the scene, it is said, and after a short badly burnt by the flames. than a generation he has healed dies late Sir Gordon Guggisberg and friendship, they became husband Shortly after, Dr. Blair the sick and ministered to once to England and make rep the Colonial Office in which the and wife. Things went on well arrived, and treated both Young suffering without a single In case of neeessity, it has resentations there in person to (Continued on Page 7) with them for some time, but of and his wife.
thought of his own personal adfurther been.
the Colonial Office, and if need be to the British Parliament, 1ΟΕΟΕ Young was arrested and placed vantage. Nor have his ministraVERY WISELY DECIDED with regard to the effort that is in custody. It is understood that tions been limited to his own To retain another (Continue on Page 3)
leading being made Dr. Leo Pink to place Port ofthe police are having great junior, if we may be permitted (Continue on Page 8)
trouble to get the facts of the case from Mrs. Young, but that Surgeon Dentist a child of hers, who was pres.
ent, has given a fair statement of this affair. Young will be 1:23 Central Avenue Panama City. taken before a Justice of the Peace tomorrow to be remandPhone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, PINCORPORATED 1869 Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works GRENADA Head Office: Montreal, Canada Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Co operative 00 10 PODOPODO PANAMA Society COLON Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets The West Indian states that STAJU JA NEURALGINA Plans for the inauguration of a Fruit and vegetable Bureau Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 which will control all matters as Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any to packing, grading etc. of locally grown fruit is under preparaneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
tion by the local Government who will back the scheme.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including NEURALGINA The intimation was made in the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank the Legislative Council when Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches the acting Colonial Secretary is in a position to render the best possible service.
and reduce the fever of children said Mr. Rae, the Agricultural Superintendent was getAntigua ting up a scheme to submit to NEURALGINA Dominica Montserrat the Secretary of State.
Bahamas Gregada St. Kitts Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Barbados St. Lucia BOX 549 ANCON, British Honduras Martinique Guadaloup (2)
House No. 912 La Eoca General Banking Business Transacted.
Cana one 90 (8)
the ΟΕΟΙ. The Royal Bank of Canada ed.
Jamaica (2)
Trinidad (2)
British Guiana (2)


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