
Deputation Wait Upon at on One was sus2 a re THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 26, 1930.
PAGE THREE ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY TO BRITISH PULPIT APPEALS Fusion of Winward Trinidad British Guiana MEET Islands Trinidad TO GOVERNMENT The next meeting of the St. Canadian Capitalist Lucian Protective and BenevolThe St. Vincent Times re ent Society will take place cently published the following the Panama Cappital Hall (Continued from Page 2)
To Assist The West Indies In Present under the caption Fusion (Continued from Page 2)
of Monday next at p.
Spain in a position of perpetual Colonial Office asked about the Sugar Crisis Windward Islands with Trini All members are requested to subservience to a Canadian cap. Regulations controlling oil and dad.
be present.
italist Company insisted that they must be dealt Occasion was Annual Service for prehensive of an under current few ago ap To his end the Council is with first. His Excellency finally POSTPONEMENT OF Sending Alderman Cipriani. the decided that he would immediBritish Colonies at Church which was dragging the WindMEETING present Mayjor. Alderman ately take up with the Colnial ward Islands into the harbour of Johston. the former Mayor and Office in City of London dhe question of the Oil Trinidad. The directors of the The weekly meeting of the their present leading legal advis. Regulations, and expressed his current were so crafsy in direct. Panama Wesleyan Christian En er in the matter. together with determination that everything LONDON, June 24 The Carib for the City of London, who ing it that we hardly felt the deavour Society was postponed the Town Clerk (Dr. Prada. must be done to encourage cap bean colonies were brought pro is Alderman of the Ward in force and after a while, it look on Wednesday last on account of than whom no one perhaps posses ital to come in.
minently before the attention which St. Andrew is situated ed to us as if a counter current the absence of the president and ses more detailed and intimate of the City of London yester and a former Lord Mayor of had impeded it. Today we fully other officers.
official knowledge of the whole On the question of bauxite His day.
realize that there was a counter The subject which was sched matter. as a deputation to Eng.
Excellency intimated that new The occasion was the annual Meanwhile, the congregation current and a very strong uled for the occasion, will be land at the earliest moment to Regulations had been approved service for the British West In had been ushered to their places.
too. That counter current had taken at some future date.
take such steps and secure such by the Secretary of State which dies (including the mainland col The attendance included Sir Al for directors influential persons pointed as a committee to discuss in winning the case for the city.
advice as may be possible to help will be published almost immeonies of British Guiana and Brit gernon Aspinall, Secrediately ish Honduras. The Service was tary of the West India CommitAndrew the Rev. John San: and report on the matter of As regards the question of the That the step will be a costly fusion with Trinidad. That comheld in the Church of St. Andrew tee; Mr. Dowdall Hampson. key.
by the Wardrobe Queen the assistant Secretary: Mr.
one we are quite ready to hear control of the colony water The Primate of the West In mittee reported to His Excelurge; but we reply power by the British GovernVictoria Street, and was at Greenwood, one of the hon. treas dies made a striking figure in his lency the Governor since 1925, someone tended in State by the Lord urers of the committee, many gold coloured cope and mitre. On saying that they were not in a that, with the filing of their; ment, His Excellency confessed writ action in this matter, the that he had not yet acquainted Mayor of London (Sir William visitors from the West Indies a his breast was sben a pectoral position to express an opinion on Waterlow) the Lady Mayoresg number of clergy from that sec cross. Around his collar appear the matter of fusion with Trini Company have shewn clearly himself on the subject and askand the Sheriffs.
Tiomeof the Empire, and several ed the ribbon of a companion of dad until they got facts and fig that the day for considering too ed that matter be deferred until Salvation the Order of St. Michael and St.
ures showing how the colony carefully the expenditure of every he had time to inquire into it.
It will be recalled that in representatives of Army.
pursuance of the policy of linking was likely to benefit by it. This penny has passed. The time has George, from which attitude which was the proper come for firm and resolute ac who must be assumed to be so up Every eye was turned on the pended the Cross of the Order various city churches with one, simply baulked His Excel tion regardless of cost, to secure sure of their case. extraordinary the Dominions and Colonies, St. Lord Mayor and his party The Bishops of Guiana and Andrew adopted the British they proceeded up the nave of the Honduras word beneath lency and his unrecurrent, for the the winning of our case if it be though their claims sound to their information required by the humanitily possible to do so, as every one else) surely it is not West Indies some eighteen Church, headed by the Mace Murplices their scarlet robes as we firmly believe it is if the too much that our City Fathers months ago. In demonstration of Bearer (carrying aloft the mag. Doctors of Divinity, the Biships committee, apparently, was never are doing in similarly taking the that fact the first annual servicenificent gold mace of the City of of Guiana also appearing in supplied, and the matter seems to proper course is steered.
best and surest means of getting took place in February, 1929.
London. the Sword Bearer scarlet skull cap.
To day, the expenditure of a have come to a stand still. His Yesterday service furnished (holding the Civic Sword) the The Archbishop of the West Excellency never published the few thousands of dollars which what they and we conceive to be evidence of the growth of the inCity Marshal (in Scarlet) and Indies took his place in the report of the committee, but the the Municpiality can well afford the real justice of the matter terest which has been awakened other officials.
Bislapp chair, surmounted by a whole correspondence on the may mean all the difference be made plain.
in the West Indies in this adop canopy, which he dedicated BRILLIANT COLOUR We thoroughly concur in all matter has come to light. The tween the securing of justice tion movement, in the intervenSCHEME cently. His brother bishops were idea seemed to have been this: and a valuable right to the rate that the Council has determined ing twelve months. At the serThe robes worn by the City seated on the opposite side of is St. Lucia had accepted the payers of this and all future gen to do thus far in the matter, and scheme vice held a year ago there was a without facts and figo erations in Port of Spain; and it we trust that the same spirit of Fathers presented a brilliant the Charcel.
fair attendance. Yesterday the colour scheme. The Lord Mayor THE SERVICE ures, the matter would have would have been morally wrong. thoroughness and determination body of the church was packed was seen wearing his robe of Turning to the Order of Ser been forced down our throats in our bumble opinion, had the will animate their whole conduct Council partimoniously hesitated of our case, so that even though The increased importance at black damask and black velvet vice the congregation found the ynther it was distasteful or taching to the occasion was also the prospect of footing the we shall be unfortunate enough richly adorned with broad occasion described as an offer not. His Excellency is, however, at indicated by the participation of bars of gold and surmounted by ing of praise and supplicatjon to gone on leave and at the end of bill for thus prosecuting our def. not to win through, at least we three prelatles from the Carib his chain of office, the black Almighty God by the Citifens of which he resigns. We can ence to the utmost limits.
shall have the satisfaction of bean the Archbishop of the It is well known that the knowing and feeling that it has robe being set off by his white London for the welfare and hap breathe purer air and we are West Indies, the Most Rev. Dr.
glad that he had not the oppor Company are planning to send not been on account of any kid gloves. Accompanying the piness of the British West InHutson, Bishop of An: Lord Mayor in his pew were the dies. After the opening hymn tunity of driving from us the their legal advisors to London supiness of our part in pressing tigua; the Bishop of Guiana, the Lady Mayoress and the two As pants the hart for cooling last vestige of our loyalty for between now and the coming on forward to the utmost of our Rt. Rev. Parry, and Sheriffs the Sheriffs in robes of streams. the Archbishop ad the Sovereign whom he suc of their case for hearing some power what we conceive to be the the Bishop of Honduras, the Rt. bright scarlet edged with fur. vanced to the front of the ceeded splendidly to misrepres time after October next; and if unanswerable right and justice Rev. Dunn, Behind the Lord Mayor and the chancel and addressing the Lord ent.
it can seem wise to them to do so of our cause. PICTURESQUE SCENE Sheriffs sat several City Alder Mayor said, It is my privilege, my large crowd assembled in men in blue gowns get off by bars Lord Mayor, to say how greatly Queen Victoria Street to witness of black velvet and also edged we in the West Indies rejoice Phone 453 DRY CLEANING the arrival of the Lord Mayor with fur.
that the West Indies Church has who was received at the entrance This mosaic of colour was fur. a special link with the City, in STEAM PRESSING to the church by the Primate of ther enhanced by the procession this Church and in this yearly 16 STREET the West Indies and by Sir of officiating bishops who were West Indies Service DYEING We Dye To Live Vansittart Bowater, Bart. accompanied by the Rector of St.
PANAMA express our deep appreciation of your presence with us. We 2000 TOPO 2000 pray God blessing upon you and upon the city The Bishop of Honduras then read the Lesson chapter from the Book of Isaiah which it is recorded that isles shall NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM wait upon Me, arm shall they cust. Then HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES came the hymn. Immortal Inve God only Get a copy of the When in Panama remember to visit Alex. Dixon wise, In light inaccessible hid from our Place (a good old timer) at the eastern end of eyes, Most blessed, mo lorious, the the Station, where you can get the old Ancient of Days Almighty, victors. Thy great and read the records of past Cuban touch at the Name we se.
Cricket Veterans After the serm y the Bishop ofGuiana, a collect on on behalf AND of the work of the lurch in the West Indies was Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 tp during RESTAURANTE LA the singing of the mn (by St. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Francis of Assis All ceratures e God and King West Indian Restaurant Summary of Contents: Lift up your voic and with us History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years sing Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Alleluya. ieluya!
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Thou burning sun with golden In coming from Colon just look out the window Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, beam. Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Thou silver moom with softer across to gleam Players praise Him praise Him, Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Alleluya! Alleura!
Interesting After prayer Jed by the Rector 3rd NOVEMBER ST. HOUSE 50 and the blessing ronounced by Price 50cts.
the Archbishop1 Service concluded with the qing of the National Anthem AND YOU WILL SEE THE SIGN Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Subsequently, Negro spirituals Panama were sung by Miss Alyce Fraser.
20 2000 2000 OBOED in St. Lucia, who had been apTROTT The Cleaner PANAMA 666666666 K33 am TODO TODO CRICKET!
CRICKET. West Indians, Attention. pon Mine West Indies Cricket History alat Tarie ESPERANZA


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