
Ireland Marching Towards Independence DeValera Threatens To Remove Half Cast Children Oath Of Allegiance To Britain of Liverpool Making Good Clothes ous Cleaning Clothes Good see a Your Last Opportunity OUR SPECIAL SALE Will Positively Close or to know the law of it should be increased; the work the land. He cannot plead ignor is one of urgency; and the Govance as an excuse for the breach ernment of Dominica should in of any statutory regulation. our opinion entrust the work of We believed that some provi revision and codification to a sion has already been made in Small Committee of say two ex The following are extracts from gades who prated and preached the Annual Estimates for a Reperienced lawyers, with a com LIVE UNDER DEPLOR give rise to a real social menace, an Editorial appearing in The that the people of Ireland were vision of the Laws of Dominica petent clerk with instructions to Irish World of the 28th instant.
and are detrimental to the best so wedded to their chains that but nothing has as yet been expedite the matter for the ABLE CONDITIONS interests of blacks and whites The result of the bye ekction they no longer desired freedown done. If this vote is insufficient general convenience of litigants. Revealed in Published Re alike.
in Longford Westimeath, Ireland, liried and knew that they lied.
must have been a severe blow to Miss Fletcher inquiries have We believe that example port by Board of Inquiry of revealed that the Anglo Negroid all those complacent, persons Longford Westmeath will be who fondly believed that the agi followed thoughout the country.
FOR LONDON, June 19. The half population of Liverpool as a tation for a free and United Irish caste children of Liverpool, who whole is living under deplotable It is not necessary for us to Republic had come to an untime: impress on the people of Ireland are here apparently more numer conditions, and that in particular ly end.
than in any other British the prospects of the great major that this is but a beginning. In Speaking to the electors at addition to driving out the little and port, are the subject of an inity of the Anglo Negroid girls Athlone on the day of his arrival pupets set up and controlled by quiry which has occupied Miss are almost hopeless from the Muriel Fletcher for early two time that they leave school.
home Eamon de Valera, Irish Re the enemy, the Irish people have publican Leader, asked for the re before them the task of setting years. Her report is now pub There are no negro women in turn of the Fianna Fail candi up in Ireland a Government that lished by the Liverpool Associa Liverpool. The number of AngloNegroid families is believed to be date. In so doing, he said: will owe no allegiance save to the tion for the Welfare of Half aproximately 450, and of coloured If a free choice were given people of Ireland. The oath of Caste Children. In a preface to children born of these unions REID you today know you would allegiance to a foreigner must go the report Professor Roxº some 1, 350. The half Chinese choose the same thing as you did and with it the imposed constiby, the chairman of the associa children in the city are said to in 1918 an Irish Republic. take tutions, the treaty and all the No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
tion, says that the moral to be provide no particular problem.
it you who stood for an Indepen whole bag of tricks imported drawn from it is that the condi The Anglo Chinese child is dedent Republic in 1918 stand for from england. And if to do this Panama, tions under which coloured sea clared to be mentally equal, if not the same thing today. Fian means war, the people of Ireland men from the West Coast of superior, to the white, and since na Fail is returned to power the must be prepared to fight for the Africa at present enter Liverpool the colouring and features are first thing they will do in order liberty they claim. The men of far less distinctive than those of Ireland must be drilled and arm to get proper recognition for a TLF45. 2 F145149 the Anglo Negroids they are not central authority will be to re ed.
such a handicap. Further, the move the oath of allegiance to ENGLAND, WITH ALL HER family life appear to be stable, Britain. The constitution was MIGHT and ALL HER REthe man remaining faithful to imposed upon the people of Ire SOURCES ALL HER BLUSTER one, woman, although not always land. The establishment of AND ALL HER BLUFF, WILL married to her. The Anglo Nenational authority such as that NOT DARE ATTACK IREgroid families, on the other hand, proposed by Fiana Fail will en LAND WHEN IRELAND IS have a low standard of life, mor able us to move forward to the READY AND WAITING FOR ally and economically, and establishment of a republic. HER.
there appears to be little future LESSON FROM ELECTION for the children.
The Longfold Westmeath elec. First, let it be ballots to drive Most of the half caste children tion furnishes ample evidence, if out the tools who masquerade attend school in poor districts.
such were needed, that the people as Irishmen and then let it be In comparison with white chilof Ireland are no different from bullets to drive out the foreigner.
dren attending the same schools any other people. Even slaves This is the road, and the only no evidence has been found to desire to be free. These rene road, to freedom.
suport the view that the halfcastes are more prometo infec.
tious disease, inferior in health. The balance of evidence indicates that in intelligence and Special aptitude the half castes are below the average. On the whole, the relations between In its issue of the 12th inst the island. The speakers will be: white and coloured children of the Blackman says: Dr. Penso (President. Messrs school age are said to be perfectWhat is apparently a happy White, Daley, ly friendly. The coloured childaugury of the future prosperity Brown, Smith. Chairman. ren, however, begin to feel outof the island, is a fast approach and Mrs Gunfer.
AND DATE WE cast almost as soon as they leave ing wave of industrialism, which The society, through its of school, and this feeling develops promises the resuscitation and ficers, has approached CANNOT RECEIVE ANY MORE very rapidly.
development of certain sections prominent ladies and geltemen of island industry.
in the island, asking for moral Newspaper Reporters Activities have already comand financial support in their menced for the installation of a several undertakings.
coconut oil plant in Jamaica.
British reporters and writers There is talk of a Laundry Synof gossip column in newspapers dicate involving heavy investcame in for some ood natured ment by local and foreign inbut sharp thrusts from the dividuals, and a strong move.
Duke of York at the Newspapers Press Fund dinner.
ment is now on foot, conducted by the newly formed, Jaimaica Industrial and Commercial As. It is undoubtedly a source of Speaking during the dinner, King George second son said: sociation, which aims at develop gratification to the members of owe a rather special debt of ing our hitherto neglected minor the legal profession in this colgratitude to the gossip columns industries.
ony and to the general public If am in doubt as to what is The first sections of a 20 ton that at last the Laws of the happening in my own home, daily capacity mill for the pro Leeward Islands have been need only turn to the gossip in duction of coconut oil, has al vised and codified, says the TriThe Daily Wonder and find all ready been shipped for a local bune in a Teader but we are the information require. The company, of which Major certain that public gratitude to latest remark or action of my Bidwell, of over ten years expethe Government for this boon little daughter, though probably Tience of the cocoanut industry will be doubled if the work of unknown to myself, is get out in in the Malay States, is manager, revision and codification of the detail.
Copra, a proposed bye product Laws of Dominica be underof the output of tons per day. taken without further delay.
Little, Princess Elizabeth ncted negotiations to It is probable that not a single daughter of the Duke establish the Laundry Syndicate Solicitor or Police Officer in Duchess of York, is a favourite have not yet culminated in a this lony now possesses more subject for reporters, especially company being definitely formthan a superficial acquaintance women.
ed. Present indications are that with the local laws of this PreThe Duke, however, paid trithe laundry industry on which sidency. We intend no reflection the Chinese now have a monobute to the reporters in general: on the legal knowledge of the The reporter is frequently work poly, will eventually be controll learned profession; the fact is ing while the rest of mankind is ed by this Syndicate, who will that the laws of this island are playing or sleeping. He is out in take in jobs, large and small. in a choatic condition; in the all kinds of weather trying to get With regard to the activities case of some of the more imstories which everyone seems to of the Jamaica Industrial and portant of the old laws of this Commercial Association a large Presidency there are no copies be conspiring to keep from him.
Only those who have gone mass meeting will be held at the available even for Magistrates through the mill can realize how Ward Theatre steps, on Sunday and Counsel. The problem of Panama 13th inst (tomorrow. to discuss finding the law in Dominica is AT YOUR SERVICE great is the strain on the staff the industries in which the Soc. therefore complicated, and inof a modern newspaper. Star.
iety proposes to invest, and, gen volves much waste of time. Yet PALAIS ROYAL erally, the economic condition of even the layman is presumed to FOR BEST CLOTHING Wave of Industrialism Advancing in Jamaica JULY 31st AFTER THAT several Old or Broken Irons Strong comment on Dominica Land FOR SEVENT FIVE CENTS EACH re Buy a new THERMAX Electric Iron to day for only 00 and your old iron (or 50 if you have no old iron)
and August 1st the price will again be 75 CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Colon


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