
ELLE ALTAFULLY WASTANE TODO 200e The Honour of need, and to effects this team work, with a view to atneliorating the condition of the masses, before actual hunger reaches any of them, is the earnest wish of the writer; who feels that no system of economics per se, however cleverly devised, can be other than just a mere pis aller but the spirit of camaraderie and good fellowship can do much GRIX GOOD JOB PRINTING ODOI 1000 ODO (Continued from Page 2)
parish, for as a Visiting Surgeon of the General Hospital he has helped hundreds to sight again.
Honours have flowed thick and fast upon him for he was chosen many years ago to represent his parish in the House of Assembly and twenty years ago he was transferred to the Upper House. To say that he is not a politician is perhaps to pay him a tribute, but although he has not won an outstanding position in politics, he has gained the esteem and affection of all his fellow citizens. Possessing a rare gift for friendship, he has a host of friends among the lowly no less than among the rich. The high honour which it has pleased His Majesty to conferon him is indeed a fitting crown on a notable career Queen Victoria Stockings Now On Show In Barbados plays a very important part in the success of your business T!
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Plea in Barbados For Co operation TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at pair of stockings worn by Queen Victoria is the historic treasure which will be displayed in Barbados for the next week says the Advocate of the 20th June. Messrs. DaCocta and Company in whose main window the stockings will be displayed, have kindly consented to do this for Messrs Geldes Grant, Ltd.
who have received a loan of these hose from the Holeproof Hoisery Company of Milwauket, who have already displayed these stockings in every city of the United States for the past four years.
The stockings themselves are a beautiful example of the work of the hand weaver. Their exquisite softness and careful finish make their quality probably without comparison. They were possibly made in France about 1850, and though the precise date when they were worn by Her Majesty is not known, the most probable year is somewhere between 1850 and 1860.
It is therefore possible that the Queen wore them to the World First International Exhibition held in London in 1851.
The stockings are jet black silk, knit in fine gauge, with white feet and a white border at the top a feature which alone distinguishes them from the finest pure silk stockings of toda. There is a black embraidered clock, and the royal insigniathe crown and is worked in drop stitch on the hem. There is also the figure on the hem a proof of the thorough check which was kept on the royal wardrobe.
Their size is about inches, for Her Majesty foot, though rather broad, was small. The leg is full fashioned. An interesting framed document which is also displayed with the hoisery explains how the stockings came in the hands of the Holeprooi Hoisery Company. It is a sworn Statement by Victoria Cooper, of Ottawa, declaring that the stockings were the personal property of, and actually worn by the latte Queen Victoria, and that they were given to the signee by her mother, who was employed in the Royal Household at Windsor.
These stockings carry an inSurance by the Holeproof Hoisery Company of 1, 000 dollars THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street The Advocate of recent date published the following: In Bar badog we are facing an acute situation brought about by the Small market value of our staple product. Never before has it been more expedient to urge upon our people the necessity for team spirit. We hear and have heard much in sermons and in speeches of this fundamental motive power being a sine quanon in the achievement of great enterprises; but with us, great ethical principles function only in the adornment of speeches and sermons and never find their way in the realm of practical politics. It may be well, en passant, for us to examine this term team spirit, get at its meaning and suggest its application for ameliorating the presenti acute situation. Team spirit rests on love of one fellow man, and cannot be in a community in which this attribute of the mind is dormant or exists not. In fact, the absence of this spirit, this apathy for the good of the whole, with its concomitant lack of self abnegation, varies indirectly as our spiritual and mental fitness; it is nothing older than the natural expression of minds attuned to receiving and understanding the true value of the great Christian principles. There are among us many teachers, many leaders, and we venture the hope that, with one and all, there is, in their case at any rate, no lack of that profound sympathy with the human race which gives to moral decisiveness the creative energy of the great fighter.
As a first step in the application of this team spirit, one may suggest greater unity and brotherhood between the planter and merchant, employer and employee, the doctor and his te clientele, the pastor and his flock.
This is not time for the fortunately placed to endeavour to swell their coffers, or to bemoan the fact that this is no longer possible but to adopt the principle of live and let live. Let the well fed think oftener of the hungry, and let those who have been in the habit of spending on luxuries and inessentials reflect that there is a better way of expending their superfluity. This spirit of unity and good will once started, as suggested, will find. deeper and wider application, and small beginning though it. be, it is a move in a direction in which limitless growth is possible.
That the gifted and influential may be able to find ways and means to bring about a co operation commensurate with the NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS Manufs etured to Order AT THE SE RTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 OFFICE GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY AND TREASURE ON SALE At the Workman Printery JO PO 000 1000 FEEL FREE TERRAS


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