p. 8


Negro and White West gram.
HORSE RACING Another Attractive Record Crowd Attends Negro Race has Internal Strife THE BIG FIGHT IN AID OF THE MILK FUND Race Progam (Continued from Page Contiued from Page 1)
Continued from Page 1)
Continued from Page 1) fifteen round scrap for the fea(Continued from Page the During his speech he received ed the Negro desire for every to say also that he felt that therweight championship of the against polide attacks on Tomorrow the undivided attention of the right that belongs to a free born Marcus Garvey whose record of Isthmus.
workers but, as one spectator exhouse, being frequently cheered American citizen, political, civil non accompplishments speaks It is already on the air that pressed it, a smashing blow The managament of the local as he let loose the result of his and social. Professor Harlow for itself, should appreciate what this fight is going to be the best against the whole system reJockey Club has prepared another knowledge and experience in said: he (Knox) is doing for him heru scrap seen at the Bull Ring in sponsible for race and class opvery attractive program for tomorIndian life on the Canal This was the assertion of a in America, if he really wants to row horse races at Juan Franco. As many months, as both these boys pression, lynching, etc. Many on Sunday last, there is an extra event Zone for the benefit and inspirace coming of age. All honor to show the members and public a are known to be born fighters lynching and calling for working hailed the signs denouncing added to the regular Sunday card of ration of his auditors. He receive the pioneer spirit who blazed the constructive programme.
and starts wading in from the class solidarity with cries of seven races. This is a Spigoty Gentle ed a rousing and well deserved pathway toward manhood for People are crying theory no man race at a distance of six fur acclamation at the close of this the race. Even greater is the longer they tap of the gong, until well unless Keep this up and you will sure want longs and while this event may not address.
practical one kisses the canvas and starts smash lynching.
create as great excitement as was honor and respect due them for deeds, he declared. Asked if it for dream land.
manifesed over the Ladies race las Another distinguished visitor the unwavering courge and abid is true that he and his secretary From time to time the huge There are four preliminaries crowd of spectators responded Sunday, is nevertheless believed was our old and faithful friend ing faith which they have kept JIMMIED THE DOOR that a bumper crowd will journey out Mr. Cambridge who has through these long years for that to secure records of the all the boys are sure to give good sign with a particularly sharp preceding the main bout in which with rippling applause to some to the breezy park to see the never failed to register his in ideal. And rejoice that DuBois Mr. Knox remarked: Noth acount of themslves.
spigoty boys in pig skin, terest and help towards the pro had arman of the white race like ing could be more absurd. Deslogan against race hatred, Another interesting feature toAs a certain percentage of the lynching, etc. The sidewalk morrow will be the frequent use of gress of our Association. He gave Moorfield Storey to stand by his ciaring further that the location net receipts will be devoted to crowds responded, too, to the the stall barrier, as there are four six a fine address encouring the mem and a half turlong races on the probers to support their leader and side through these ears of strug. at 355 upstairs was his ofice the Milk Fund, which act by pro singing of the marches and as the the organization as a matter of gle and dauntless adventure in as vice president of the African moter Sol is a very magnani Negro band which led the parade The feature event will bring toge duty, plain and simple, and be to untried paths toward free Communities League which he mous one, it is expected that swung by to the tune of Solither the usual field of the cracks of cause both leader and organiza dom.
has not relinquished yet and that there will be a record crowd at darity Forever, the Red march the track, minus Copi, the veteran from the Espinosa stables, whose tion have justified an indisput If in 1906 there was justifi he would have no cause whatever the Bull Ring to assist this that is sung to the air of John trainer has been suspended owing to able deservedness of such sup cation for proclaiming the right to break into his own office for worthy cause on the 10th Au Brown Body, the masses on Copi poor showing last Sunday port. He told his hearers that the and justice of claiming for the which he carries keys.
gust. more anon.
the sidewalks and in the winwhen he trailed his field and came in organization was working in the race manhood, continued Pro Mr. Knox feels confident that dows threw back the old slave dead last. This race should how cause of humanity with use fish fessor Harlow, and all the eco his trial will be brief and will is the logical leader for his mo revolutionary song in solidarity other entries all of which are possible Canal workers, that much im among intelligent people in a na cement still stronger thousands ual acomplishments.
other enterio very interesting with the interest in the whole body of nomic, political and social rights vindicate his innocence as well as dern programme calling for act with the marchers. Many also winners.
joined with gusto in the chorus On a whole tomorrow card has provement in living and working tion based on just ce to all. then of followers who believe that he of the Internationale.
been carefully got up and the handi conditions had resulted from the there is a thousand times greater Mr. Knox attended the Confer The march was the aftermath upper has so penalised the entries splendid representations made by justice in making those claims end. that privilege and oppor ence of the which was of a meeting in a huge hall at the forme o angel be ough pipeking for the the Association to the powers today. There is a growing host tunity shall become the heritage held in Jamaica in August last, corner of 144th street and Lenox players.
that be that the powers that be of men and women of the white of all, that the words we as a and was the personal represen avenue, where for two days the have given a pleasing response race who are utterly determined nation take upon our lips shall tative of Mr. Marcus Garvey in body of Alfred Levy had lain in St. Lucian Welfare to those representations in a that unjust discrimination shall yet be true.
the United States.
state with constantly changing general way, and that workers guards of white and NeFriendly Society No. employees for whom the organiser gro workers, as workers of all zation was established and, for aces and from all parts of the of Colon Installs Office Bearers whom it functions give it their city poured into Harlem to pay whole hearted support, looking their last respects to their murA very interesting function was witnessed on the night of dered comrade.
always forward, and cooperating Otto Huiswoud of the Amer the 13th inst. when the officers to the fullest extent, there is no and members of the St. Lucian while they all be abundantly redoubt about it that in a little ican Negro Labor Congress acted. AT: Welfare, Benevolent Society No.
as chairman and denouced the reactionary, reformist Garvey of Colon gathered at the warded. He brought down the house as he modestly retired to Flower of the Isthmus Lodge the leadership and called upon Hall, and installed into office, his seat.
workers to build the American the newly elected office bearers The district chairman in his Negro Labor Congress. Heintroduced as the first speaker a to serve during the July Decem usual pleasing manner expressed rank and life member of the ber term.
the thanks of the membership to The installing ceremony Garvey organization, KingsMessrs Martin and Cambridge was ton of Philadelphia, ho brandperformed by Bro. Medouze for their kind contributions to ed the murder of Levy by Garvey the immediate past President, as the sucess of the meeting, and leaders in co operation with the sisted by Bros. Alexander asked the members to carry away police as the last straw in a and Jos. Charles, also past pres with them the memories of the series of betrayals of the Negro idents, and was carried out in a practical saying that were uttermasses.
most masterly manner, and with ved in their ears by the President, INCLUDING Atlanta Prisoner Speaker that due solemnity and impres Mr. Martin, and Mr. Cambridge, siveness that are usually char using them as help in arousing Gilmer Brady, American Negro Labor Congress organizer, acteristic of such important func the interest of those who are who tien.
now still disinterested.
was arrested in Atlanta, After the announcement that Ga. at a lynching protest meetAfter the ceremony, members FEATURE EVENT: ing of the congress on May 21, and visitors retired to the ban an Association meeting will be Schooland with five other workers is queting hall and did justice to held in Christ Church the bounteous supply of viands room on the first Saturday night charged with inciting to insurOtelo, wa Alondra, Kitty Gill, Hindoo, ruction and threatened with elec and liquid substances provided after the tenth of every month, trocution by the southern bosfor refreshing the inner man af commencing from the month of Resolute, Copi ter ardous but pleasant fabour.
August, the meeting was adjournses, was the main speaker of the day. He was followed by GlassThe office bearers elected areed till the 3rd. Monday in Auford for the Upper Harlem Unas follows: POST TIME 15 employed Council, George Brother Francis Baptist PreHink of the Marine Workers Insident.
SESATIONAL DEATH OF dustrial Union, of which Levy Brother Victor Pedriel VicePresident. Continued from page 1)
General Admission: was a member; Gerra, for the :50c.
all America Anti Imperialist Lea Brother Bernard Regis Secº Princes Town Hospital two gue; Shohan, for the Young atary.
have died while several are in a PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Communist League, and Brother Emmanuel Andrews serious state.
Baker for the Communist party.
Asst. Secretary The names of two of those Brother (Pittsburg Courier)
Alexander Philips who have succumbed are AbdelTramcars direct to and from Track Treasurer.
la Paddy, and Sylvester MolliSister Murray Trustee.
neau, whose stomachs and conCHAHPTER 14 A.
Sister Jeffrey Trustee.
tents following a post mortem The regular mass meeting of Sister FitzGerald Trustee examination by the of Chapter 14 of will be Sister, Thomas Chaplain Princes Town have been fort!
held in the hall at 22nd Street Sister Jean Warden warded to the Government An. Guachapali, tomorrow at p.
Brother St. John Marshal.
alyst, Port of Spain, for analysis, HART. Manager special programme is being Sister. KG. Eugene Dept. and the Policy of the district are prepared for the occasion by the pursuing an investigation.
FLACSOLATE choir and other members of the executive JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday July 27th Attractive as Races 8 SPIGOTY GENTLEMAN RACE gust.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismSpain

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