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Canal Library AUG 1930 la MONUMENTS ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 55 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 2, 1930 PRICE CENTS BIG LABOUR DAY DEMONSTRATION Of the Panama Canal West PIVIDENDS CHECKS AMERICAN NE ERSTES Colored Mothers and Widows Indian Employees Association of Lone Defunct Canal saya Superintendent on of Dead Soldiers FOR DEPOSITORS OF WRONGS a KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND Of of Bank Being Issued Methodist work To be Held at Atlantic Side This Year by the Judge in Russia Wildly Cheered and Greeted on Arrival The Annual Labor Day demon is was published in this paper NEW YORK, July 25. When stration of the Panama Canal EARTHQUAKE SHOCK FELT two weeks ago, dividend checks once Christian America gets reain Paris to Visit Graves of West Indian Employees AssociaHERE WEDNESDAY. for depositors of the defunct Cady to clean its house thoroughSons and Husbands tion will be held in Cristobal this nal Zone Bank have been issued ly. to right all social, industrial year, Monday, September 1st. All sharp earthquake shock was by Judge Vallarino of the Third and, above all else, all racial PARIS, July 25 No evidence ceremony of welcome in front of arrangements calculated to make recorded here at 50 o clock Circuit Court of Panama and are wrongs, we shall no longer hang of any racial differences or pre the station the police battled Success of this affair are al Wednesday afternoon last. TIL being distributed an dmailed to our heads in shame as we think judices were shown when thous vainly against the crowd to keep ready well under way. The base intensity was not very severe creditors of the hideous and bloodthirsty ands of French people gathered it from overwhelming the visitball stadium at Mount Hope and and the duration was about sco Atlantic side depositors espe lynchings that besmirch the here on July 21 at the railroad ors from across the sea.
the surrounding grounds have onds. The shock was felt through cially, are asked to take notice, name of our country, Rev. Dr. station to cheer and greet the 55 At the door of the station, the been secured for the purpose, to out the Isthmus, but up to the and get in touch with their rep George Albert Simons, superin Gold Star mothers who arrived in mothers met a welcoming comwhich the organization will present no damage has been re resentatives notifying them of tendent of American Methodits France on the Jim Crow liner mittee of distinguished French march, lead by a band from the corded.
any change in their Post office ineer work in Russia and other American Merchant from the authorities and army officers. Colon Park on arrival of the 50 address or residence so that there countries on the Baltic for more United States.
train from Panama. This train be carråd again this year, and it will be no difficult, experienced than twenty five years, told the Parisians were wild in their group of American girls, who are entertaining in a number of will bring Silver employees and is hoped that they will make the ill getting their check.
congregation of the Nazarene enthusiasm on viewing the aged the popular night clubs, presenttheir families from the Pacific same appeal as was the case on The amount being paid Congregational church in Brook women who were forced to sufed each of the women with end.
the last occasion.
said to be another five per cent, In Sanday fer humiliation at the hands of bouquet of flowers.
The proposed line of marchi which will bring the total to The un Christian and un Amer their country in order to visit will be Colon Park to Bolivar After the speeches, the Inter Col. Davis of Wilberforce idea of discriminating the graves of their fallen herokes.
Street. Up Bolivar street to Sil schools athletic competition will 75 per cent paid out, and it is ex large band, made up of Race university, who is attending the ver City, down through silver take place on the grounds. The acted that in a very short time aguinst certain groups because of another per cent will be fort or or religion by permitting musicians from the United States group as personal representative (Continued on page city main street to Border Street, cup is now held by the Cristobal (Continued on page 8)
playing in Paris, also greeted the of the United States, was also up School street to the Stadium School, and this is the first time mothers on their arrival on a greeted warmly by the French At the stadium, the President it will be competed for. lively special train from the seaboard people.
and some of the principal officers interest is being taken in this town of Cherbourg. reception Special busses carried the womof the Association have also speci matter by those concerned, and was held for the Gold Star moth en to their quarters in the ex ally invited speakers will address it is expected that the competiers on July which was at clusive residential and hotel secthe gathering on Labor and Or tion will be as keen as it will be tended by United States Ambas. tion of Paris. In striking contrast ganization. The band will inter interesting. successful and in sador Walter Edge.
to the treatment accorded the sperse the speeches with appro teresting Labor day demonstra Opens India House, Home of High The train was routed to the mothers by their country. France priate music tion is anticipated by the memGare Invalides station by French has not permitted one item of The same placards and mottos bership, and all are co operating Commissioner authorities. This station, historic respect and love to be overlooked dedicated to labor as were car to make it the success it should in the life of France, is tradition in welcoming the visitors. After LONDON, July The King ried by employees last year will be. More anon.
In declaring it open His Ma ally reserved for visiting royalty public receptions and tours in and Queen today drove from jesty said Quarter of a century and distinguished guests of Paris the mothers will leave to Buckingham Palace to the new has passed since the Queen and France. Picked troops with fixed visit the battlefields and ceme and beautiful India House in paid our first memorable visit bayonets formed an escort of teries, their main objectives for Aldwych to perform the official to India. In that time India has honor for the women. During the the visit to Europe.
Members in British opening ceremony. They were never lost her hold upon my afloudly cheered along the route.
Parliament to Excited Member Seizes Gold Mace and has steadily advanced to the asand Tries to Carry it off RU sured place among the great Movie fans are in for a good cable despatch from Kingspeople of the earth.
time at the Cecilia Theatre to ton, Jamaica received here on UPROAROUS SCENES IN CHAMBER Of that advancement India morrow, Sunday, Monday and Monday last, states that a double House is to some degree a sym Tuesday, when Maurice Chevalier earthquake was felt in that city LONDON, July 17. Not since nounce the figures of the division bol.
is seen in The Big Pond. It is on Sunday the 27th inst. at 3, 36 the days three centuries ago, but they were never given. John when Oliver Cromwell strode in Beckett Labour member for At this critical period of In claimed that in this his third o clock. The tremor lasted for to the House of Commons a dict Peckham who was one of the dia history when the thoughts American made picture, Maurice eight seconds and was of modeator pointed to the mace, Symbol tellers shouted: It a dammed of all who love that country are is seen and heard to perfection rate intensity.
No casualties were reported of Parliament authority, and disgrace lifted the mace from centred on a constructive effort in his acting and clever love makand damage announce was slight.
and on laying well and truly the ing with Claudette Colbert the Stormed Take away that the table and walked off with it The people were greatly alarmed foundation of India, of the future leading lady in the play.
bauble has the mace figured in towards the door of the House.
and many rushed to the streets regard it as a happy augury The following is the story of but there were no panics. Quiet such a scene as that of this af The members were instantly that we are able to open a build the picture. ternoon when it was seized by an plunged into a state of indigna was restored slowly because of ing which marks the end of one irate Labour member. In the tion and confusion. An attendant Maurice Chevalier is the scion of fear that a possible repetition of period of advancement and the an honorable but war improverished the tremor.
middle of questions period, tackled Beckett, seized the mace beginning of a new French family who is forced to gain Feener Brockway, a member for from him and handed it to the But India House stands for livelihood by acting as a paid guide East Leyton and Labour left Sergeant at Arms who completewinger insisted on making a ly unruffled restored it to the more than that. As look around for Tarton Ballou and her daughter NEW GROCERY STORE Colbert me, see emblems of religious are traveling in Venice. Maurice falls speech the government table.
Provinces and States of India. in love with Claudette, but her fathAttention is directed to the Ad.
handling of the speaker ruling.
The Sergeant at Arms and the THE KING The building which contains them er, George Barbier, and her other on page five of this issue announc The speaker, Captain speaker appeared to be the only Fitzroy, thereupon named the unexcited persons in the Cham ceived by the High Commission India in herself.
At India House thầy were re surely testifies to the unity of suitor, Frank Lyon, see Maurice as ing the opening of a high class a fortune hunting oreigner and grocery store by Mr. Alexis Permember for East Leyton and ber. As soon as it was known er for India Sir Atul Chatterjee The position of India House they plot his downfall. Accordingly eira, who was for many years con Prime Minister MacDonald mov the vote had gone in favour of and His Majesty, who was of among those of sister nations they offer Maurice a job in Barbier nected to the old established ed his suspension Brockway Suspension the chewing gum factory in New York.
Speaker called on him to with fered a gold key by the Architect further symbolises unity of a States finds himself pitch forked into Co. now Dowling) Mr. Pereira here in the centre of my capital He accepts, and, upon arrival in the grocery firm of Robert MacNish After the vote on the suspen draw. Brockway arose and ad Sir Herbert Baker, unlocked the greater Commonwealth of which a dingy boarding house whence he is well known in the grocery line sion four tellers advanced to an. Continued on page 8) door of the building. Continue on Page Continued on page Continued on Page 8)
Confusion by Labour fection and sympatthy. There Maurice Chevalier Jamaica Rocked By think that through them ailestie in The Big Pond Earthquake on


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