
Tatu) saasist DE OUR PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, August 2, 1980 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS Barbados St. Lucia Assisted Immigration JAMAICA Condition of Jamaicans in the Republic of Cuba Jamaica Periodical Says Covernment GRENADA Schemes for Colonial Development Fund Cold Storage System, Ray Clinic, and Model School Suggested a a ODO 700 TODO sent a Arrival of Russian Red Writing editorially under the above caption, the voice says: REFUSED PERMISSION The question of assisted immiTO LAND Dental gration is just now receiving some attention in St. Lucia. At Should Act An Interesting Incident the last metineg of the Agricultural and Commercial Society, In its July Issue, the West In erful wind; but there certain The Advocate of the 24th ulto. In its issue of the 22nd ulto; other until lately. During the the question was mooted by Mr.
dian Critic and Review says edi ly enough ground for a commis An ancident, which in view of a the West Indian says: short time that Major Peebles Frank Johnson, the newly torially: sion to Cuba apart and entirely news bulletin from Jamaica pubIn the course of his reply to was Acting Governor, a represen elected Chairman, and, we unThe situation in Cuba is grow from any question of Mr. Ewen lished in yesterday Press news questions raised by Hon. mem ative of Hall and Co. Mr. Hayº derstand, will soon come up for ing more and more alarming and alleged neglect of duty.
Our peor occured in this colony over the bers on the adjournment of Leg ward, came to the colony and the further consideration.
The idea is to assist a number the reports which are being cir ple in Cuba were forced fron week end, and will be of more islative Council in session at opportunity was seized to check culated of the condition and home through the neglect of a of than passing interest when the York House on Friday last, the the scheme already started and of agricultural families who are unprogressive, true facts are known. The story treatment of our people and the succession not land owners, of Barbadian or it was ready to go to England inactive of the Protector of Im spineless administrations, we can is interesting.
Hon. Easter, Acting Co The Government was asking for other origin to settle lonial Secretary, said in view of migrants can no longer be ig: hardly allow them to remain in On Friday night, the Mex free grant for the whole down in St. Lucia. Suitable sites the fact that nored. As a matter of fact, we enforced exile without a thought icano arrived in this colony, and Scheme had been abandoned as the Sewerage are to be selected and some scheme.
are greatly surprised that model villages started in different the the indiference of another ad among the few passengers, was expensive smaller schemes were Incidentally, he said, he might parts of the Island each family Government have not been able ministration.
Narcisse Pelissier, a Haitian suggested and among them was state that St. Vincent was putting getting five acres of land and a to rise to the occasion and do There is certainly going to be about 25 years old. Pelissier the installation of a Cold Storage up an identical scheme.
house together with a small something. In all conscience some big row over this question when questioned by the acting System.
Mr. Titt: What will be the weekly allowance until the head enough has been reported to betwen members of the Legisla Harbour and Shipping Master, arouse even a dead administrative Council and the government, said that he had money to the certainly realise, Mr. Easter con Honourable members cost?
would is able to support himself and tion.
Mr. Easter: If remember family when he will begin by and the government will find it amount of 100, but was unable Some ten years ago disturbing difficult to prove itself above to show it. He was refused per able trade with Canada could be 4, 000. Other schemes under prep tinued, that no Fruit and Veget correctly, it is just a little over small instalments extended over long period to pay back the reports about the treatment of reproach. Even now, however, mission to land, and sailed with developed, except on very small aration are. 1) the extension cost of the house, the land evenlabourers in foreign coun something can be done to save the Mexicano the same night.
tries. particularly in Cuba became its face if the hot weather has This incident passed without scale, without proper Cold Stor of the existing water supply: tually becoming his by a free an numerous that members of the not forced the Acting Governor moment until yesterday morning age. The schemes were under con that will cost something like 12, grant, if cultivated to order. St.
Legislative Council after failing into perpetual slumber, if not it when the Norejord arrived held over for one reason or ansideration months ago but it was 390 and for that we are asking Lucians of course, will be eligible under the same conditions.
to get any information from the would be well to ACT NOW. Norejord (Continued on Page 7)
There is not the least doubt government which could in any was a Russian named Borach Ro1001 that properly worked, the scheme 1000 way enlighten them, decided that doszinski, about 32 years. Rodos.
will be of untold benefit to St.
the only thing to do was to ap Brilliant Son zinski was to have sailed for this Lucia. We have thousands of point a Protector in the Republic.
colony by the Mexicano which Dr. Leo Pink Of Jamaica arrived on Friday. His name had acres of good uncultivated land This was eventually done, and and the influx of a thousand or with the appointment of the prebeen entered on the list of that holder of the office there two good agricultural families The Mail of the 17 ulto, says: steamer and Surgeon described as Dentist well settled on the land, each was an undertaking that reports Dr. James Gregory, traveller. He postponed sailing working his small holding, would as to his work, and general con L, Son of Mr. and Mrs. by the Mexicano, and yesterday 123 Central Avenue Panama City, transform the economic feature ditions of our people in the Re Gregory of Brown Hall, Saint arrived by the Norejord. He was of this Colony within a comparapublic would be annually given Catherine, arrived here on Thurs described on this list as tailer. On Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, tively short space of time. We out. Since then, in spite of the day last from Detroit, Michigan landing yesterday, he was unable. do not expect that there will be complaints from Elected Memon a months vacation with his to show a passport, and only proProfessional Services in all Branches of Dental Works no opposition to the scheme.
bers as to the government failfamily.
duced a Police Permit from TriSome will pick holes in it; that ing to keep faith no report had nidad. When questioned by the is to be expected.
Dr. Gregory, in addition to be acting Chief Clerk of the Harbour ben furnished, and Mr. Ewen dental practioner of 15 Master, he said that he was in Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment We have been drifting from has been allowed to go on drawing the land for long years and a ing a good salary for work about years, experience, is a Law At(Continued on Page 7)
Ово OD101 back to the land movement such ΤΟΞΟΣ ODOSODO which no one, including the gov torney and has been practising as Such for nearly eight years. as this is bound to do good to the ernment, seems to have any graduate of the Detroit College 10 0 knowledge.
0030F100 Colony.
of Law, he was awarded the deWe have no more than one ocº casion defended Mr. Ewen in the gree of for obtaining the Trinidad Council when we believed unfair highest honours in the whole attacks were being made on him, Branch of the in DeCollege. He is President of a and on the first occasion when troit, and was instrumental in we had to do so a definite promise was given us by the Col bringing about the erection of a DINCORPORATED 1869 million dollar building for the Secretary that reports onial Association.
Branch would be furnished. Personally Head Office: Montreal, Canada WE HAVE BEEN DISSAPHas for its aims and objects POINTED the following Seven points. Mr. Jelf has made no St. Vincent PANAMA COLON (a) The promotion of meastempt to redeem his promise.
ures calculated to benefit and Santa Ana Plaza Even a bad memory cannot acCorner 11th and Bolivar Streets protect the interests of its memcount for this. During all these Resignation of Mr.
bers and the interests of workyears reports have ingmen in general.
through of the unsatisfactory Reeves Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 (b) The collection and disseconditions in our Protection of mination of information relating fice and in the treatment of our HEADMASTER OF to workmen and trade, and the labourers. Recently, it has develfostering of good character and GRAMMAR SCHOOL oped to an extent which is disworkmanship turbing, yet the government sits With 900 Branches throughout the world, including (c) The defending and enfor The St. Vincent Sentry in its in inactivity doing nothing to get the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank cing the rights and privileges a clear knowledge of the state of issue of the 20th ulto says: of workmen.
affairs. Plainly the government The news was sadly received is in a position to render the best possible service. d) The promoting, supporting cannot be so dense as to be seek this morning by the Grammar or opposing legislation other ing and relying on information School boys that Mr.
measures affecting the aforesaid from the Protector, since he is Reeves, their Headmaster, Antigua Dominica Montserrat interests.
now being charged with negRact had been obliged throughill Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts (e) The promoting of a most ing his duty. The very evident health to resign his position as cordial intercoure bewteen the thing to do is to send a small from 15th instant. The Acting Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia workmen and employers, the commission of enquiry to Cuba, Headmaster when informing the British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique maintaining of it to a bigher level but perhaps it is thought that and to secure employment for the welfare of some 50, 000 Jamai boys said that Mr. Reeves had Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
the unemployed cans is not of sufficient import asked him to bid goodbye. to (Continued on Page 7)
ance to warrant this. But in jus them, to wish them the best of tice to Mr. Ewen, who represents he would always be pleased to luck in the future, and to say that the government it ought to be HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST dono. These charges ought to be see any of them if ever they BOX 649 passed through Grectada.
proved disproved PAID ON DEPOSITS we advise the governThough this step of Mr.
Cirilo Sandford ment to act at once Reeves, appeared imminent for Personally we have an open mind. the past few months yet the news Attorney at LAW We know how these reports can of his resignation will be receivA General Banking Business Transacted.
come to birth and grow and ed by the community with the OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PRONE spread as if fanned by some pow deepest regret.
00: ΤΟΞΟΙ OD a The Royal Bank of Canada Workingmen atd Alcon, Or ad


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