
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, August 2, 1930 FAQ2 TERSE INTERESTINO JOTTINGS German Wage Cut To Ensure Cheaper Goods For Export King George of England (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP Women and and matu made SO were not oth hooroo came namely, noisy, all that and the other fell new Dunlop with greater reserve of strength them the famous Dunlop Tyre of Standard Construction, which you know so well. This new member of the Dunlop family has been introduced to meet per ticularly hard service conditions.
It is the choice of the car OWDER who habitually uses bed roede and involves his tyres in more than ordinary strains ence of a goes, ded See the coloured medallion on the side wall duced below the now The famoan Dunlop Tyre of Standard Construction is, of COLIBRO, all available DUNLOP RUBBA COMPANY LID.
Friends Countrymen: Once up So, don care what dem call me, on a time, there was a girl who was de lard is pon me side.
one of the population of a certain township. She had developed a char An of dem call me Rahab, acter which was brilliant for de Dat wouldn hurt me head; spicability. very big character. as will jus call dem Nabab, you see. Like the others of her An mek de whole ting ded, class, she was drawing card in what was called a booms house, But ef dem constant tease me, that is, a house where cances by that cuss dem till dem swell; name and the other things that go ll tell dem bout dem maumie, with them were regularly kpt. In An sen dem all to hell!
other words, a booroo house is the nocturnal rendezvous of lewd Speaking about cussing. Two boys and churls. But as such a house is were school mates, one a duffer, the not permanent residence, she made other not so bad. The duffer had to her abode in this township and lived be restrained from going to school among others who were not charm because his brains were not located ed by her. As you and me know, what in the place where other brains are, customary becomes habitual, of the this girl would always indulge in brain making material. The the singing of booroo songs, laugh continued his studies and finally booroo laughs, and do other came home from school. One day a things for her own amusement. As little breeze flew between them and booroo is what the name implies they started to to cuss each other. The exciting, vulgar and duffer like others of that name was. and although some folks get only able to cuss by resorting to the lot of fun out of such things, they they use use of what is is described as vile and are distasteful and objecttionable to are distasteful and indecent language; but the others, consequently the other people back upon his dictionery, and made showered resentment concerning her ba upon like a nickle in the presamusements, and when she persisted, ence a twenty dollar gold piece as they developed a resentment against follows. you mountain of bombasherself, and as the folk lure saying tical bistiality, ll step on you and hog no care fe boilin climb you, and after shall have aswater, the booroo girl clung to cended to the apex of your ponderous her activities with a rigid tenacity perpendicularity, the serviceability of and composure, which she expressed your personificationality shall be ro.
as follows: the standardability of somatological authropology, and your dance me little booroo, martyrologistical pomposticity shall drink me little rum; bear wickedness to the impregnability call me sweetheart tootoo, of my quantumatum sufficientum. An de people call me bum.
My mother Mary! need a glass like me little razor, of water this moment. This, declare, bear me little blow; is the heaviest portion of lingua I lie down pon de piazza have ever come across in all the days Till de music strike off Go! of my existence, and know that have never gone to the right school don got any pickney. Wow! Friends countrymen, how To masseaeree me pride; say you?
Belief that Spirit of Late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle WILL SHOW ITSELF TO HIS FAMILY Was Expressed in Tribute Read by Lady Doyle at Burial Service LODON, July 11 At the con societies and members of the Auclusion of the burial service for thors League. Sir Gilbert ParkSir Arthur Conan Doyle to day, er represented the latter organiin the garden of his home at zation. One son Dennis who is Crowborough Sussex, a tribute ill, watched the ceremony from was read from Lady Doyle and en open window.
other members of his family exAlthough spiritualists in the pressing their attitude toward United States and France have his death.
claimed to have established com We know it is only his earthly munications with Sir Arthur body that we are committing to since his death, no such claim as the ground, the tribute said. ybt has been made in England. His spiritual body is duplicate MESSAGE RECEIVED and lives on and is able, when VANCOUVER, July 10, psychic conditions attuned, ever (Canadian Press. Vancouver to show itself. Sir Arthur will clairvoyant, Mrs. Cottrell, claims continue to keep in close touch to have received a message from with his family although the the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, latter may not have the power to saying already have received see his presence.
an astonishingly warm welcome Those who have the God here from immense numbers of given second sight clair voyance Spirit folk. may be able even to see his The communication, said to form, but we are assured he will have come from the British novel find ways make his presence ist and spiritist who died on known to them in their daily life Monday, comprises more than and so hearten them and guide 700 words. As reported by Mrs.
them, inspiring them to prepare Cottrell, it begins with an by their daily actions that they pression of appreciation of the may worthily live in the higher opportunity offered him to conworld. Sir Arthur will continue verse with his living friends.
to do his work for the spreading am grateful to you, runs of the great cause which soothes the message as transcribed for the anguished heart and which affording me the opportunity of is destined to change the whole geting some of my throughtsoutlook of human affairs.
through to my friends. am most All members of the family happy to meet by beloved Son are understood to have shared face to face again, among many Sir Arthur spiritualistic beliefs, other relatives and friends.
The funeral of Sir Arthur was My own people (Lady Conan The transcription further said held in the garden of his home.
beside a little wooden hut which Doyle, son and daughters) will he had used as his workshop and be able to get into touch with where many of the adventures of me shortly.
Sherlock Holmes were perined.
Among four hundred persons present were scores of his neigh PALAIS ROYAL bours, representatives of several FOR spiritualistic and pychic research INTERWOVEN HOSE (Continued from page 1)
BERLIN, June 17 Byshe is part. For the deeper realimasterstroke the German Gov sation of that twofold unity ernment has just shown how it most earnestly pray.
is going to make sure of a steady sal for German manufactured hopefully award the day that Trusting in divine guidance goods in foreign markets, des shall restore the gift of true un pite all obstacles that may be derstanding and thus unite livery raised against them.
race and creed in one desire to This will be done by lowering bring peace and contentment to prices all round faster than Germy Indian people.
many competitors can do.
The Minister of Labour, Dr.
His Majesty expressed the Stegewald, has declared cate hope that India House would not gorically that the wages scale only serve India material profor ironworkers arrived at by argress but would by spreading bitration on May 26 last at Oeyn Sound knowledgte foster Great hausen, in Westphalia, is legally Britain that wider sympathy for a tashingt etaoi btaoi shdlu fow which he pleaded many years binding on both employers and ago and pleaded again to day.
workers The magnificent building, the This is within his powers by home of the High CommissionGerman law, and such decisions er for India was designed by Sir are almost invariably respected.
Herbert Baker and erected at a cost of 324, 000 2 WAGE REDUCTIONS This means that, couting re LONDON, Tuesday. Amid trospectively from June 1, the scenes of great splendour the ironworkers of Westphalia will King Emperor formally opened receive on an average per the India House to day. Magnicent, less than heretofore.
ficent uniforms and dresses Though thedrade unions and were worn by India princes and the Socialists have on principle princesses and other distinguishfought stubbornnly until ed visitors who attended the Minister against any wage reductions, de function. The Prime Ministers claring that the Government plan and several Cabinet for thus lowering prices means were present, also Lord Chalmseconomic lunacy, they will have for and the Marquis of Reading, no choice but to accept the two former High Commissioners change because the ironmasters and Sir John Simon.
have bound themselves to lower The interior of the building is prices by 10 per cent, the moment designed on palatial lines in the wage reductions come into which rare Indian woods, rich briental carvings and inlaid operation.
work in colours mainly show Thus no attempt by the trade the lower part. On the marble unions to plead that the workers floor of the entrance hall em are being exploited would meet blems of Indian provinces are in with any sympathy laid and represented in carved The coalowners are ready to white marble. The gallery is follow suit, and everyone knows covered with white marble.
that cheaper coal means cheaper The library in which the manufacturing costs in every guests were assembled has an other industry arched ceiling and is panelled in Cheaper coal prices also mean rich red Indian timbers. The greater exports in competition premises will serve as headquarwith British coal.
ters for the High CommissionOnce a definite precedent of er, the importance of whose pricelowering on these lines has duties has steadily expanded been established, many other int sinoe the office was created in 1919.
dustries will automatically have to fall into line. Thus, though wages may fall there will be far would like to take this opportumore work all round.
nity of thanking the members of The German public has hailed that Committee for the very exthe news with unfeigned delight, rendered. They have reported cellent public service they have so that opposition to the scheme will not enlist much support.
most sympathetically on this At.
lantic Airways scheme, and repeat that am fairly confident Aviation In The now that we shall be able to do Something of that kind. We shall then have established something Indies West on the far side of the Atlantic independent of the monopoly sub PROGRESS OF ATLACTIC sidy something new, something AIRWAYS.
which trust may lead to the Sale of British aircraft in South recent issue of the West In America and other parts of the dia Committee circular says: world, something which will cer.
During a debate in the House of tainly develop and quicken our Lords on Civil Aviation, Lord communication. CC Thomson, Secretary of State for Air, said: For Sale at all Leading Garages ESCOFFERY Wholesale Distributor NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart We are now discussing and Private Academy exFor sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
think we are seeing the light at last, the opening up of what are 29 HSIREET called Atlantic Airways in the Panama City Western Atlantic. need hardly say that such development can Classes in English only be carried through in co operation with the Canadian Gov. BY DAY AND BY NIGHT ernment, but we are meeting with the most sympathetic re Dr. BARTON, sponse. great deal of work in PRINCIPAL that connection has been done by the Consultative Committee which was set up last July, and ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY Phone 453 AND TREASURER PANAMA ON SALE 18 STREET At the Workman PANAMA Printery DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner STEAM PRESSING DYEING We Dye To Live 3336666666


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