
The British West Indies that he pos sugar Govern ment the ready to the seme COOK WITH GAS Cook in For Tobago Island SAVE TIME AND MONEY the PAGE SLX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, August 2, 1930 The Sugar Crisis In abandon them, and if economic con. This result has already been proThe Church ditions become such that private en duced. Wages have been considerably FOR terprise and the profits of rade and reduced and the communication from cultivation cease to attract whíte the Dean of Antigua states that the men to Appeal to the to the Colonies, or to keep them labouring people in the island of An.
Making Good Clothes there, they may render it more diftigua are faced with starvation ficult for the British Government to We have therefore the honour to with all respect upon discharge its obligations, but will not urge His and British Goverment in any case diminish the force of Majesty Government the adoption of them. We have placed the labouring the recommendations of the Olivier Cleaning Clothes Good population where it is, and created for Report.
it the conditoins, moral and material Lord Passfield Reply The serious position of the West Indian Colounder which it exists and we can Lord Passfield, replying to the Desee not divest ourselves of responsibility putation, said that the Government nies, and particularly that of the Negro and for its future.
was well aware of the gravity of the East Indian residents, was brought to the no REID We cannot conceive it požsible situation and realised its special re that His Majesty Government could sponsibilities towards the Negro and tice of Lord Passfield by a deputation consistEast Indian populations, who had ever repudiate the very special re West Indies sponsibility which the British nation been brought to the ing of the Archbishop of the West Indies and No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
must ever have for the well being of through British agency. At the same time, and the Negro labourers of the West Torence of other industries seriously de having regard to the exist the Bishops of Barbados and British Guiana Panama, dian Colonies. To what is said on June 30th page 25 of the Olivier Report we onies, he regretted said pe pressed, both at home and in the Colwould add the important considera he could ho!
tion that England commercial and out no hope that it would be would be Addressing Lord Passfield, the Arch bados and the Leeward Islands the of these Colonies was originally on taking possession of the territor Imperial expansion had its origin in sible West Indian sugar industry. On the to grant any subsidy to the bishop said that the deputation rep great majority of the Negro labour. placed in them by force as slaves; ies in question; we could not, by the the African slave trade with the West other hand, the Government was in resented the Church of England in ers have not only to feed and clothe the race was kept up and increased single act of freeing them, divest Colonies un viting the Governors of the sugar We the Colonies of British Guiana, Bar themselves and their families on this under artificial conditions maintained ourselves of responsibility for their would secondly make no utili per Colonies to consider how far the si bados and the Leeward Islands, the inadequate wage, but also to rent by the authority of the British Govern future, which must necessarily be the all those statements Olivier labouring people of which were alhouses, or keep their own houses in ment. What the people were at the outcome of the past and of the pre Report which direct the attention of tuation which is likely to arise can be dealt with by means of emplos most wholly dependent upon the sugar repair. Their houses are small, in time of emancipation, and their very sent. For generations the great mase His Majesty Government to the inindustry for their livelihood. They convenient and insanitary. This ap presence in the Colonies at all, were of the population must remain de evitable effect of the present crisis ment on public works. The would be wished to present to him the follow. plies to many houses provided by owing to British action, or to pendent upon British influence for in the sugar industry upon the condiconsider ing resolution which had been passed estates as well as to hom owned by action of other European nations for good governm and generally for tion of the Negro labourers, and up sympathetically such other measures as might be required for the relief of by their Provincial Synod: labourers in the villages. The the results of whose policy the Unitthe the maintance of the progress that on the general bad social and economOlivier Report on page 56 quotes the ed Kingdom assumed responsibility distress and the Governors were be The bishops of the Province of the they have made hitherto. We cannot ic conditions already prevaling.
ing asked for a forecast of their West Indies now in England assem finding of the Commission of 1897 to needs for this purpose. Lord Passfield effect that in Kitts There bled, desire to make a strong repwas deeply impressed by the descripwas squalor and degradation among resentation to His Majesty Secretion of the low level of economic and the great majority of the labouring tary of State for the Colonies in resocial life of a large proportion classes.
of gard to the destitution to which the of the West Indian Colonies, labouring classes of the Sugar pro We testify that the above stateand expressed his desire tha all posducing Colonies are being reduced by men applies to other Sugar Celonies sible measures should be adopted for the present crisis in the Sugar In besides St. Kitts. It represents a genimprovement.
dustry. In view of the extreme eral truth. We also testify that gravity of the situation they beg re many places little or nothing has spectfully to press for the adoption been done since 1897 to improve Tobacco Industry by His Majesty Government of the these conditions of squalor and derecommendations contained in the gradation. Their food is insufficient Olivier Report.
in quantity and quality, considerng AND We are moved to take this step, the nature of the work they have to continued the Archbishop as a matdo. quite considerable promotion CHARLOTTEVILLE ter of extreme urgency because of a of these people of all ages and both July sexes suffers from malnutrition.
As to whether this island of resolution recently passed at a Conference of Ministers of Religion in In the country districts for Tobago gave its name to the the island of Antigua. This resolution most part no baths or other sanitary smokers weled or whether to was communicated to your Lordship conveniences are provided. This bacco had its name taken for the ap.
we understand, and to myself by the plies universally to Estate villages island, authorities differ. What Dean of Antigua and reads as foland is largely true of other villages for all GAS is the ideal fuel ever the derivation, Tobago can lows: as well. The lack of proper latrine accommodation produces a condition grow tobacco: and of a quality Ministers of Religion in Antigua in the villages and their immediate equal to the finest from the toassembled in Conference to consider surroundings which is disgusting.
bacco belts.
critical condition of labouring classes request you to use every effort to As a consequence, diseases prevail The island soil is essentially a secure immediate, measures of relief which are preventable and curable BEING tobacco growing soil. Why not to help people of this small island Malarin, hookworm, and venereal dis.
tobacco as a staple or at least a from which emigration is rigidly re are sapping the energy and powerful subsidiary crop? Tostricted who are faced with starva efficiency of the population. On bago possesses no sugar indus.
tion resulting from collapse of sugar 63 of the Report of the Olivier comme industry accentuated by prolonged be very little it any supervision of the mission it is said: There appears try. Cocoa lies in the slough of drought. We are convinced that redespond. Coconuts have a gloomy by the lief of distress among labouring clas sanitary condition of Estates future. But tobacco keeps its local ses is alone possible by measuree local governments either through deficiency in public health laws or to steady level. Lets grow for local taken immediatly to preserve sugar auch consumption. What an opportwers of ing estates now in course of abandon medy as exist not being exercised.
powers inspection and reunity there is in Port of Spain In 1915 1916 a very thorough suralone. There are cigaretitle fact We are confident that the Min vey of the Leeward Islands was carories turning out a prodigious isters of Religion have passed this re ried out by the Rockefeller Institute and ALWAYS AVAILABLE quantity of cigarettes each day solution and communicated it to Eng as regards hookworm.
and made from imported foreign land because in their judgment the present condition of the Negro labwas proved beyond question tobacco ourers caused by the crisis in the that curable disease prevailed largeThere is one wealthy comsugar industry is rapidly developing among labourers. Definite recompany who could enquire with situation of serious urgeney.
mendations were made by the Institute for the cure and prevention of We wish therefore to present to profit into the tobacco growing this disease. But no campaign against ROPER Stoves possibilities of Tobago. It ap your Lordship the very unsatisfactit has been undertaken by ory condition of the Negro labourers Government. Besides the insanitary the Local pears that apart from crop raisand to point out that this unsatisfacing knowledge tobacco needs ory condition will be aggravated by labourers caused by conditions prevailing among Negro RODER are the best the skillful and masterly handling at the crisis in the Sugar Industry as prevalence of it exists at the present moment to the time of curing and maturing.
disease and by the dirt to use of the villagos the Olivier to such an extent as to be quite intoler. Report calls attention on page 56 to Tobago can produce leaves of able.
fine quality. Therefore with the the unsatisfacory condition of factWe know the condition of the Neobtain the full proper knowledge of sweating orien from the point of view of the and curing why not a leaf that gro labourers from personal experi health and safety of the workers emence. Our work is among them. We played in them. at the same time the benefit and would rank with that of Cuba?
are brought into intimate and close Report states, that there are many Unlike limes, cocoa or cocorelations with them. We go in and very cteditable exceptions.
nuts tobacco reaches maturity in out of their houses and have ample As regards certain other disabili economy of six months and an acre of judging the serious ties which press hardly upon the Neopportunity produces as much as 800lb. of undifficulties which press on them from gro Inbourers in the island of Antiall sides. We therefore respectfully cured leaves.
and earnestly request your Lordship fun at any rate, such as the lack of There severad to secure the consideration by His proper attention in illness, your Lordgrowers here who are desirous Majesty Government of the follow. ship attention is called to the meing representations concerning the Olivier Commission.
morandum presented by me to the of starting tobacco plots. Seeds of a good strain are essential as condition of the Negro labourers. Their wage is deplorably small. We have so far attempted to repthe process of elimination will The recent Sugar Commission, over resent to your Lordship the ungtishave to be adopted in finding the which Lord Olivier presided, eaking factory economic condition of most suitable type of tobacco of their wages as it existed before the Negro labourers as they prevailplant for Tobago soil. Let the the incidence of the present crisis ed before the present sugar crisis.
Department of Agriculture imstates on page 24 of the Report that We now feel obliged to emphasis the port tobacco seeds and retail wages are already hardly sufficient fact that these conditions will be to maintain more than a bare subsist made much worse unless somehing is them at a reasonable price. Could ence. On page 44 it is said: The done by His Majesty Government the Imperial College of Tropical general rate of wages is from 1s. 6d. to put the sugar industry on a basis Agriculture offer any assistto, 2s. Od. per day for men and 10d. to of permanent stability.
ance? Trinidad Guardian.
1s, 3d. for women. The wages are very We would first make our own the low.
Panama quotation from the 1897 Report AT YOUR SERVICE Colon PALAIS ROYAL In this connexion it is most im which is set out on page 25 of the FOR portant to remember that in Bar. Olvier Report: The black population SUITS purposes requiring Heat eases CHEAP CLEAN QUICK such ment, into can are likely GAS nombor CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ ཨང


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