
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, August 2, 1930 PAG. BOVEN CRENADA PER ODO OLO Barbados Arrival of Schemes for Colonial GOOD JOB PRINTING (Continued from Page transit to Brazil, and that he expected to be received at this port by a man named Pelissier. The clerk rightly refused him permission to land, and he returned back on board the Norejord now lying at anchor. Advocate.
OPO 10POE 10 DO ODO Herald Printing Plant Is Sold.
plays a very important part in the success of your business SEQUEL TO LIBEL ACTION (Continued from Page 2)
half as grant and half as loan. 2)
Under the Medical Department the following are asked. 51000 for anti Malaria Drainage, 1200 for visiting stations. 165 for an inicinerator and disinfectants. 2530 Improvements at the Colony Hospital; 1000 for an Ray and 500 por annum for an operator for a period of about years; 400 for Improvements to the St. Andrew Hosital; and 100 for a Dental Clinic. Under Education Dr. Brien has advised the erection of two Model Schools. As regards the constituency of Carriacou the Government reently received the report of the Commission lately sent to Carria cou and they are putting up schemes for Carriacou which will include a grant for a small stock farm and an area for experimental purposes in the cotton industry there and the improvement of the market. Major Peebles telegraphed to St. Vincent and secured the services of Mr. Simmons, who is experienced in cotton and is now in Carriacou on a temporary ap pointment. Personally. feel that very little can be done there without an agricultural instructor on the spot.
The printing plant of the Bar bados Herald has been sold to Mr. Spencer, solicitor, as agent, for 200.
This is the result of the libel action by Mr. Bayley against Mr. Wickham.
Editor of the now dejunct Herald. in which the plaintiff was awarded 1, 500 damages THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE Trinidad Workingmen Association (Continued from Page f) To avoid unnecessary litigation between employer and employes and all such matters to settled by arbitrations if possible. g) The doing of all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to attainment of the above objects.
Better Roads for Grenada We do only the BEST The Industrial East Indian at Reasonable PRICES at 8, 000 Pounds Grant from Development Fund THE WORKMAN PRINTERY The East Indian population of Trinidad and Tobago at the end of 1929 was estimated to be 130, 542. According to the Protector of Immigrants, Indians own nearly all of the smaller dairies in Trinidad and posses a great number of draft animals and carts which they use for agricultural, industrial and trade purposes. They particularise in and run approximately nine tenths of the motor buses through out the Colony, and are daily becoming more prominent in sporting life as owners of reahorse and as cricketers, footballers, pugilists, etc. The value of lands owned by East Indians in 1929 was 4, 864. 653. West Indian Committee Circular. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO Information has been received that the Imperial Treasury is prepared to make a free grant of 8, 000 under the Colonial Development Act towards the reconstruction of the western main road in Grenada Early in the year plans were drawn up by the Superintendent of Public Works for an extensive reconstruction of the road between St. George Gouyave and Sautuers. The complete scheme provides for a diversion of the road at Grand Mal and Battery Hill and for the conversion of the Mt. Rodney byeway into a main road.
Another important item is the bridging of the lagoon at Duquesne.
The entire scheme is estimated to cost about 37, 000 so that a large sum remains to be found by the Colony. large amount of this, however, will be spent locally and the importance of the scheme to the Colony cannot be over estimated. When the scheme is complete there will be a first class motoring road round the whole of the Western Coast.
It is understood that His Excellency the Acting Governor is considering ways and means of commencing the scheme as soon as possible The Greatest Thrill in the World RUBBER STAMPS 02 Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 OFFICE GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure, happiness than making someone else happy.
Is there?
When we present gift, we want it to be packed with all the Eentiment, affection and good its quality every time it is seen.
There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no wefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quickcen the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that retains its value. that arouses the admiration of all who see it?
Yes it fine jewelry such as we will be glad to show you if you will pay us a visit soon.


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