
JAKM UA PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BRITISH GUIANA TRINIDAD JAMAICA West Indian Colonies to Co The City Council Water Famine in operate in Canadian Conference the Electric Tramway Parish of St Elizabeth Resolution Adopted at Intercolonial Conference Held at Trinidad in in Exporting Syrup in Dr. Leo Pink (FROM THE DAILY ARGOSY)
a few Canadians who were on the Guava Jelly for lookout for business. They lost Canada no time in organising a company at Toronto; one of their num The Port of Spain City Coun cil recently discussed the cost of other spell of dry weather was According to the Gleaner anLARGE DEMAND FOR ber came on to Jamaica three or four months ago, and established sending a delegation to London being experienced in Southern PRESERVES trade connection with Messrs in connection with the difficulty Levien and Sherlock. Increase The Colonial Secretary of Bar coperation of the Colonies that has arisen over the Council St. Elizabeth, and that the poot Toronto Company Entertrade has been the result. few hados has, says the Port of parties to the Canada British desire to purchase the Electric suffering hardships in respect to er people around Myersville were prise.
months after the Toronto firn Spain Gazette, forwarded to the West Indies Bermuda British Tramway Franchise and the water for domestic purposes.
established direct connection press of the colony the following Guiana British Honduras Trade Lighting Plant of the concern, The demand for guava jelly solutions passed at a meeting Agreement, 1925, which are not and also in connection with the As far as can be gathered, the and other items of preserved with Jamaica, the order for gua va jelly alone totalled 1440 on the 28th June, the Interco represented at the Conference be suit brought by the Electric large storage tank contains fruits, etc, continues to increase tonial Conference held in Trini soight, and that the Canadian Company against dozen bottles of that particular the Govern: good suply, but a charge of Vd. Canada, says the Jamaica product; thus, one order sent to dadd to consider trade relations Government be approached with ment and the Corporation in re per kerosene tin makes it hard Mail of June 17. satisfactory Kingston and which was promptbetween Canada and the British a view to the holding of a Confer spect of an extension of its for the poorer people to obtain trade in these products is also ly filed amounted to 1, 680 one lb West Indies: ence in Canada at the earliest pog license.
water sille date for the purpose of jars of the preserved article. Whereas the principal indusThe City Council voted 12. So far as can he gathered the being conducted by Messrs. Le vien and Sherlock in the United establishing closer trade relations wells which have been sunk for There are other lines of pre 000 to defray the cost of the de try to the colonies, Coin non between the parties concerned.
serves that are being shipped to parties to the Canada British legation to London. Those who the Public Works Department Kingdom, and other countries. Be it Resolved that this Conare satisfactory but these the firm in Toronto.
have sailed on the mission are: were Canadian consumers have disWest Indies Bermuda British covered a ference is of opinion that steps Hon: Cipriani, Mayor: Al erected in connection with a choice preparation It is gratying to learn that in Cuiana British Honduras Trade Agreement, 1925, is threatened should be taken by the Governderman Gaston Johnson, KC scheme for irrigation, though, if known as stuffed mangoes but order to cope with the increased ment of the various colonies repwith extinction and Dr. Prada, E, Town the necessity should arise, demands for their products, the when it comes to guava jelly, it Ind Whereas the extinction resented hereat to ensure the erk. Mr. Hannays ac Pater could be made available for can be stated that as a result of Messrs. Levien and Sherlock companies the delegation as domestic consumption.
increased orders that have come of the said industry not only will establishment of a Trade Comhaye come to the conclusion that calise intense suffering to the missioner Service in Canada as Junior Counsel.
Mr. Martin Cooper. As.
from the Dominion, Messrs. Le their manufacturing plant must majority of the inhabitants of early as possible and in no case Tloljets of the delegation Sistant Director of Public Work be enlarged. Eight months ago vien and Sherlock output the said colonies, but also wil later than the date of the concluincude the obtaining of legal ad. has gone down to St Elizabeth additional pieces of machinery this product is close upon six tons were sion of any new Trade Agreereduce enormously their pur.
vise in London in connection on a tur of inspection, and will each month. Last year at the Toinstalled at the factory chasing power ment with Canada and that the with the preparation of the Port. no And Whereas the present Governments of the colonies of Spain Corporation defence in nents which are being made in doubt look over the experi ronto Exhibition the Kingston along Port Royal street. Further additions have been renderthe Canada British firm made a display of its choice Agreement furnishes no guar parties to the action filed by the Trinidad connection with this matter.
ed imperative products. Among those who were antee of the cotninuance everf of West Indies Bermudas. British Tetric Co. Ltd. and to obtain (Continued on Page 7) impressed with the exhibit were the existing benefits enjoyed Guiana British Honduras Trade information about the conduct of Agreement, 1925, not representODO ODO thereunder by the said colorfies 100 electric lighting and tramways And Whereas a considerable ed at this Conference be invited undertakings by Municipal Cor: Barrels and increasing volume of im to co operate in this matter.
porations in England.
ports into the said Colonies has The question of representation SUGGESTION FROM been and is being diverted from a: the Canadian National ExhiCanada to foreign countries in bition, Toronto, was discussed Death Sleep of Surgeon Dentist CANADA spite of the existence of the and the representatives of the Colonies of Bermudas, St. Vin Two Children Agreement; The following letter has been cent and Trinidad and Tobago 123 Central Avenue Panama City.
And Whereas this Confer.
reseived by Mr. Hohenence, after a careful examination announced that their GovernFATHER MIDNIGHT kerk from Mr. James Finlayson, Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Canada :of the trade between Canada and ments had agreed separately to RACE WITH DEATH June 17, 1930 the Colonieg aforesaid, is satis participate.
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works fied not only that the intentions In addition of the forgoing reThe mysterious death of two Hohenkerk, Esq.
Georgetown, of the said Agreement could be solutions, the Conference made infants. Abraham years and made more effective, but that its detailed recommendations for the Elizabeth Joseph, the former Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Dear Friend, had just begun scope might be extended to the confidential consideration of the within a few hour after the lat this letter to you when receivbenefit of all parties thereto; Governments of all Colonies (Continued on Page 1)
ed a paper from you. It stopped ODO OLIO ODOODOOD10 Be it Resolved that this con parties to the Canada West Infrom writing any further ference recommends that the dies Agreement.
OPcB0505050. There are so many new items until had enjoyed its contents that interest me. The principal article that interested me most was the Sugar Industry and how to increase the sale of it and he profitable to the owners of the estates and of most benefit to the Island INCORPORATED 1869 labour. One thing thought of that was not mentioned in their Sterling Granted for Head Office: Montreal, Canada great meeting reported. That was, could a business not be Colonial Development made in manufacturing the sugar into syrup and shipping it out in The Vincentian of recent date go by before the produce can be PANAMA COLON barrels to be used in sweetening put on the market and account Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets preserved fruits and canned We understand that good news sales rendered.
fruits, etc. as well as for the has been received by cable an OPTIMISTIC large aerated water factories and nouncing that the Imperial Gov.
The scheme on the whole ar dozens of other uses that it could ernment will help this Colony to pears sound, and we cannot help Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 be put to if the syrups could be the extent of 33, 000 from the being optimistic. There is in the produced so much cheaper than Colnial Development Fund. This business world to day on every the other sweetening aggregate is to be composed of side that one may turn a growing chemicals that are used.
a grant of 3, 000 and a loan of tendency towards such coopera 30, 000 to be without interest for With 900 Branches throughout the world, including tive action. Fusion, centralisa (Spd. TAMES FINLAYSON the first five years.
tion, combination, cooperation the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Real Estate, Timber Lands, etc.
It is without doubt a tidy lit and concentration are now the 465 Commercial Street tle sum of money to lay at the watoh words of the commercial is in a position to render the best possible service.
Astoria, Oregon, djgposal of a Colony like St. Vin world, and they seem to be the Canada cent, but it is sorely needed, for only open gesame by whose mys.
Antigua Dominica there is much to be undertaken tic power abundant entrance to Montserrat New Doctor here for the purpose of giving a financial success is secured.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts stimulus to trade and of acceler If then we must succeed, we Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia ating the movements of the eco too must mention them, we too MR. BACCHUS nomic vehicle.
must follow this tide in the afBritish Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique QUALIFIES The purpose for which this fairs of men. We must be symGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
money has been obtained, we pathetic towards the pooling of Meharry, understand, is to help towards idea.
inaterialisation of the idea of There is no policy in our comMr. Percival, Lawrence pooling the arrowroot produced peting against ourselves. It is Bacchus, an Old Boy of Queen in this island. In the first place too much like civil war, and it HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST so was competitor for the Guiana suitable premises for a factory stands irrevocably uttered for the United States of Amer are to be obtained; secondly. every house divided against itPAID ON DEPOSITS ica some years ago and who al machinery for grading and other self shall not stand.
so was compatitor for the Guiana ritirposes is to be installed. and SEFE GUARDING THE SMALL Scholarship prior to leaving thirdly, silicient money must be MAN General Banking Business Transacted.
Queen College graduated as an on hand to advance for a year But the saefty of the of Meharry Medical College small crop inasmuch as some time will (Continued on Page 7)
00 100 Nashville, The gradua0 101 (Continue on Paro 3)
20 me ST. VINCENT Government to Assist British The Royal Bank of Canada 33, 000 Pounds TO says: OL 00 DET

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