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THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 PAGE THREE INTERESTING JOTTINGS BRITISH ARCHBISHOP AGAINST DEATH PENALTY Considers Capital Punishment is not Specially Effective as Deterrent don know a were For the Extra Strain. FORT DUNLOP ty (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
NEURALGINA Friends Countrymen: Wonders stage. Both of the girls who were my never cease. The other night went right and left support were humorsomewhere and while there, became a ous. Both found enough time beShould be in every office to immedjately soothe any youngman again, was the principal tween swallows to shove out a perioatttraction among the girls, every. dical bit of witty sayings. Maybe, neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
one of them giving me a smile, some they were trying to choke me; but broad, others suppressed. But those they didn succeed. was cautious of NEURALGINA who suppressed theirs did so on ac that, and so chuckled heartily, docount of jealousy. You know, if you ing so at the right moments. These substract jealousy from a Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches LONDON, July The Arch the behaviour of the community woman, two seemed to have been conversing you will have only the portion of a bishop of York declared himself as a whole is so largely imitative, with each other across me with their woman left, and believe me friends, eyes. Women, you know, can and reduce the fever of children against the continuance of the rather than argumentative, that conon that night there were present only verse with their eyes. death penalty in evidence yester the effect of the State taking life whole women. To tell you of how if you know this, but do, for someNEURALGINA day before the House Comº tends to lower the general conthings were, two of these girls made times, some of them make me feel up their minds that they must sit foolish just by putting those eyes on mons Select Committee on Capception of the sanctity of life.
beside me, one on either side. Nei me. However, one Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart ital Punishment presided over gave You think if the State were to me a nice lit.
ther of them were in these positions tle one like this, sotto voce, Mr.
by the Rev. James Barr. The abolish the death penalty on ae nt first; but in some mysterious way, Hunter, right now, you are a rose be.
Committee sat an hour earlier count of the sanctity of life, that and without my being ablt to see tween two thorns. laughed For sale both Wholesale and Retail than usual so that Dr. Temple would immediately begin to have any movements, found myself in much uch that there was no time left for might attend.
the midst of them, one on either side.
a farreaching influence? think Then, on observing the position me to counter with a humorous reply. Dissenting from the view that it would begin, suppose some So did the other girl on my left. day AT THE occupied, and on being refreshed by or afterwards, told a fellow when punishment was regulated venge murders would then be committhe fragrance of the perfumes which thought was my friend about this, ance, the Archbishop said that, ed which other wise would not accompanied them, said a fervent AMERICAN PHARMACY and he crudely replied, think she from the specifically Christian lave been committed, but Ithink prayer, Lord, let me die here!
made a mistake, she should have point of view, vengeance was enI was in earnest. The thought of old the general effect would be in said, a thorn between two roses.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor losing the unique complacency of a tirely illegittimate. Society had a Merey! thought could have made a the other direction, and believe position indescribably alluring was punching bag out of him; but he was duty to the whole body of us it would reduce the number of revolting to me.
No other position a little fellow, so opened my vocal Panama.
citizens, including the offender. murders, rather than otherwise.
would to me have been so satisfactory, on him and let it go at that. Out of The infliction of death or out It would be in the interest of for many a time, felt that Was going into a trance from which did mouth speaketh, so saw then and the abundance of the heart the lawry would be perhaps justifi the community, if not. af iustice, not desire should wake. The posi there that he was jealous like a able for a man who was wholly the Archbishop declared that re tion beggars description. What litevil, but no person was ever so.
woman of my preferred inheritan ports of murder cases should be tle of the King english happen to and that was the reason why The Chairman: You hold no restricted in the same way as know is insufficient to enable me to torted as he did.
body is beyond the hope of re reports of divorce cases.
adequately described the feeling had formation. That is exactly my that night, seated between those two Mr. Ramsbothman asked Dr.
girls. And after all, should not give All in all, everyone of these girl point.
Temple whether it was not the a full description, because would anxious for my comfor: When you rule out vengeance, one time when was chewing th case that the murderer had posbe givin away without permission something entrusted to me which rag one of them called out from th you are thinking of the words sibly ended the victims life sudshould regard as a privilged posses: other end of the table. Mr. Hunter. Vengeance is mine, will re: denly, whereas the murderer afsion, and believe me, so regard it. suggest that you look after yourselt right now. meaning that pay? And of the whole spirit of tewards had time to pepare for should pitch in to the eats. obeyed the Sermon on the Mount. He death. But to add loveliness to beauty, added that he considered that straightway and said to myself, The Archbishop replied that there was plenty of eats. am not capital punishment was not speciwhen one thought of accident it greaer interest than this hath in the least ashamed to say that ally effective as a deterrent.
woman, that she tells a man to look was quite impossible to feel that love my belly, and nothing pleased after himself. After all, when a fel me better than the presence of those Whatever value there was in the eternal life depended upon the eats. The other men there were low earns something, he gets it with not cleath penalty was counterbal. Continued on page 6)
vengeance. They brought me jealous of my popularity, at least, dishes of ice cream as a wash down: anced by the example of the they did not show it. For instance, State itself taking life.
but failed to find enough space BRITISH GUIANA one of them occupied a seat near to contain both, so regretfully pushme on the straight side of the table.
The chairman: What would you od one aside, though did not He very kindly placed a loaded plateful reply to the argument that the to give it a last look on going through New Doctor in front of me when was busy en the door. After everything was over, life taken by the murderer was tertaining the girls with humorous sacred, and that the sanctity of sayings. When ceased for a time, one of them (Oh! these girls are so very nice) handed a neat little new Dunlop with an even (Continued from Page 2)
life was still further emphasized saw this providance and fell into it with head down. The first time package and a beautiful bunch of greater reserve of strength than by the community taking the life tion ceremony took place on May fragant lillies sayin, please take raised the head was when there was of the murder. The effect of 22 with the famous Dunlop Tyre of great impressiveness these for the Mrs. acknowledged nothing left in the plate that could wicked bow, and beat the State so respecting life as to several degrees having been conStandard Construction, which take out. The girls on both sides of receipt with it to my camp fast as could. refuse to take it would undoubt. ferred by Mr. John Mullowme watched the movements of my you know so well. This new hands, and daresay my mouth; but couldn do it too fast you know, on edly be greater than the effect ney, President of Meharry account of the weight of the belly, but member of the Dunlop family it was not because they desired any of its so condemning murder as Medical College.
of mine. They had theirs, and Oh boy! and woke up the Mrs saying reached my destination anyhow, has been introduced to meet par to take the life of the murderer. After passing the State Board there is another thing you must must be ticularly hard service conditions The reaction of the individual to Examination it is expected that quite willing to trust a woman with, please take of the hospitality of the It is the choice of the car owne Dr. Bacchug will set up practise that is the ability to chose the girls. Eat ye of this package, smell plate with the right size, especially if ye of these fragant flowers to you The Greatest Thrill in the States, and may in due it contains something enticing.
heart content. tumbled into the and involves his tyres in more course secure an English diploma hay thereafter. fell asleep and in the World before revising his native land. It than ordinary strains And so we went on from stage to dreamt that was eating Ice Cream!
is is reported that the new doctor has had a very brilliant carer as a medical student and has won great popularity in the musical world. Dr. Bacchus was organist Dr. Bacchus was organist of St.
Thomas Church in this city up to time he left the colony his The famous Dunlop organ tutor having been Mr.
At the standing conference of retary of State, who referred it to Tyre of Standard Stop and analyze it. there W. Nusum, Organist of the Cathe British West Indies which the special committee of EducaConstruction is, of nothing in life that gives more thedral of St. George, Georgewas held in Barbados in January, tion in London which deals with COUNG, still available pure happiness than making town.
1929, a resolution was brought overseas educational problem.
someone else happy.
forward by the Hon. Nash, COPY SENT HERE DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD. Is there?
GUIANESE SUCCESS IN one of the delegates from JamaiAt the same time the Secretary ca to the conference, in favour of When we present a gift, we AB, London herowo the British West Indies which of State forwarded copies of the want it to be packed with all the was held in Barbados in Jan report of the governments of all entiment, affection and good Dr. Joseph Appointment tiary, 1929, a its quality every time it is seen.
resolution was the colonies concerned and Jabrought forward by the Hon. maica copy was received by There a multitude of things News has been received to the Nash, one of the delegates the government here about ten that will serve, but they lack in from Jamaica to the conference, day ago, and is now being consome respect. They wear out effect that Dr. Harry Joseph in favour of the establishment of sidered by them.
quickly; outlive their usefulness; son of Mr. Joseph and a West Indian University It is very likely that the reor have no usefulness at all, is a native of Buxton East Coast there ANY THING that will has been selected among 50 other The resolution was favourably port will be presented for disconsidered by the conference and cussion at the coming session of quicken the recipient heart graduates of his class in the beat. that will tell her more School of Medicine in Howard Sir James Currie, the Legislative Council. formerly Principal of the The report is couched in very For Sale at all Leading Garages eloquently than you could that University for an internship of you wish her well. that speaks Freedmen Hospital, Washing Gordon University of Khartoum general terms, and only deals tor which is controlled by who was visiting in Barbados at with the preliminary steps that ESCOFFERY that never wears out. that retains its value. that arouses the Federal Government of the the time, and was asked to at would have to be taken to put the tend the conference spoke strong proposal into practical shape.
Wholesale Distributor the admiration of all who see it?
Yes it fine jewelry such as Dr. Joseph is said to be the ly in favour of it.
We understand however that it Sir James Currie and Mr. suggests the visit of an educa port and the Colonies opinions we will be glad to show you if first Guianese to have merited The Jamaican delegation to the selection as a result of this Sedgwick, Secretary of tion expert to the different colcompetitive examination.
on it to the West Indian Confer the last conference were the Hon. you will pay us a visit soon.
the conference were asked to onies to enquire into their gen ence which is due to meet in Nash and the Hon.
FULLER draft a report setting out the eral standard of education. In 1932.
Sangster. Jamaica Gleaner)
122 Central Avenue NEW BARRISTER preliminary steps that would general the trend of the report in have to be taken by the govern favour of the proposal with the Mr. Stoby Called ments of the different colonies to proviso however that it would be Phone 453 put the scheme on a practical a very expensive scheme to carDRY CLEANING News was recently received is basis for further, consideration ry out.
PANAMA the colony to the effect that Mr.
and decision.
STEAM PRESSING After being considered by the 15 STREET Kenneth Stoby, son of Mr.
They consented to draw up this Legislatures of the different Stoby, Secretary of the DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA report and it has now been com colonies the next step will in all Building Society, who was pleted and forwarded to the Seco probability be to submit the restudent at Lincoln Inn. has been called to the Bar.
See the coloured who habitually uses bad roada medallion on the side wall 2 Proposed University for the West Indies Homes onde se trong TROTT The Cleaner a
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