
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 THE WORKMAN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P. Bux 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 SIX MONTHS.
ONE MONTH. 20 The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 WEEPING WILL NOT SAVE ALEXIS PEREIRA a monument. We should accept the invitation and con ship and thereby disturbed us white folks we intend to sider the motion. One or more schools erected and be penalize and punish them.
queathed to our generations, present and to come. for What would the Jews, Italians or any other group in we are a prolific people) in which they can be introduced this country do under such circumstances? Would they to civilization will be the most fitting monument to erect stand by their manly leaders and run chances of losing in perpetuation of West Indian memory. It is our duty needed institutions donated and supported by the doto pave life rugged pathway for the children whom we miant group? Or would they repudiate such manly leadhave made to become inhabitants of this planet which, if ers in order to retain institutions designed for the dewe persist in failing to do, we will be guilty of default in velopment of the qualities of true manhood?
the performance of our natural duty. And it certainly The Negro will have to answer sooner or later. Each is unnatural for any people to wilfully and heedlessly year he accumulates more wealth, more knowledge, fail to take such care of, or show such attention to the more culture, more social vision and greater group soliproper education of their progeny as is rightfully and darity. He is not content to spend all of his days in reasonably expected of them.
slums and forever act the role of the mendicant bawling Let West Indians lay down their foundation and for alms and satisfied with scraps from the table. He build upon it the structure that will perpetuate their must and will expand in all directions, and in doing so memories to generations yet unborn!
he is compelled to invade white territory and disturb white institutions. Shall he discourage his WHAT IS THE ANSWER? courageous pioneers for the sake of showers, swimming pools, billiard tables and gymnasiums or shall he Writing editorially under the above caption, the beware of Greeks bearing gifts, supply these recreation Pittsburg Courier of the 2nd inst. says: al facilities himself and stand behind his leaders who When wealthy white people who give financial suprightly should set an example of manliness to the masport to the Young Men Christian Association, oust a ses below them?
Negro secretary and two Negro directors merely because of residence in a white section, it is high time for Negroes to begin formulating an answer to the challenge. This has happened in White Plains, where two Negro doctors purchased homes in a white district and the Negro secretary went to live with one HIGH CLASS GROCERIES of them. The doctors were directors of the local Negro 87 supported by whites and have been ousted from the 87 CENTRAL AVENUEboard; the secretary will be ousted shortly. White people PLENTY OF PARKING SPACEwill continue to financially support the Negro admit ting that it is needed (they have barred Negroes from announces the opening of his up to date new grocery the white store. Telephone orders receive special attention and What has happened in White Plains could happen alare delivered immediately to any part of the city, Exmost anywhere under the Stars and Stripes. Christianposition Grounds, Bella Vista, Ancon and Balboa.
ity as practiced by most of our white friends in this EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES country has nothing whatever to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Indeed, He would doubtless be arrested LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN as a Communist and alien if he attempted to preach and practice His gospel in the United States today.
Price of every article plainly marked Well, what are Negroes to do when groups of white CLEANLINESS. SERVICE. COURTESY philantrophists attempt to penalize and punish those Negroes of prominence who have the courage to be man Open All Day Until P.
ly and exercise their constitutional right to live where and how they please? Recreational centers are un Saturdays Until P.
questionably needed in our urban centers and we rightly welcome any help in getting them. Most of us are even Sundays Until Noon.
willing to shut our eyes to segregation to compromise with what is obviously jim crowism when devested of its ALEXIS PEREIRA elaborate camouflage, for the purpose of bettering our communal lot; but what should be our answer when the 87 Central Avenue 87 white people who make these institutions possible say TELEPHONE 2180 Panama in effect: We are giving you this institution for the training and development of your young men in the qualities of manliness and leadership so necessary to the progress of any group but whenever any of your people New Silver City attempt to exercise the qualities of manliness and leader. St Mary Guild (Contiued from Page 1)
Continued from Page 1)
nent monuments to the Panama doing what they can. We see Dr. Fairweather West Indian Employees them seizing every opportunity, Canal Bunday after sunday, to speak a Association, for it was obtained PHYSICIAN word in the name of the Most through their efforts. We High to the little children of told, and we verily believe, that HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Silver City, something unfor a petition signed by three huntunately, that some of their dred sixty five silver employees Po. K STREET mothers have never remembler forwarded Governor PANAMA CITY ed to do, to say nothing about Burgess shortly after he assumthe fathers, the majority of ed the governorship of the Ca.
whom act as though there be no nal Zone, and after due delibeGod, and that religion is of no rations, he found it possible to import to mankind.
grant the request for a CommisIt is a matter for great thank sary at Silver City, and it is not fulness that our women are not saying too much if it is said that FOR THE BEST IN all pagan that there are some every silver employee who is who know the difference be able to see that Commissary. HARDWARE. tween females and women and and who knows the reason for the difference between child its existence and few do not)
bearers and mothers some who should need no other thing to try always, amidst the scoffs urge them to support such an or of every description and jeers of their compatriots ganization by actual membership to do what they can to bring to the fullest extent. The ComVISIT THE up the children in the nurture missary is a permanent fixture, and admonition of the Lord, and and we hope that it will become it is my prayer that He to whom a permanent neminder to the silthese good women have devoted ver employees who use it that their lives may give them grace they should at least, associate to continue the work they have themselves with a so well blegun, and continue them that was capable to obtain such steadfastly in the task they have a result to its representations.
a fine Selection of set themselves, that as they, and each of them shall have passed ed on the pathway marked out ARTIZAN TOOLS to their reward, those whom they for them!
teach may follow on in the foot May God bless the women of prints so distinctively emblazon St. Mary Guild!
ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN PAINTS ENAMELS By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON Give us a call before purchasing PATIENCE elsewhere Patient men have great possibilities. They are potential.
Crowds start out in the beginning of enterprise and projects, but as time goes on and difficulties arise, the PANAMA HARDWARE ranks grow thinner and thinner until there are but a handful in line at the finish. With patience, one is able to CATHEDRAL PLAZA keep plugging away when others grow weary he is able to keep up the fight day after day and year after year.
With patience a man is well armored.
The words of our caption are as true to day as they were when Ira Sankey was inspired to express and sing them. They state a fact. They were also true before Sankey day and time, for in ancient biblical history it is recorded that two women had an only brother who died.
They were grieved to the extent that they wept bitterly; but that did not restore their brother to them. The man Jaguo had to speak the word, and that caused Lazarus to come forth. Again, it is written that there was weeping in the little village of Nain over the death of the widow son; but weeping did not restore to her that son. And old Jairus indulged in weeping, for his daughter had also died; but neither in his case did weeping do the saving.
We are not sermonizing, if you please, but all these things were written for our edification, and taking them as well founded precedents, and applying their lessons on a basis of similitude to present day circumstances, should help to convert us to the error of our ways.
In last week editorial we did a lot of weeping. We indulged in lamentations for the absence of a monument to ourselves in this place. Indeed, we imagined the feelings of the ancient Jeremiah when he bewailed the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans. Jerusalem was five times captured and twice destroyed, and in neither case was it either restored or rebuilt by weeping, lamentations, or anything of the sort. Weeping therefore, is merely a natural and outward expression of grief. It is not a restorer of someone or something lost. In other words, it is not a saviour.
When one is il, a cure for the illness is not only prescribed, but actually applied by the physician, whether it be by medicine or surgery, or other appliance of medicinal or scientific value. Something is applied at any rate, to off set development of the cause of illness, and millions of mortals have been restored to health and life by this method of restoration.
As with physical life, so with social, moral, industrial, and intellectual life. We say now as we have said before, that we have permitted ourselves to suffer a monumental death in these parts. We must be restored to life in that connection, and the thing to do is to find a restorer.
It is said that it is never too late to mend. We do not believe that this is absolutely true, for which reason we prefer to rely on this other that, it is better late than never. We therefore recommend, late as it be, the application of the best restorer of which we have heard to date, viz: THE WEST INDIAN FOUNDATION, as enunciated by the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association. The proposition is so logical that it is bound to appeal. Since there never was a structure, it follows that the laying of a foundation must be a primary necessity. No foundation, no structure. The permaVnence of every structure depends upon its foundations, and we think this West Indian Foundation the best proposition that has ever been announced, so far as West Indians are concerned.
We are somewhat unwilling to use the word best in connecilun with West Indian propositions for the reason that this word has been so often misused in the past. every time some Flapper celebrates her birth day twice within the saine year, and thereby brings together a congregation of other flappers with their gabbers to induige in nocturnal and boisterous mirth, the newspapers carry big headlines next morning that the best function of all time came off last night. Or if some unfortunate man made the world better by cashing out, and he happened to have been a member of eleven lodges, being financial in none, and because the sound of a drum aroused the curiosity of the idle populace, and he was accompanied by a multitude of uninvited and unsympathetic followers to his last resting place, the word best is again used in describing this unsightly mob which disturbed the peace and quiet of the community in their march to the Cemetery.
But when we say best in connection with the West Indian Foundation, we mean to say it is the most excellent and desirable proposition, enunciated in the most suitable manner, and capable to the utmost of the most favorable results. All will admit that a monument is necessary with which to perpetuate our memory. We have been invited to lay a Foundation for the erection of such, are was ito TODOPODO 100101 TODO Panama Hardware movement Homely Philosophy O01 TO01 ODO


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