
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 PAGE FTVI Cecilia Theatre To Murrow Sunday Monday Tuesday AUG. 11th AUG. 12th AUG. 10th FANNIE ERICE IN. BE YOURSELF. An All Talking, All Singing Picture with action all the time THE LAUGH HIT OF THE YEAR Joos LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department for LA MASCOTA August Chapter 186 of the, Panama Wesleyan ETIQUETTE Society When should a girl wear her engagement ring in public for the first time?
Sunday, 3rd inst. was the day The monthly Constcration Sel apart for the conmemora When a man turns to walk meeting of the Panama Wesley with a woman, should he continue to Lion of the Honorable Marcus an Society was convened on smoke his cigar?
Garvey, tamous Negro Leader of Wednesday night last in Geddes te and and Should one always leave someHall, when the President, the thing on one plate when through In keeping therewith a very im Rev. Wright, occupied the eating dinner?
portant and interesting meeting Chair for the evening.
was held under the auspicies of. When should dinner invitations Following is the programme be issued. the Garvey Club Inc. at their hall arranged by Miss Dawkins, No. 25th Street Guachapali. What usually determines the Secretary of the devotional de most becoming color of a woman In the very Latest Designs The message of the evening de partment of the Society and dress?
livered a local ojficer of the Divi which was contributed to by ser When travelling on a train what sion was Africans at home are eral members of the Society: things should one be careful to avoid. ALSO calling for the Honorable Marcus Hymn am thine Lord What instruments are sufficient Garvey.
Prayer Miss Dawkins for a dance orchestra. Sscripture Reading Acts (9)
The meeting was presided over 8, Miss Brownie How are jellies eaten?
By Secretary Greely who acted in What is really required to be Reading of Minutes Miss yourself?
the capacity of Chairman of the Dawkins evening and opened the pro 10. When one engagement is an Vocal Solo Miss Scarlett nounced, is it good form to give gramme with the Hymn From Reading Miss Bethune photographs to magazines and newsGreenland Icy Mountains.
Paper The Apostle Paul Mrs.
LEST YOU FORGET papers Chaplain Jeffers took charge Stevens 11. Should people in mourning use of the religious part of the pro Hymn 583 for a closer black bodered stationery?
gramme, taking his text from the walk 12. If a guest breaks a glass, what 10th Chapter of Romans and deRoll Call. Miss Stevens should he do livered an inspiring address for The Pledge When one attends a musicale or IS UP TO. DATE AS USUAL the occasion.
Hymn 601.
other performance and cannot stay until the conclusion of the program The literary section of the pro Closing Remarks and Mizpah.
what should he do?
gramme was preceded by the 14. What is the birth stone Hymn God of the right our bat: Dorcas Society to Hold tle fight, after which, the Pre15. What does the French Boeuf 12 a la mode mean MULLER Prop sident General message from Variety Entertainment 16. What is the most popular mathe last issue of the Negro terial for a wedding dress?
37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 World was read.
17. How should com on the cob The Dorcas Society, an auxibe eaten when corn holders are not At this point, Secretary Greely liary of the Isthmian League of provided?
read a very important article British West Indians will give a 18. What is more valuable to from South Africa stating that grand Variety concert in Geddes host, hostess, or guest than a ready a meeting is to be held there on Hall tonight.
the 26th inst. by the Answers Native select programme has been On the day of the announcement.
Chiefs to lay plans to get the arranged by the Committee in No; he should throw it away.
Hon. Marcus Garvey into Africa charge, to which several well No; one should eat as much or as litOther speakers of the evening known artists of Panama will tle as he likes. One or two weeks were, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. contribute to same which is interin advance. The color of her hair. Claiming more service and Finn and Mr. Dunn. They all spered with elecutionary and attention than entitled to, and spread spoke in glowing terms of the ef orehestral items.
ing Inggage all over the aisle for a forts which is being made by the good time is in store for passerby to trip over. piano and Africans and asked the members those who make it possible to at two stringed instruments. With to renew their pledge to the or tend.
the spoon. Courage and sincerity; that is all. 10. it is now considered ganization.
correct, but one must never do 80 The meeting was brought to a unless specially requested. 11. It AT THE close with the singing of the PALAIS ROYAL shows poor taste unless the border is Hymn Africa awake and the FOR very narrow. 12. word of sincere Benediction. special invitation INTERWOVEN HOSE regret is all that is necessary. 18.
is extended to well wishers and He should sit as near to the door as possible because it is discourteous friends to be present at the next to the performers to leave before the meeting which will take place Fruit and Vegetable conclusion of their offering. 14. Sar.
at their Hall on Sunday next.
donyx, or periodot. 16 Bee simmered Dealers to be in an herb sauce. 18. White satin has CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE usual time. The Catechists Court Paradise No.
EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER will officiate.
long been the favorite material. 17.
process of time, be elevated to Licensed It is taken up with the fingers and TRINITY Mulcare, 9292 to Open the senior court.
held tightly at each end. 18. An over Priest in charge Juvenile Branch At the inauguration tomorrow, cable despatch from WashSt. Peter By The Sea, WESLEYAN METHODIST 35 juniors will be presented to ington received here yesterday Panama 11 a. Mr. Henry Tomorrow afternoon, Court the Lodge by the Secretary, Ar afternoon states that under the Harewood 30 Rev. Paradise No. 9292 will inaugur rangements for a special pro Perishable Agricultural CommoThe Rector. Wright.
HAS REMOVED TO ate a Juvenile Branch of Fores gramme have been made, and dities Act, signed by President Matins, Holy Eucharist and Sar Colon 11 a. Mr. Moodie try at the Corinthian Hall in members of sister courts. are Hoover on June 10 and effective 29 HSTREET mon, 10. 45, a. The 30 Rev.
scheduled to give addresses.
the Calidonia District.
on December 10, 1930, all dealers The function promises to be in fresh fruits and vegetables Rector.
Panama City Cousins.
Church School, 3, La Boca 11 a. Rev.
The idea originated from Mr. one of a very unique nature and must have licenses to operate.
will bear watching Classes in English Choral Evening and Sermon, 30, Wright 30 Mr. Grant, Secretary of Although it is not incumbent os The Rector Walters New Providence 11 the Court, who thinks it is the Department of Agriculture to BY DAY AND BY NIGHT St. Bartholomews, Las Cascadas a. Rev. Consins.
notify the individual dealers, apquite necessary to have a juveSt. Simon s, Gamboa PALAIS ROYAL Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Hilton Air nille branch of this Court where plication forms are being sent Dr. BARTON, FOR out by the administrators of the Matins, Address, Church School, all 30 Mr. Henry juniors could be instructed in PRINCIPAL act.
Confirmation Class, at the Harewood SUITS the workings of the order and in RUBBER STAMPS and eyes.
Private Academy Holy Communion, 30, a.


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