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ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1930 Alleged Vorest of Congressman ers and widows. It is a sad merilec Liberian Women Want France Honors Her it of was man to how American 115. 120 Cathie.
110 one. 132 HORSE RACING port the colored mothJuan Franco Resumes After tion upon the government when (Continued from Page Continued from Page Continued from page 1) they permit this situation to (Continued trom page 1) bearing the standard, a crescent colored Gold Star mothers and exist, particularly when some of strong opposition from their mounted on a golden ball, from Week Spell revolting Imperial outposts, Haiti, the Philippines and other widows going abroad to visit the steamship lines have bor matjes. In some cases, it was said, which hung a flowing tassel na the graves of their sons and hus rowed many millions of dollars husbands threatened to put them white horse hair. The crowd After a one week spell the tives of Africa favor a wider bands in France was not only dis from the federal government at out of their homes should they cheered wildly, the bearer carry Juan Franco race track will open modicum of self rule, and are criminatory but disgraceful. He the present time. feel that the Fear a Mandate ing his standard high and giving up again tomorrow afternoon, not disposed to sit quiescently also said that there was no quesThat Liberian citizens fear that government violates the spirit of no sign of emotion.
with the usual excitement and and wait for it, but to finally ex tion of discrimination when the the constitution when it per American government might take Behind him came row upon enthusiasm customary at the haust every means to recover sons and husbands of these same mits discrimination, as it has in over the affairs of the Liberian row of Colored warriors, in flowold pony track of a Sunday af their lost independence.
women were transported across this case.
republic indicated ingrobes of blue and white, ternoon.
to enter the front line trenches.
Negro World Banned in the leading address made at bright red and gold, on spirited The program arranged by the congress The War Depart The South Boston has ad the women meeting by Miss horses, prancing to the music that further said even tomorrow management for not insignificant feature of vanced any number of reasons or But the most stirring sight wag races consists of seven events all the movement is a pevading race would consider a calamity. yet to come; it was the spectable with a full complement of entries, consciouness instilled by Garvey excuses as to why thụey segre: though the War Department Irene Gant. This, every citizens It was reported recently that of forty of the leading Algerian and should prove a most inter propaganda which, it seems, is gate Gold Star mothers and wi statǝd that all groups were in a conversation with Presidunt chiefs in color, brown, black, or esting card as the handicap of rapidly gaining ground through dows, yet they deny that they receive similar accommodations, the colored Gold Star mothers King, Henry Carter, white, Amer sunburnt white patriarchal fig have segregated them, but such the horses makes it very difficult out Africa, despite the strict reare forced to go across on a an argument falls on deaf eary ican charge affairs at Monures, dressed in silk turbans, rich to pick a winner.
gulations banning the Negro The latest reason advanced by freighter passenger ship. He also rovia, had intimated that the ly decorated flowing robes, red During the week recess the World (a newspaper published the War Department, which said that he does not see government might boots and jeweled decorations.
management has added another in New York) from certain stecmeans the present Republican any red blooded colored man take such a step in view of con All werte mounted on white Ara.
stall barrier, and race fans will tions of the Continent. Every efadministration, is that certain could ever vote for any Repub ditions likely to be indicated by bian horses, each horse with the have the pleasure of seeing the fort to nip the movement in the steamship lines would not trans: lican candidatte.
the international commission richest trappings imaginable, horses start from the boxes at the seven furlong post.
pirations of th neatives is being To Invite Marcus Garvey among those figuring in the report on June 10, however, the stepping as if conscious of its Most of the entries in the vari made by those in authority, in In the efforts to secure every movement are some of the Chiefs United States denied that thyere beauty, ous events are horses well known cluding, it is alleged, President possible assistance in the move among the rebel tribes in Cyre had been any change of policy as At this novel spectacle, which looked more like some splendid to followers of the track and King of Liberia who, with officialment, seven influential African naica who, in May last, defeated to Liberia.
Mr. Carter Explains need no boosting as the attach of the government has been link Chiefs, it is understood, have rea force of 25, 000 Italian troops.
picture, or some magnificent In a statement to the Secretary scene from the movies, an excla.
ed program will show: ed by Thomas Faulkner with tained the services of prominent of whom 900 were killed includthe reported slave trade in Afri legal men to draft a petition to ing 250 officers, and several hun of state, Mr. Carter is reported mation of admiration burst from as explaining the mandate matter the assembled millions along the ca. The situation has reached President King praying that Mar dred wounded. In addition, the 1st Race Furlongs such grave proportions, however, cus Garvey be addmitted into rebels captured an important by reffering to an interview be line. Many in the hope of getting Blaneo. Danny OMar. 110 as to preclude resident authori Liberia to fan the growing sentis booty of 534 rifles, 30 machine had with Sir Ramsey McDonald, another glimpse of the chiefs, Bright Night tative counteraction, or the event ment caused through his propa guns, 250 mules and 50 camels British Premier, and Sir Samuel dashed through side streets to len Wilson while on a recent visit in counter the parade on parts of Scorpion 116 of mobilization preceding a clash, ganda, into the ultimate flame loaded with provisions and amLondon, in which they intimated the line ahead.
to utterly repel Imperialist of African nationhood.
munition, and shot down that some of the greater powers In Good Time. 112 forces.
The rest of the day was given It may be mentioned tha: aeroplane. Pereque. 126 would finally be forced to take over to amusement. All the govFELFELLESFILAR over Liberia. In calling this to ernment theatres, including the the attention of President King grand opera, were thrown open 2nd Race Furlongs Trigo. 130 ind the State Department free for the day. Traffic was susZapo. 112 the charge affairs argued that pended, and people danced in the Huerfano.
he was acting in the interest of streets and on the sidewalks, as Intimo. 104 the United States government is the custom. Wine and chamHot Water. 100 and that if taken over by any pagne flowed freely; street fakRamona. 105 Mayara. 104. AT: power, it should be this one.
ors walked around amusing the Mr. Carter has been recalled crowds. All along the river were Botte 3rd Race Furlongs and Mr. Hall appointed, ad in fireworks display, while over Don Simon.
head buzzed squadrons of air2Cococha. 128 Palo Loco. 108 planes.
FIGHT POSTPONED Even the jazz musicians, which May. 112 El Major. 105 Continued from Page 1)
have been having a hard time Sibarita II. 107 Lombardo one of his sparring talkies, had their day, although since the introduction of the Moti Mahal. 110 Goconda. 112 partners, collided with a peppy it is to be noticed that for the left jab to the mouth which the first time dozens of cafes had 4th Race Furlongs doctor states renders him unfit Tunney. a huge loud speaker which fur105 tomorrow bout, hence the nished canned jazz from some Socia.
postponement. Honey Dew.
broadcasting station.
Porn Threatened Exodus forced to use the laundry tubs in Excuse Me. 140 the kitchens! Stationary tubs, once a gaudy catchline in adver5th Race Furlongs (Continued from page 1) tising apartments, have seen Pauline. 112 Marcells. 120 FEATURE EVENT: the tenants being forced to use many uses and it is not hard to the one toilet on a floor. In see how the agents saw fit to LA Dalla. 118 Contest.
Alondra, Kitty Gill; Otelo, Resolute, some houses where there are tell tenants that they were also Maria Luisa four apartments on the floor, this useful for personal bathing.
Ritle conditions not only creates an The trend to Harlem is to Tapagne. 106 inconvenience, but is an unsani smaller apartments. Three room tary arrangement. Of course, apartments having the call over 6th Race Furlongs Resolute.
110 each apartment has a key to the fours, fives and sixes. The per Alondra.
POST TIME 215 toilet for its floor; but this does son who has to take a large apart SLA Chiquilla. 100 not prevent the spread of disease. ment is pitied, because of the Kitty Giu. 114 This is especially true in sec enormous rents they have to pay.
Dunrol tions of San Juan Hill, in West Otelo.
116 The one room kitchenette af59th Street, and Eighth fair is not entirely a failure, but 7th Race Furlongs.
avenue, and along the East Side. the person who rents one room, 7th Race Furlongs PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Some landlards sessing the value can take two, and if they take Intimo.
of sanitary conveniences for the two, they want three, but no Ramona tenants, have installed toilets in more. The oneroom affairs are Trigo. WEIGHTS the apartments, sacrificing the usually taken by bachelors of 4Mayara. DECLARED Zapo. AFTER amount of room, yet supplying a both sexes who desire the ut Hot Water. 2ND RACE crying need for tenants.
most privacy obtainable in Others have been blind to the private residence where the rento advancement of the race and be and conveniences are not PALAIS ROYAL lieve that the original arrange desirable as in a one room apartment is satisfactory, even in the ment. So alarmed over the situaFOR face of the many vacancies their tion have the landlords become, HART. Manager houses have.
they are seeking remedies for the SUITS For bathing, some tenants are situation.
FLESTERHEBAT. 120 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow, Sunday Aug. 10 145 112 114. 185 Attrctive is Races 110. 114. 180 La Chiquilla, Dunroi, 185. 100 General Admission. 50c.
on Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB AS
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